S4: 9: Healing flower

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"We'll find the Healing flower. I promise," Chan said as he clutched Seohyun's hand. He watched her breathing hard as sweat formed on her forehead.  Her body shivers as she twists and turns her body a bit.

Seojun didn't lie about it. She was probably in serious pain. Chan hugged the book he used to call a joke, closely with his other hand. He feels as if he can feel the pain too.

"Are you sure we don't have to come?" Areum asked while softly touching his shoulder.

"No. Speedy already knows the way. It will be quick," he reassured as he turned to look at her. He holds her hands in reassurance.

He looked at Yeona with another reassuring smile. Yeona who still couldn't cover her worries, try to smile back. Minho gently pats her shoulder, reassuring her too. This had made her burst into tears. She immediately cried into Minho's arm.

"Be back safe," Areum who was holding her best to not cry, gave a quick smile to Chan.

She then turned around and hide in Hyunjin's embrace. Chan could hear their muffled cries. He gripped the book tightly.

"I'll get going," he said as he walked out to the door. He stopped and turned around to look at Seohyun one last time.

"I won't fail," he mumbled like he was talking to her.

He walked down the corridor, breathing heavily as he still couldn't wrap his mind around the situation. He snapped out of his thoughts and started running. He doesn't have time to figure out everything. The more time passed, the more she was in pain and... she might-.

Chan shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts of the possibilities. When he arrived at the back entrance, Speedy was there waiting for him but he wasn't alone. Changbin was there too, petting him.

"What are you doing here?" Chan asked defensively.

"You're not going alone are you?" Changbin asked while still petting Speedy. Chan remained quiet.

"Then, I'm going with you. I can't let another friend of mine get hurt," Changbin sighed while smiling at him.

Chan grinned back at him. Changbin hoisted himself on Speedy before extending his hand to Chan. Gladly, he accepted the invitation.


Chan stared at the book in his hand. The strong wind from the fast movement made it hard for him to read anything inside. All he could read was the cover.

'Behind the dark: Dark Forest hidden secrets'

The book he once likes, once hated, will it save the person he loves? He remembered his father said everything written inside was a joke. He never believed him at first but once it has been said more than once, he comes to believe it.

He leaves his memory lane when Changbin called him to get down. As he realized they had stopped, Changbin had already gotten off first.

"Is it around here?" Chan instinctively asked, knowing the spider couldn't even talk to him.

He get off of Speedy and thanked him.

"Go straight ahead and you won't miss it. Please be careful of the monsters around here," A voice that sounded like a teenager's voice said.

Chan turned to see Speedy looking at him with his eight eyes. It frightened him for a moment to see all of it staring at him.

"Save her," Speedy said before turning away and heading to a large oak tree.

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