Office randomness

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*trying to think of a new chapter* dammit *Reaches for my dr.pepper*

Sir pentious: *pushes it away from me*

Me: snake don't you fucking do it. I'm already tired.

Sir pentious: *pushes it off my desk*

Me: *eye twitching* Oh that's it! *Grabs a book*

Sir pentious: GAH! RUN AWAY! *slithers*

Me: *Chases him* GET BACK HERE!

Angel: uh should we stop her?

Alastor: and get smacked by a book? No thank you besides this is entertaining

Angel: you're right on that *watches* popcorn?

Alastor: yes.

Me: *Trips and falls* ow fucking knee!

Arackniss: *looks* knocked your 'coffee' off the desk?

Me: *Nods*

Arackniss: um miss Author, why was I roped into this story?

Me: Cause the readers want a Pentniss ship! They love your and Pentious's shiip

Arackniss: oh jeez, how many fanfics have you been reading?

Me: *doing math in my head* uhh a hundred?

Alastor: plus those comics you read.

Me: Hissssss!

Angel: I read and wrote a fanfic

Me: oh yeah that one is my favorite.

Arackniss: oh for fucks sake

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