S2: 2: Strawberry crepe

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"That was Lady Eunji, Prince Christopher Chan's ex-fiancee if you were wondering, Miss Seohyun" Hyun breaks the silence.

"Ex fiancee?" Seohyun asked

She turned her attention to Hyun. She had to look up at him as he was taller than her. Hyun nodded.

"Prince Christopher Chan and Lady Eunji had known each other since birth. They were engaged when Prince Christopher Chan turned 13. A couple of months ago, Prince Christopher Chan decides to break off their engagement" Hyun replied.

"Well, at first she accepted it pretty well but for the past few weeks she's been... clingy..." Hyun said

"Well, maybe it's because of those nasty rumours running around ever since the engagement was broke off" Hyun continued.

Hyun shook his head and continue mumbling about the rumours. Seohyun who was listening to the whole time, remained silent. She finally understands why Lady Eunji acted that way.

'It must be hard to keep a big smile when you know people are talking bad about you' Seohyun thought in her head.

"It's better to stay out of their way then" Seohyun mumbled to herself.


"Ah the capital, such a lively place to be!" Lady Eunji exclaimed happily.

"Lady Eunji, we're not here for sightseei-" Chan was cut off by her gasped.

"That stall has the best crepe! Can you get me one, Channie, for all time sake! And please drop the formality, it's not like we've met 5 minutes ago." Lady Eunji said and looked at Chan with puppy eyes.

Chan scratched the back of his neck and smiled. He nods and leaves Seohyun and Lady Eunji together. This made Seohyun a bit uncomfortable.

It has been two days after their little quarrel that night, ever since then, Lady Eunji hasn't left Chan's side. This made them difficult to do some research together.

Though, they decided to do some investigating in the capital. The capital consists of a large number of people who come and go daily. There would be probably any information of Seohyun's parallel whereabouts.

"So, is strawberry crepe the highlight food here?" Seohyun started a small talk after a couple of minutes of awkwardness.

Lady Eunji turned to her with excitement in her eyes.

"Of course! It's one of the best I've tasted at all Christark!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Seohyun instinctively smiled at her excitement.

"Just so you know, I have tasted a lot of delicacies all over Christark and I can ensure you that stall has the best crepe ever" Lady Eunji whispered to Seohyun as if she was hiding the fact she is a foodie.

Seohyun chuckled a little. She felt the awkwardness and tense atmosphere was slowly melting away.

"I see, I should go and try it later. Please let me know if there's any good food to try here" Seohyun replied, grinning at Lady Eunji enthusiast.

Lady Eunji's smile grew as she nods.

"There's a lot of great restaurant and stalls he-.... Wait why am I talking to you?" Lady Eunji's voice changed immediately into a cold tone.

Lady Eunji quickly turned away. Her face turns bright red as she tried to scoff at her embarrassment. Seohyun was taken aback a little but laughed, seeing Lady Eunji's red face.

"If you want to know more, please acquire from magazines or maids and butlers in the castle. They'll know what to recommend" Lady Eunji's voice wavers a little, still not looking at Seohyun.

"Noted. Thank you for the suggestion" Seohyun replied in a teasing tone.

Lady Eunji replied with a huffed. They both remained quiet. Each has their train of thoughts running around their mind. Seohyun was still thinking about how to find her parallel self in this massive crowd. Meanwhile, Lady Eunji was regaining her composure.

Suddenly, she remembered something. She turned to Seohyun who was thinking deeply. Seohyun saw Lady Eunji's stare in the corner of her eyes. She looked at Lady Eunji with a questioning look.

"You remind of someone..." Lady Eunji started

Seohyun remained silent, letting her continue.

"Oh, yes! You do look similar to him! Very similar! No wonder I felt like I have met you somewhere before" Lady Eunji exclaimed.

"Who? Can I know the name?" Seohyun asked eagerly.

She was confused when Lady Eunji said 'him' but right now she could use any clues given.

"Channie and I had known him for years, his name is-"

"Both of you seemed to be close" Chan interrupted.

Both of them look at Chan who was behind them. Chan was holding two strawberry crepes in one hand and a chocolate crepe in the other. Lady Eunji's turned her attention towards Chan.

"Channie you're back!" Lady Eunji exclaimed happily.

Chan laughed a little at her childish behaviour. He hands her the strawberry crepe. Then, he changed his attention towards Seohyun who was watching the scene.

He gestured for her to choose between strawberry or chocolate. Seohyun was startled a bit, knowing he bought her one. She became flustered a little. She pointed at the strawberry crepe. Chan handed her the strawberry crepe.

Seohyun took a bite of the mouth-watering crepe. She gasped as the crepe is delicious. She shifted her gaze towards Lady Eunji. Lady Eunji was giving the 'I told you' look. Seohyun chuckled and took another bite.

"Channie can we go to the boutique over there after this?" Lady Eunji asked cutely.

Chan scratches the back of his neck and smiles awkwardly. Lady Eunji kept trying to persuade Chan to go to the boutique.

"Prince Christopher should go with Lady Eunji. I can go to the library on my own. I know my way here" Seohyun said with a reassuring smile.

"Miss Seohyun said she'll be fine. Do not be worry" Lady Eunji said enthusiastically.

Chan gave a guilty look to Seohyun. Seohyun just smiles at him happily. She watched them walking over to the boutique and entering it. She sighed a little and looked around the crowded place.

"Where to start looking?" She mumbled

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