S2: 10: Big mess

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"What should we do now?" Yeona asked Areum.

Areum looked around while pulling out her sword.

"You distract it, I'll try saving Seohyun" she turned to her. They both looked at each other, reassuring each other.

"HEYYYYY, OVER HERE YOU PUNK" Yeona started screaming to the monster.

The monster took the bait and focused its two eyes on her. Stealthily, Areum sneaks to the left side of the monster. Yeona keeps running around, further from Areum.

The monster tries to catch Yeona but somehow she managed to dodge and escape the vein easily. The monster was frustrated and roared again at her. Both Areum and Yeona were startled.

Though, they continue to carry out the plan. Seohyun who was dangling all the time looked sick. She glanced to her side and saw Areum waving at her. She pulled herself together and tried to understand what Areum was showing with her hands.

Areum gave up and decides to execute the plan. She move closer to the vein that was holding Seohyun's ankle. With a deep breath, she lifted the sword and cut the vein with all her might.

The monster shrieked in pain meanwhile Seohyun groan as she fall to the ground.

"That hurts" she murmured while rubbing her bum

Areum quickly pulled her up and drag her to run. Seohyun who was still dizzy had a hard time catching up with the pace.

"Yeona let's go!" Areum shouted while still running with Seohyun.

Yeona joins them in an instant, all of them head for the dark entrance which they come from earlier. It was getting nearer and nearer.

All of sudden, the ground grumbled underneath them. A large, thick vein appeared from underground at the entrance. They stopped running immediately. The large vein moves swiftly towards them. They quickly change their route.

"Where should we go now?!" Areum asked

The whole place was covered with veins. It's like they're trapped in a cage of veins. Before any of them could suggest a plan, Areum started screaming. A vein managed to wrap around her waist and pulled her.

Yeona and Seohyun stopped running and quickly pulled Areum. Seohyun tried to peel off the vein from her waist while Yeona hold onto Areum from being pulled away.

Yeona couldn't hold any longer. She slips and fell on top of Seohyun while Areum is immediately being pulled by the monster. They both groan in pain.

"Guysss, help!" Areum shouted as the monster's eyes surveyed her.

The vein monster gave an eerie grin before opening its mouth and bring Areum closer to it. Areum tried to free herself but it was in vain. The vein was wrapped tightly around her waist.

Panic, Yeona and Seohyun run towards the vein monster and stab its vein to make it angry. It was fruitful. The monster instantly forgot about its meal and focused on the two humans running around stabbing its veins.

In a swift, they both get caught by the monster. The veins once again held them by the waist. The swords were thrown away by the other veins, leaving them defenceless.

All three of them exchange looks as they silently understood what will come next.

"...guys, I'm really sorry for bringing you guys here. It was a stupid idea" Seohyun apologized as she stared at the monster.

"Don't worry, I'll kill you again when we're ghosts" Yeona replied with a devilish smile

Seohyun looked at her terrified and look at Areum who was behind her. She also gave the same smile and a murderous vibe. A shiver went down her spine.

All of a sudden, the vein that was holding Areum moved towards the monster's mouth. Seohyun and Yeona struggled again in the vein. Areum also tried to get out of the grip.

"Areum!!" They shouted in unison.

As they were struggling around, Seohyun felt a sharp pain from the waist. She instantly remembered something. She tried her best to shove her left hand into the veins that wrapped tightly around her waist. She tried to wiggle a bit, to give some space for her hand to move.

She touched something. The item she's been searching for. She pulled the dagger out. She stared at it. Then she quickly tries to aim at the vein Monster.

She threw the dagger. It cuts the left eye of the vein monster. It shrieked loudly. Areum closed her ears. It lost grip of Yeona and Areum and they were thrown away. Seohyun couldn't see what happened to them as it brings her closer.

"Don't you dare eat her first. I'm tasty, eat me first" Seohyun said while stuck out her tongue.

With anger in its eyes, he brought Seohyun closer and growled at her face. At the speed of light, the monster opens its mouth wide and get ready to throw Seohyun into its mouth. Seohyun closed her eyes to embrace the consequences.

Suddenly, she felt as though gravity was pulling her down and she landed on something. She opens her eyes to reveal a stern-looking familiar face.

"Oh, hey chan..." she said in a scared tone with an awkward smile.

Chan didn't smile or said anything as he gently puts her down. He turns his attention towards the veined beast, shrieking once again as its other vein who was holding Seohyun, cut off.

Seohyun looked for Areum and Yeona as both of them were behind Minho and Hyunjin. They were shielding them from the veins that had gone on a rampage.

"We've fought these things before but never this size" Minho said as he swiftly slice through another vein.

"Heh, come here monster, lemme kill you in an instant, you lil-" Changbin challenged it while walking in front of it, thus Chan quickly pulled him away before anything bad happens.

"Hey, hey, lemme rip it apa-"

"No, no we need a plan first" Chan replied as he pulls him back.

The monster screech loudly while moving its veins around, trying to hit its prey. They had to dodge the veins coming from all sides. All of a sudden, another loud hissed coming from behind them.

The monster stop screeching. They turned their attention towards the eyes in the dark forest, watching them. The figure leaps out from the woods and runs straight for the monster.

"Eh...Speedy??" Seohyun said out loud.

Speedy bites the monster on its head and drag it away into the deeper parts of the forest. Quickly, everything became quiet. All of them looked at each other as the silence horrified them. Then, a loud screech abrupts their peace and soon fades away slowly.

They exchange glances again. Speedy walkout from the forest and quickly runs towards the three girls.

Startled by the spider's action the four princes make a barrier between them and the girls which led the spider to stop and whimper.

"Ah, wait, he's not dangerous, he's a friend," Seohyun said as she moved around them. The other two girls nodded in agreement as they asked them to put down their swords.

They looked at them in curiosity and disbelief. Speedy who was sitting while whimpering quickly stands up when Seohyun got closer. She pats him as she thanked him for saving them.

"Speedy asked, are you guys alright?" Seohyun said on behalf of him

The spider's eight eyes turned to look at them with curiosity. They all looked confused.

"...yes we are...Thank you very much...umm...Mr Speedy" Chan replied and bowed sightly to it. The rest of the princes joined him to show their gratitude.

In response, Speedy bowed too to the princes. Chan took this chance and pat it slightly. Speedy purred happily.

"Now, let's head home," Chan said in a stern voice as he turns away from the spider cat.

"We have matters to discuss" He glared at Seohyun.

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