your first siblings (pets idk)

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"please Daddy??" You were begging for a pet arackniss didn't budge making you stop asking him for a pet thinking to yourself 'Maybe Papa will allow me to have a pet' you walked to your dad's workspace "Papa? Can I have a pet please? Please please for the love of lucifer please?" Sir pentious looked at you taking his goggles off "did you ask your father?" You nodded "and what did he say?" Letting out a groan crossing your arms "He said no. He didn't budge" he shrugged putting his goggles back on "if he said no, then it's a No Y/n even if you somehow find an animal your father will make you get rid of the animal" you twiddled your thumbs "even if it was a baby snake?" His hood flared up "another snake?? Let me see" you took his hand walking to your room with a box making slight movement sounds "in here papa I found it in the garden" you opened the top of the box revealing a snake "can I keep it?" Sir pentious looked at the snake then at you "Y/n why a snake of all animals? I'm a snake too" you made puppy eyes "Please? Daddy might like the snake" your father sighed facepalming a bit "Y/n if I agree to get you a pet will you let this snake go?" You nodded "Yes papa" you put the top of the box back on and carried the snake back to the garden letting it go "bye bye snakey" the snake slithered away very fast. You walked back inside with arackniss and sir pentious getting their wallets "Nissy do you have your wallet?" He nodded "Yeah of course I do" you walked up to your fathers "Hi papa hi daddy where are we heading off too?" Sir pentious answered "To the pet store! Don't pick snakes" you smiled nodding arackniss got confused "penn, you caved into her didn't you?" He nodded "Yes she brought in a snake from the garden and I wanted to be the only snake in her life" he rolled his eyes "Penn, there are other snake demons here in hell" you looked at sir pentious "papa do I have snake relatives down here?" Your eyes full of wonder and curiosity your fathers looked at each other and straight up told you "No, Monty and his mother are different people" you groaned "Ah man I had my hopes up" you sat on a chair getting your shoes on as your fathers talked about this Monty guy making you bored out of your mind you jumped off the chair grabbing their hands. The three of you headed to the pet store you walked in looking around not interested in the rest of the pets and heard a small whine sneaking into the back looking at a box "what's in here?" You wondered then heard a voice yell "Hey! Get away from there!" You looked at the demon and ran out to your father arackniss hiding behind him "Sir keep you kid out of the back" you frowned at him sticking your tongue out "I was curious about the whining back there" looking back at the door hearing more whining in there "what's in there? I wanna see" the demon raised an eye brow sighing opening the door grabbing the box "Take a look then" you opened the box seeing puppies "Puppies?" Your father corrected you "Hellhound pups still in a walking stage" he looked at the demon "We'll adopt all of them, Penn let's go" your father grabbed your hand with his extra arms while leaving a stack of money on the counter. Arackniss looked at you "Y/n I'm proud of ya for sneaking around" sir pentious agreed nodding.

When you three (plus pups) got home

You stared at the puppies poking their paws "they're so small" your fathers got busy on getting a room set up "hey penn ya' got the wall paper?" You looked at them raising and eye brow shrugging going back to staring at the pups "aww you're all so cute" smiling as they stared at you sniffing around their surroundings. They tried to climb out of the box to roam around you just sat there as they sniffed the ground "enjoying the house so far?" They looked at you and continued to sniff the ground you counted on how many there was "6? Awesome".


"Penn, you get the ceiling I'll get the wall" sir pentious nodded slithering up onto a ladder painting the ceiling "So Nissy, what made you want to adopt the hellhound pups?" Arackniss shrugged stating "Y/n would've asked for a sibling at this age and when the pups get older we're training them to protect her." Sir pentious smiled at that statement "Aww that's so nice of you nissy" they heard a portal open up they groaned "Penn I told you to stop letting the egg bois use your portal" they dropped everything and ran/Slithered "Y/n! We'll be back!" You raised an eyebrow and shrugged playing with the puppies as they left "come an get it Grace! Jasper! Toby! Aurora! Edgar!" You tossed a ball they chased it playing they stopped after hearing a knock you got up heading to the door (Quick note: you still have your Disguise on back to the story) you opened the door seeing your uncle angel dust "UNCLE ANGEL!" He smiled picking you up "heey Sweet pea I came to speak to your dad" you smiled looking at him "Daddy and papa went somewhere shouldn't take long" angel ruffled up your hair slightly making you laugh "Uncle angel" you both heard tiny running on the stairs and barking you turned around seeing the pups "aww good puppies" angel got confused and counted "6?? Y/n where did they come from?" You replied holding one of the puppies with a grey streak "Daddy adopted them from a pet store" the puppies ran up to angel playing with his feet barking playfully he picked up one of them petting it smiling "aww this is cute" you both heard a portal open and close looking at the source "Really Nissy another house? And Egg boi 667 I said no portals unless it was important!" Angel looked at you shrugging "Hey Nissy I need to talk to you about teaching Y/n about something" you looked at the pups and ran with a ball in your hands "Come on let's go!" They wagged their tails and ran after you playfully barking.

This is the longest page I've done enjoy!

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