S2: 4: Confession

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"That was really nice of you" A familiar voiced said from behind.

Seohyun turned around to see Chan while holding the bouquet of white lilies she bought earlier. She stares at the flowers. Her face scrunched. A familiar feeling crept inside her but she doesn't know what was it. It felt like Deja Vu.

"I took it so it wouldn't get stolen" he nervously said after seeing her eyeing the flowers.

Seohyun snapped out from her thoughts and quickly looked at the nervous Chan.

"Ah, I was admiring how beautiful the flowers are" She replied to cover up her actions.

She laughed nervously too. Chan gave her flowers as they continue to walk without any destination in their head.

"Where's Lady Eunji?" Seohyun asked after she didn't see or heard Lady Eunji since earlier.

"I've sent her back to the castle after her stress shopping" he replied, his tone was a little bit sad.

"Stress shopping?" Seohyun asked

Chan looked at her, his eyes showed he was in pain.

"She has a habit of buying things when she's stressed out..." Chan's voice was low, his eyes wander on the ground.

They both remained silent. Chan was in his thoughts.

"She's actually a nice girl... A great foodie too" Seohyun complimented, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

Chan chuckled a little. He smiles a little and glances at Seohyun.

"Yeah, she is. I've known her since we were little. She always has a big appetite..." He smiled wider

"She's a nice person too... I'm... the reason she became the person she is right now... She's stressed out because of me" His voice turned sullen again.

Seohyun remained silent again. This is the first time she saw Chan being sad. He always has good composure. Always know how to act and react. He must be keeping this guilt for a long time.

"You must already know what happened between us. You must think I'm a jerk...Well... I am a jerk." Chan continued his voice cracks. Seohyun tightens her grip on the bouquet.

Seohyun realized they were at a more quiet place. They were not many people walking around. One or two passersby. She saw an empty park nearby. She pulled Chan by the sleeve, towards a large tree.

They sat down on the grass. Seohyun leans on the tree while looking up the tree's massive leaves that were providing shade.

"I didn't say anything though. I don't want to judge anyone for anything... especially after listening to one side", she said, glancing at him once in a while.

Chan still had his head hung low. Seohyun became silent, letting Chan talk whenever he wants or just let him thinks.

"Seeing her today, seeing how uptight she was whenever people were whispering or looking our way, made me realized what a bad person I am... A bad friend" he mumbled but still could be heard.

"I know about the rumours, I tried to fix it but people just want the juicy bad rumours rather than the truth" he continued

"She must be broken listening to people bad mouthing about her and yet I got away with it... I was the one who broke off our engagement but why was she's the one who had to pay for it?" His voice started to crack.

Seohyun turned to look at him. A tear had slipped out and fallen to the ground. Seohyun's clenched her hands into a fist.

"I broke off the engagement because I can't imagine marrying someone at a young age... I haven't achieved a lot of things yet and I had always thought of Eunji as a little sister..." He laughed sadly.

"I hurt her... I hurt her Seohyun... Because of my greedy needs" He started to cries

Seohyun widens her eyes. Instinctively, she hugs his trembling body. Chan cried onto her shoulders. Seohyun pats him gently as he lets out the pain he had been keeping.

After a while, they let go of each other. Chan wipes his tears and laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry I had suddenly acted that way" his voice still trembles.

"Done be sorry. You're a human too, Chan" Seohyun said softly.

"You don't need to be sorry for expressing yourself. Sometimes it's better to let go than hold on" she continued.

"And Chan, you're not a jerk or greedy. You were choosing your life and you did your best to stop the rumours. It's not your fault" she pats him gently.

Chan stared at Seohyun. His eyes were red and puffy. Seohyun gave a soft smile, reassuring him. Chan looks away.

"Can I have...another hug?" He asked timidly

Seohyun was surprised but she nodded. They embrace each other.

"Thank you" Chan whispered. Seohyun nodded again.

They stayed at the park a bit longer. The soft breeze blew gently, accompany them talking. They were talking about each other's life, mostly Chan telling her about his childhood and his friends from other kingdoms. People could hear them laughing from afar.

Time passes, as the day started to get darker, dark clouds covering the sky, they decided to leave and head back to the castle. They walked together while talking happily.

Suddenly, Seohyun stopped walking and talking. Her face fell as she was staring in front. Chan noticed her sudden change of behaviour and look in the direction she was looking.

"My parents," Seohyun said in disbelief.

Two couple was walking towards them. Their faces looked tired. They were whispering to each other, not noticing two pairs of eyes watching them.

The couple walked past Chan and Seohyun. Seohyun turned around to stare at her parallel's parents. They were a bit different from her parents. They have this sad atmosphere hovering over them.

"They're your parents?" Chan asked.

Seohyun nodded, her eyes never leaving the couple's back.

"Han Seohyun" Chan mumbled.

"I see. My hunch was correct" he mumbled again.

Seohyun turned her attention to Chan. Chan was staring at her. His eyes were showing pain again. Seohyun was confused. Their eyes locked.

"I know your parallel self" he started.

"Han Seojun is his name," he said

"I mean... Was his name" he continued.

"Your parallel self...is dead"

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