Peaches! (Idfk lol)

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Quick note you're in the hazbin hotel and it is a month later lol

You walked around the hotel while everyone was outside doing their own thing you held your stomach groaning walking to a near window "Monty! Pineapples!" your uncle got confused "Pineapples?" Monty shrugged "She gets cravings" you kept naming fruits as they stood there confused "Pomegranates? Tangerines? Mandarins?? Grapefruit??" Your father raised an eyebrow looking at everyone "She's ordering a fruit cocktail" you held your stomach thinking "Come on think" you gasped yelling "PEACHES!!" Monty raised an eyebrow looking around "peaches? PEACHES! THE BABY! WHA WHA NOW!?" Alastor stood there sighing "this is not good" Monty slithered around real fast panicking "THE BABY'S COMING!" your uncle asked "Can you try and hold it in??" you stood there unamused your eye twitching "can somebody smack him for me" Vaggie nodded smacking your uncle "Done and done" you sighed and yelled making them jump in surprise "JUST GET UP HERE AND HELP ME!" Charlie and vaggie ran in and up the stairs to help you up Charlie looked at your condition "We're gonna have to use one of these rooms" vaggie nodded grabbing your room key from your pocket talking to you "Alright just breathe and watch where you step" you nodded carefully walking to a bed laying down breathing "Charlie. Call Dr.Della she might know what to do" she nodded grabbing the card you had in your pocket leaving the room. Vaggie sat next to you talking with you "Y/n gotta be strong alright? For us" Monty slithered in sitting next to you "Lass you okay?" you gave him a glare he yelped falling backwards "Sorry for asking" everyone heard a knock on the door Monty got up to open the door a familiar voice is heard "I hear that Ms.pentious is having her baby now?" Monty nodded and opened the door "yes come in" she nodded looking at Monty and headed straight up to you "Alright how far along are you?" you held your stomach yelling she guessed that was your answer pulling out a needle "Now this'll numb the pain for a while." Vaggie looked then helped you sit up "I'm surprised that you're not freaking out about seeing demons" Della shrugged smiling while injecting anesthesia "it's not the first time I've seen a demon" you sighed relaxing a bit. Charlie walked in to check on everything "is everything okay?" Dr.Della nodded "yes everything is fine, please be a dear and get some scissors, towels, warm water a small tub and miss Vagetha will help me" she nodded and ran to get the items that are needed asking Nifty for help "Doctor's orders" they ran up the stairs opening the door setting each item down "we got the items miss Della" she nodded and instructed them to wait in the lobby they left closing the door you groaned then yelled gripping onto the given pillow Della placed a sheet over you (not over your head. In case everyone was confused anyway back to the story)

Time skip (cause I'm lazy)

Della checked on your child to make sure she's good and healthy smiling "Yep one healthy baby girl, she's gonna be a handful, now uh where's the father?" Monty raised his hand "uh right here miss" Della Smiled handing you your kid "so any names you thought of?" you nodded looking at your little one "I was thinking something Latin like my dad so her name is Aranea Amare Pentious" Della nodded smiling and sat down while Monty was curious about the baby "She's so tiny" Aranea opened one eye then rolled her eye at him. You snickered knowing where that came from while Monty got confused about it "does she not like me?" you looked at him unamused then handed him the baby "Just hold her, she'll get used to you in no time" he looked at the baby snake demon then smiled "hey there wee lass" he only received a glance of confusion opening her eyes. Monty looked confused about the eyes "uh lass what snake has 8 eyes?" you sat up quicky obviously concerned "Hand Aranea here I want to see what you mean" he nodded handing you Aranea she looked around tilting her head you looked at the eyes "Monty know anyone with 8 eyes besides my dad and relatives?" he nodded no shrugging then left you sighed looking at your child smiling "Hey Dr.Della come down here anytime if Aranea needs a check up" she nodded smiling and left your fathers came in to see if you're alright "N/n are you and the kid alright??" you nodded smiling showing them your daughter "Dad, Father meet Aranea Amare pentious" they looked at the baby as she opened her eyes your snake dad smiled holding his arms out "may I?" you nodded handing him your daughter he looked at the baby smiling "she reminds me of you N/n" he handed you the baby back. Your spider father looked at the baby smiling a bit "so Y/n what made you think of a latin name?" you shrugged smiling then remembered the stories your fathers told "Well dad you have a latin name salvator, and it seems Alright to give the baby a latin name" your father was so proud and carefully gave you a hug "Proud of ya' kiddo" Charlie walked in to check on you "Hey Y/n you doing okay?" you nodded smiling "yes, thanks for asking" you looked at the door looking at Monty while he was on the phone with someone you sighed focusing on your daughter who had the same idea giving her a smile "I can tell you're gonna be a troublemaker" your uncle walked in along with Alastor "N/n can we see the baby?" you nodded handing your uncle the baby he awed at the sight of the baby "Un bambino così carino!!" you smiled raising an eyebrow making a calm down motion "ok, zio Anthony non urla, va bene?" He smiled nodding still staring at the baby speaking Italian to her still having the cute eyes "chi è il bambino più dolce? tu sei tu sei. tuo cugino sarà geloso eh?" You sighed slightly understanding on what he meant Alastor looked confused then looked at the baby raising an eyebrow "hmm" Aranea looked at Alastor tilting her head making baby noises as they both stared at each other you sat there watching the whole thing "uh uncle Anthony can I have my baby back?" he nodded handing you your baby back Alastor was still confused about the baby snake demon "So she's uh kinda hellborn?" you nodded.

This was a loong chapter enjoy.

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