Aranea and the Angel

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Aranea sat at her desk working on some studies "Now uh the squared numbers of 22 times 50 that's a new one." she wrote her answer down humming smiling while a teacher talked about a new student she glanced up "eh what else is new?" continuing her studying "lets see my next class is engineering" the bell rang getting up to head to her second class bumping into a girl "oh Crap, you okay?" the girl nodded fixing her hair "Yeah sorry I'm new here" Aranea nodded rushing to class "Alright talk to ya during lunch" she nodded heading to her class

at Lunch

Aranea sat at a table with a lunch she packed "Wrath ring ham sandwich with Beelzebub deli fries, just like how aunts and uncles made em" the same girl she bumped into walked over with a tray of lunch "hey, you" she smiled setting her sandwich down "Hi, I'm Aranea Amare pentious, I'm from uh Ireland moved here when I uh was a kid" the girl smiled holding her hand out "I'm Maya Angela Paloma" Aranea smiled guessing in a joking manner "so are you an angel? if so then no trying to exterminate me" Maya had a straight face eating her lunch fast joking back "Oh uh no problem!" she walked away fast Aranea looked then sighed wondering if she took the joke to far "Shite did I go to far?" getting up dumping her food into a garbage bin heading to her dorm room

1 hour later

"Dammit why am I having trouble making friends?" she opened the door taking her disguise off not realizing another person was in the room "Aranea? you're a demon?" Aranea looked to the second bed spotting an exterminator angel making her freak out "Oh Shite! how do you know my name!? and what are you doing in my dorm room!? and more importantly who are you!?" the angel sighed showing her face "it's me maya, I got paired up in this room. plus I am not gonna kill you, heaven has gotten word that 4 humans was living in hell without dying" Aranea looked at the ground sighing "uh well I don't know how that happened but they seemed to have survived hell up to this point not to mention that you're a teenager like me so let's make a deal without the voodoo stuff my uncle does" Maya listened cautiously "I'm listening" Aranea explained nearly everything "plus my mother was raised by two men teaching right and wrong. I took role of overlord when I was only early 13 when I shot that Valentino fucker." Aranea sat on her bed staring out the window sighing "me, my mother and fathers are willing to keep my brothers and maybe baby sister safe" Maya only sat there in disbelief getting up "that was mind blowing," Aranea looked at her smiling "Thanks now please get out of that intimidating outfit it's bringing back some bad memories from my childhood" Maya nodded taking her exterminator angel outfit off while hiding her wings "sorry about that". They talked awhile getting to know each other laughing at their embarrassing moments in their lives "so uh Aranea how were you born with a human mother and a snake demon? and how does it work I'm curious" Aranea shrugged not sure herself but does her best to explain "well it's like how humans reproduce they have intercourse and 9 months later a baby pops out of the mom" Maya nodded smiling while blushing "so what happens if a demon and a angel like each other?" Aranea blinked fast looking at her up and down "Uh well not sure I've never had an angel fall in love with me before" Maya smiled at her putting some hair behind her ear "I know we just met but I really want to see what hell's like. you think you can make one of those pendants? I saw your projects in the hall" she got speechless rubbing the back of her head "wow um Maya you sure? hell is a bit dangerous but if I can think of a demon type then I'll start" Maya hugged her "Oh thank you! thank you! thank you! okay time for bed night" Aranea looked outside getting confused "But there's still a little light out. ah fuck it's a weekend. if my mom finds out I brought a girl home no no an Angel home she'll flip out" Aranea placed a pillow on her head thinking on what to do and which demon smiling "I got it"

10 in the morning

Aranea placed a ring onto her work desk yawning stretching "Finally a whole night it's finall" she fell asleep fast after finishing her work Maya looked placing a blanket onto Aranea patting her back stretching her wings "ah finally sweet wing relief now let's see here" she took a list out reading them "gain trust of demon and convince them to bring you to hell and take human away from hell and take them back to human world" she nodded putting the list under her pillow looking at the ring picking it up gasping a little smiling "She remembered my favorite color aww Wait! no no no angels and demons can't be together! Focus maya!" her thoughts were interrupted when she unknowingly activated the ring showing her demon form "Huh? wait what am I??" she ran to the bathroom looking at her reflection "Oh God. I'm one of those succubus's oh well it's only for the mission right?" she walked out waking Aranea up "Uh hey wake up" Aranea woke up yawning "yeah? oh I see you activated the disguise ring I take it worked?" Maya nodded smiling "Alright let's go" Maya thought her job was too easy in her mind smiling.

Enjoy had to rush on this chapter due to babysitting and being busy.

hope you all enjoy have a good day or night

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