S1: 3: Dimension

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"An emergency call from the Kingdom of Christark" she stuttered

Minho walked out of the hurriedly. He stopped by the door and glanced at Yeona.

"Follow" he ordered.

Yeona followed him from behind. She watched his back as she tried to catch up to his fast pace.

They walked through a dim hallway with large paintings covering the walls. Yeona looked at each painting, none showed any smiles. It sent shivers down to her spine.

At the end of the hallway, she saw a portrait of Minho's younger self. He looked expressionless with his eyes reflecting nothingness. Yeona scrunched her forehead as she felt like the picture is trying to tell her something.

They turned to a darker hallway. The only light was the sunshine coming from the large windows on her right side. Even with those light, the hallway remained eerie and dark.

Yeona observed the outside world through the window. A large garden with guards roaming around and some merchants coming and going out. Everything felt surreal. It looked like she's in another world.

The creaking sound from the door snapped Yeona from her thoughts of her current situation. They entered into a small room with a large mirror in front of them.

The mirror reminded Yeona of the story 'Snowwhite and the 7 dwarfs'. Their reflection showed. Yeona was behind Minho, wearing her dark maroon T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants while Minho was in his pyjamas with a red coat covering his figure.

Suddenly, a high pitch beeping sound filled the room. Yeona was surprised by the sudden beeping noise. She looked at the source of the sound, the large mirror. There were two round green and red button on the mirror. Almost similar to their phones.

Minho pressed the green button and the mirror instantly showed the word 'connecting'. Then, there was a line dividing two different places and people.

She knew each of them well. On the left side was Hyunjin sitting on the chair with his legs crossed while on the right, Chan and Changbin were standing together.

"Looks like you've got yourself your own trouble" Changbin snickered as he glances behind Minho.

"Any of you know what's going on?" Minho asked, not caring Changbin's little comment.

"We too have our own human size problem!" Changbin said and pulled Seohyun into the view.

Seohyun looked at the mirror, showing Minho and Yeona, standing behind Minho.

"YEONA!!!" She shouted happily.

"Seohyunnie?" Yeona looked surprised. After a moment of processing, she quickly looked excited.

"SEOHYUNNIE!!!" Yeona shouted back

Seohyun ran towards the mirror and hug it. Yeona hugs the mirror too as if she was hugging Seohyun.

"Wait, where's Areum?" Asked Seohyun while part ways with the mirror.

"I'm here," a voice said, coming from Hyunjin's video.

Yeona and Seohyun stared at Hyunjin's video but there was only Hyunjin sitting there with his face is expressionless.

"He won't let me be in the view because 'they need to see the precious crown prince'" Areum mimicked Hyunjin's voice.

Hyunjin gave an offended look to his left. He put his right hand on his chest with his mouth opened slightly. As if he was hurt by her.

"I said you need to stay behind m,e," He said while flipping his bangs to the side.

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