S5: 1: Stepping up

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The sound of swords slashing and clanking, the ground shook by the cannon balls and the screams of the citizens of GreyLeeKnow. All of it felt like it happened in slow motion. That's what Minho felt at least as he stared from his window, fully dressed in his armour and ready to join the other knights.

He turned around to see Yeona who was pacing around the room, collecting everything that could be helpful for her to help those who were injured on the battlefield. Minho frowned even more. He walked slowly and put his hand on hers.

"Are you sure you want to join the battle?" He asked, worried painted all over his face.

Yeona put her other hand on top of his and smiled.

"Of course. This place is like a home to me now. I would do anything for GreyLeeKnow,"

"But I can't be there to protect you all the time," Minho said once again.

"Don't worry. The medical team is with me. I'll be fine with them," she reassured him again.

Yeona gently pulled away and continued searching for other medical supplies. Minho sighed quietly; however, he smiled a little. A girl from another dimension is risking her life for his citizens.

"Ah, I need to go to the infirmary for more supplies. I'll be back," Yeona said and dashed away before Minho could say anything.

The man watched her disappear with another sigh. That girl has become more fearless than before. There might be intruders in the castle but she's still walking around like there's nothing to worry about.

'Huh, she's different from before,' Minho thought to himself and smiled.

"And where do you think you're going with that armour?" A deep voice asked from the door frame.

Minho frozed. It was the king.

"Get out of that. I'm sending you to Meladonia. The king there is a friend of mine. He agreed to take care of you while this battle dies off," he walked closer to Minho.

"And you better show your gratitude to them by being closer to the princess. We also agreed to strengthen our alliance with this marriage," he continued to explain.

The king gripped his shoulder tightly as he brought his face closer to Minho. With a deadly stare, the king whispered to his ears,

"Don't cause any more trouble, son or I will make sure you won't see your mother or that servant of yours ever again,"

"No," Minho said while pushing his father's hand away from his shoulder.

The king took a step back in surprise. Minho glared back at him.

"I will not run away from this battle. Our people are fighting for this country. I am a part of this country and I will protect it to the very end," his blazing eyes pierced his father's.

The king laughed. A big, sinister, loud laugh. As if he had heard the funniest humour. He stared at his son who still had determination in his eyes.

"Hypocrite," the king said

"You were the one who begged me to stop the war. You and those pathetic alliances with other kingdoms. And yet, here you are, wanting to fight? What are you? A hero all of a sudden?" The king laughed once again.

"You do know that was different. The war lasted for almost 3 generations and if we hadn't stopped it, all kingdoms would have been destroyed. This is an invasion we are facing. I am not a hypocrite. You are. A king and yet hiding in the shadows like a mouse," Minho spit out.

His rage and sadness gave him the courage to blurt out everything. The king clenched his jaw. His smile fades. Only anger consumes him now.

"You little brat," the king raised his hand.

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