S4: 7: Confrontation

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Seohyun came running through the corridors. The whole castle was awfully quiet. The guards at the main entrance were asleep as well as the ones in the castles. She could feel the presence of the sleeping cursed here.

Before she could turn into a corner, where Chan's office was, she halted at the sight of a pool of red liquid. She didn't want to overthink the situation. Surely, Seojun was dangerous but he couldn't possibly kill anyone.

Slowly, Seohyun walked closer to the corner. She held her breath as she saw two guards lying lifelessly on the floor. She was definitely wrong. Seojun is capable of doing that. He used to be a soldier, didn't he? Killing must be something normal for him.

Seohyun snapped out of her trance when she heard something big fall in the office. She quietly said sorry to the dead guards while lifting her dress. She quickly walk passed them and opened the door.

The whole room was a mess. The couch was somehow pushed towards the wall in an unorganised way. There were shards of glasses on the floor, presumably from a broken glass table that used to be in the middle of the room.

She saw Chan who was standing up with a sword in his hand and Seojun standing opposite of him, smirking with his sword bloodied. Seohyun widen her eyes and immediately examined Chan for any injuries. Luckily he didn't have any major injuries.

The two men turned their attention towards the girl staring at them. Seojun let out a sigh as he laughed at the sight of her while Chan gave a worried look when he saw the stained blood on her lower dress.

"You already broke the curse? You are quite determined to save your lover boy," he remarked sharply.

"You leave her out of this, Han Seojun," Chan spits out while Seojun glanced at him.

"Oh, you should be worried about yourself. She's not my target," Seojun glared at him.

As they both were ready to strike each other. Seohyun shouted at the top of her lungs for them to stop. At a slow pace, she walked in between them.

"You know so damn well, this won't give you the closure you needed, Seojun," Seohyun said as she stared at him.

"I won't protect or try to defend him," Seohyun started as she glanced a bit at Chan who looked down with guilt.

"What he did was wrong. I won't invalidate what you felt all those years but this is not the answer, Seojun. Killing, hurting...Violence is just not the answer," she softly said with a pleading gaze.

"You think you can stop me with your mere 'talk'," he mocked as he laughs once again.

"I'm not as gullible as that Eunji girl," Seojun said without thinking while Chan and Seohyun watched him with curiosity clouded them. Chan's face darkens. Seojun's expression changed when he finally realized what he had said.

"What? How did you know about Eunji?" Seohyun asked in disbelief.

Seojun sighed as Chan marched forward in anger, pushing Seohyun aside. However, Seohyun managed to grab his arm from moving any further. His jaw clenched tight.

"Were you the one who gave her the spell to curse them?" He questioned Seojun.

Seojun looked unfazed. The room grew silent, waiting for the answer.

"No," he replied with an innocent but mocking smile.

"Stop lying!" Chan shouted. He tried to free himself from Seohyun's tight grip.

"Hypocrite," Seojun spits out bitterly at him.

"You've been lying for all of your life. Keep lying about your disgusting act of being the perfect prince, keep lying about the things you did to me. Heck even keeps denying that you didn't kill my men. YOUR men!" Seojun aggressively shouted back at him.

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