S4: 3: The real him?

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"Prince Christopher Chan is not as kind as you think. He's a bully... a bully and a murderer" he spits the words out like venom.

Seohyun gulped her saliva painfully as she remains silent. What could have made this man in front of her say that? The more he talks about Chan, his eyes become darker. Only pain and suffering clouded that once sparkling eyes.

"We were in the same squad during our training years. You probably didn't know this but before all these 8 kingdoms were united, there was a war between all of them. It happened 2 generations before us," he started telling his story.

"I was one of the best cadets...so as for him. Instead of accepting each other's abilities and disadvantages, he started to play dirty to me," his voice became deeper.

The atmosphere had changed completely. It was deadly. Frightening as well. The person in front of Seohyun is different from the one she met earlier and this made her more anxious. She grips onto the teacup to remain composed.

"I still remembered all those days of tormenting me. Verbally and physically. The worst one was when he deliberately broke my arm during our sparing training. You should see that disgusting proud look he had when he saw me crying in pain on the ground," Seojun scowled.

"I was put on standby until my arm was healed. He knows at that time I was chosen to join an elite squad... my dream squad... I worked so hard to be chosen... but he took that opportunity from me," his anger slowly rises as Seojun clenched his teeth. He picked up his teacup and drink slowly.

Seohyun took this chance to drink her cold tea. Her eyes were still watching him, afraid he might do something the moment her eyes left his figure. Then Seojun suddenly smirks as he puts down the cup.

"But that wasn't the worst he had done... You probably won't believe me but he killed his men," His grin turned psychotic.

Seohyun's gulped the last of her tea that went tasteless. Her body loses all the warmth she had. Her hands start trembling as she tried her best to place the cup back on the saucer. She could feel her heartbeat and unsteady breathing.

Seojun's seemed to like the reaction she was giving. He knew she would be shocked when he revealed the real devil behind the masked innocence. This made him ginger.

"He sent out his troop, lead by me, to a death trap during one of our battles. We've warned him... I've warned him about it but he was persistent to make us march to the bloodiest field ever...," his voice trailed slightly.

Slowly, Seojun pushed the cup slowly towards the edge. Seohyun's eyes watched the cup as if she was in trance.

"Just to impress his father," he mockingly said while his fingers continue to push.

"In return?" He questioned...rather to himself as if he was searching for an obvious answer.

"Death," Seojun flicked the cup off the table. A loud crash filled the intense atmosphere.

Seohyun shivers. She looked down at the ground, the broken pieces of the teacup, as broken as the man in front of her.

"All 599 of them...," he whispered to himself as his head hung low.

Seohyun's eyes never left the broken pieces as she was afraid to look at Seojun. All of a sudden, the broken pieces seemed to be doubled. Seohyun grabbed her unbearable aching head. She tried to shake off the headache but her vision became more blurry.

"He will pay for everything. An eye for an eye..." Seojun lifted his head. He tilted his head a bit, watching Seohyun groaning in pain.

"What...did you do to me?" Seohyun groaned even more.

Seojun's eyes sparkled again. He cracked a smile. Seohyun falls to the ground while pulling the tablecloth along with her. The teacup set shattered and some of it scratch her left cheek, leaving blood to flow.

"And blood for blood," he chuckled as he stares down at her weak body.

Through her teary eyes, Seohyun reached out her hand, in hope to stop him somehow.

"Don't...hurt him..." she whispered.

"He's different now... He's changed" she groaned as the effect took over her fully.

"Please... Seojun," A single tear fell as she watched the smirking man. Her arm went limp and fell to the ground while her eyes slowly closed.

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