S1: 8: The journal

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"The reason I brought you here is that I have the journal you've been searching for" King Soonie continued.

Yeona perked up at the statement.

"Really?" She asked happily

"I had kept it in my possession for some time, afraid it might be stolen. This is my friend's journal after all" King Soonie explained

Yeona looked at him, curious a little.

"As a cat, a magical cat..." King Soonie joked a little.

"I live long enough to meet Park Junseo. He, Hangyeol and I went through a lot of adventures, meeting the three big kingdoms, Christark, Seortell and Hanratheon, and unite them together"

"When I heard from my cats, there was a magicless human here, I went out and saw you at Prince Minho's castle. I was relieved when I saw you with him" King Soonie continued

"What do you mean by being relieved?" Yeona asked

King Soonie smiled bitterly.

"Well, there's a secret within the castle. A dangerous secret" King Soonie said with his cat eyes showed seriousness.


"No... I swear that's not Yeona either." Seohyun said as she examined the cat Chan was holding.

"How about this cat?" Hyunjin picked up another cat.

Seohyun facepalmed.

"Hyunjin, Yeona is a grey Birman. That's a chocolate Ragdoll" Seohyun replied.

The cat meowed as if it was agreeing to Seohyun. Hyunjin gave a confused look. He stared at the cat.

"But it looks like a beerman!!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"No, it's not. This is a Birman and the one you holding is a Ragdoll" Minho replied while showing a Birman as an example.

Hyunjin looked even confused. He stared at the cat again. The cat meows.

"How do you guys can tell which is which?? Nevermind don't tell me. I'll be over there" Hyunjin said as he puts down the cat.

The cat runs away. Hyunjin headed where Areum was standing. She was watching them searching for Yeona within those litter of cats. Their voices and the cats' meows clashes together creating a noisy atmosphere.

"I still don't understand how they can tell what species those cats are. They all look the same. If it was dogs, it would be easier" Hyunjin mutters as he crouched down.

Areum crouches down beside him. They both watch the three figuring out which one is Yeona.

"Why can't Minho just call Yeona? He understands cats" Areum asked.

Hyunjin shook his head.

"The cats also made a rule where he can't do that. Also, the cats have put her under a spell to behave just like a real cat" Hyunjin replied.

Areum nodded. She sighed. They were hundreds of Birman cats in front of them. It would take forever to find her.

Suddenly a white cat, catwalks towards them. The cat starts meows at them for attention. Hyunjin pats it while smiling.

"I bet this one is..,.....a cat" Hyunjin gave up on thinking what type of cat it was.

"At least your kinda cute," He said and pats it even more. The cat starts to purr.

"Righ- Areum?" He looks at Areum worriedly

Areum was standing far from them. She stared at the cat, with a terrified look. Hyunjin glanced back at the cat and glanced at Areum again. He finally understood the situation.

"Alright, that's all patting you'll get from the prince of Targahyun. Go back to your litter" Hyunjin said and stop patting it.

The satisfied cat seemed to understand and walked back to the others. Hyunjin stand up and headed for Areum. She was breathing hard. When the cat was far away, she finally relaxed.

"So...what do you think dinner would be?" Hyunjin asked as he gets closer.

Areum shrugged.

"Wait...If we get there in time for dinner or I'll guess we have to eat sushi here" Hyunjin said, glancing at Areum once in a while.

Areum smiled a little.

"Sushi sounds good too. I bet these cats have lots of delicious fishes" She glanced at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin who was staring at her the whole time to see her reaction, startled when she looks back. They both quickly turned away. Hyunjin puts his hands in his pockets while Areum was scratching the back of her head.

Suddenly, he felt something in his pocket. He pulled it out. A bar of chocolate he kept this morning to eat at the library secretly.

"I heard chocolates can calm people down. Here take some. Not all just some" He offered the bar.

Areum stared at it and glanced at Hyunjin who was looking the other way. She happily takes it and said thank you. She breaks the bar into two. She gave Hyunjin his half. They both eat silently the chocolate, enjoying its taste.

"Wait for a second... That's Yeona!" Seohyun screamed as she points at the Grey Birman walking side by side with an orange striped cat.

The Birman was pulling a bag bigger than its size. Areum and Hyunjin ran towards them as they watched the cat. The cats who were crowding the place, make way for these two cats, creating a path for them.

The cats started to bow when they walk through the path. They stopped in front of them. The strip cat appears again.

"Meow," it said.

Then, suddenly a gust of wind starts circling the Grey Birman until it cannot be seen. Minho and Chan who was in front had to shield themselves from the dust and wind.

When the wind disappeared, a person can be seen standing there. Yeona. She was looking at herself. She couldn't believe she became a human again. When Seohyun and Areum saw her, they quickly screamed Yeona's name and hug her.

The rest of the boys watch them rejoice happily. Minho turned his attention towards the orange cat.

"Meow," he said and bowed a little.

The cat replied and bowed too which took Minho off guard.

"And I have great news!" Yeona exclaimed.

Yeona pulled out a book from the bag. The journal. The two girls screamed again, not believing what they saw. The boys went closer to see what the fuss was all about.

They were shocked to the journal they've been searching for is in Yeona's hands. Yeona opened the journal. They all stared at the first page of the book.

"What does it says?" Areum asked

"I don't know" Yeon replied

"This journal belongs to Park Junseo. A human from another parallel dimension" Seohyun read aloud.

The tao of them stared at her. Seohyun looked back at them, curious as to why they stared at her.

"What?" She asked

"You can read this?" Areum asked

"Yeah... I mean the handwriting is messy but it still can be read" She said

Hyunjin picked up the book and stared at it. Minho and Chan joined him. Hyunjin puts down the book and gave a very judging look.

"You guys can't read that?" She asked

They shook their heads.

"Well I guess we know who is going to read this whole journal," Yeona said.

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