A new day in Hell

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You woke up in a strange new room looking around scared and started crying hearing a thud and crash the door swung open "what is it Ragazzo?" You looked at the man with a smile forming "Dada!" he stood there and sighed and facepalmed "This kid. Kinda reminds me of Anthony and Molls" he made a slight smiled while walking up to you "hm wait do you have a name?" he looked around trying to figure out a name "uhh I know I saw some paper around that place on a wall" you sat there looking at him "Dada" he looked at you and sighed picking you up "Let's go see what pentious is up to." He yawned while holding you walking to another room and started to shake the big snake awake "Hey Pentious get up, the kid's awake and I don't know what she needs" you looked at the man while laying in his arms while trying to reach for his hair grunting. The snake man sat up yawning slithering towards you and the man "well don't worry she's only what 4 months old?" you stared at them "Pen!" Sir pentious looked at you and smiled "she called me pen! Okay little human try to say nissy" you looked at Arackniss with a smile "Dada" he made a frown looking at you holding you away from him "Here pentious she seems to like you" sir pentious took you from him while looking at you "you sure nissy?" you looked at arackniss and smiled "dada" he sighed "I swear she likes calling me 'dada' I'm not her father" you looked at sir pentious smiling "Dada" hugging him. You looked at the door seeing familiar faces "Egg!" you tried reaching for the egg boi "egg!" Sir pentious carefully set you down "Now be careful uh..what's her name?" Aracknis sighed "I tried to ask you that but I guess we don't know her name" you crawled out of the room following the egg bois "Egg!" you stopped at a window and tried to look outside standing up "Up!" you stood up looking outside seeing so much "ooh!" you crawled back to the room "Dada!" they both looked at you "what?" You pointed to the window "out?" they looked at the door "Sorry but you can't go outside yet humans can't handle Hell unless you were born or raised here." You pouted crawling around the room then out leaving them alone sitting in the hall listening to their conversation "so Who's going to that house to find out her name and such?" you looked into the room crawling in "Dada! Egg!" Sir pentious and Arackniss looked at each other agreeing on you idea "Arackniss I'll get 3 or 5 egg bois to go with her to look for what ever it is we need." He nodded agreeing "Alright pen, it sounds like a plan" you got confused on what they were talking about "Dada?" sir pentious picked you up "Nissy can you make a portal or do you want me to do it?" Arackniss raised an eye brow "I'll do it watch the kid while I'm making a portal." You looked at your hand slightly teething on it smiling while your other dad makes a portal "Alright pen, the portal is finished now get the egg bois and the kid through the portal to get what we need from there" you looked at the portal then at your dad tilting your head not understanding portals arackniss sighed "on second thought I'll go with her and get the thing we need" he picked you up walking through the portal into a place you recognize "okay now where did I see that paper?" he sat you down carefully while looking around. You looked around crawling up to Arackniss "dada?" He looked on each wall "not now Ragazzo" you sighed crawling around again "hmm Y/n huh? I'll just take this. Okay come on Y/n" you heard your name being called and crawled up to him smiling.

Another day Another chapter. Hope you all enjoy have a nice day or night

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