S5: 2: Missing

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The battle continued for almost a week now. Minho leads the majority of the fights. Yeona and the medical team are busy helping the wounded soldiers and civilians. Even though she doesn't have any knowledge of medical stuff still, she has some basic knowledge of first aid. She tried her best to assist the doctors there.

The knights of GreyLeeKnow should be exhausted by now. They fought nonstop, from dawn till dusk without enough sleep and food. Sometimes they are ambushed in the night. Fortunately, Christark and the Cat Kingdom came to their aid with supplies and more troops. Other kingdoms also sent help, though it took time.

"We still don't know who is launching these attacks. The leader has remained anonymous, Your Highness," one of the knights reported to Minho in a tent.

"If we can't capture the leader, who knows how long the battle will last? Their troops keep coming like they don't need to rest or eat," Minho rubbed his temple.

"Your Highness, the troops from Minnister, Seortell and Hanratheon are nearby," another knight reported.

"Good. Send out knights there to escort them," Minho ordered

"Yes, Your Highness," the knight replied and left the tent.

The tent grew quiet as Minho stared at the map on the table. He was figuring out a strategy to stall the battle while waiting for the spies to find out the identity of the leader.

This invasion is not something he used to see. The leader is unknown and after investigating their army, they're not from any kingdoms or empires.

"Any news on Prince Christopher Chan's whereabouts?" Minho asked one of the knights.

"Yes, he is recovering fast. He will be joining us as quickly as he can," the knight reported.

Minho knew about the glasshouse incident. His glasshouse also blew up while they were discussing their next attack. Though, Minho and Yeona didn't have the time to think about it. Luckily no one was injured. The Queen had already evacuated with Dr. Park to Hanratheon shortly after the invasion started.

As the tent remained quiet with a few soldiers rushing in and out, some were discussing other strategies, Minho was preoccupied with another thought lingering in his head. He wonders if his father has finally left GreyLeeKnow. He sighed just thinking about it.

"Prince Minho, may we talk?" A knight with heavy armour stood in front of him closely.

"Ah... Yes, what is it," startled he stepped back, giving space between them.

The knight was covered from head to toe which made Minho suspicious. Anyone who enters the tent needs to remove their great helm or in other words, their helmet to make their identity known.

"We finally meet again," the knight chuckled.

Minho instinctively holds his sheath while eyeing the person in front of him.

"Ah, ah~ let's not make a mess here, shall we? I'm not a big fan of violence," the knight warned, noticing Minho's reaction.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Minho asked, still not moving from his position.

The knight moved closer to him. In a hushed voice, he replied,

"I'm just a person who wants to end this bloodbath,"


The sound of metal scrapes on the floor echoed through the old empty hall. Each step sounds more dreadful than before. Minho walked in front with his body tensed. He could feel the light pressure on his back as the knight behind him kept pushing him to walk. He tried to remain composed even though he knew a weapon was being pressed against his torso.

They were back in the castle walls. It was more mundane than before. Maybe the reeks of blood from the capitals and non-stop heart-wrenched screaming slowly corroded what was left of hope for this castle.

Minho was forced to follow this unknown man's orders as he walked into the unknown. The small dagger behind him was hidden by the body of the knight, so none had suspected anything.

"Why are you doing this? Did your boss send you to kill me?" Minho inquired while glancing back.

The knight remained silent as they walked down the path.

"Come on answer me!" Minho became impatient. Even though he's in captivity, he remains cold to his captivator.

The knight stopped walking. Minho hadn't realized they arrived in front of an old door. Some white patches of paint remained while some withered away. He never knew this room existed before.

The knight slowly turns the doorknob. It opened with a loud creak as if the rusty hinges wouldn't want the door to open. The smell of a musty room invaded Minho's nostrils. The room was pitch black.

"I do not wish to kill you, my friend," he finally said.

"I simply want to torture you," he pushed Minho into the abyss of darkness. He soon went in and closed the door behind him without worrying if anyone had noticed them.


"Yeona!" A voice called.

Yeona who was mending an injured civilian turned her attention to one of the knights who were in charge of her safety.

"Yes, what's wrong, Doha?" Yeona asked as she finished patching up the patient.

She washed her blood-stained hands with water before drying it off with a small towel she had carried.

"Prince....Prince Minho is missing...he's gone!" Doha said anxiously.

"What? He's not in his tent? Did any knight see him?" She asked, her heart dropped. Doha shook his head.

Yeona started to feel restless at the thought. She finally realized that the commotion she had been hearing was the knights running around looking for Minho. She was too preoccupied with helping the injured civilian she hadn't noticed this had happened.

Then, they received sudden news. The battle had stopped all of a sudden. The enemy retreated immediately in the middle of a fight. This confused the soldiers because the enemy had the upper hand.

This news alone made Yeona grow more anxious. She had a bad feeling. Somehow, she could feel something was terribly wrong.

She quickly packed her things and decided to go search for Minho as well, however, her movement stopped when she saw a foreign object in her bag. It was a letter. The letter was sent by a person called y.

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