3 years later

805 12 1

You sat on your bed looking pretty bored plopping down on it "I'm bored." sighing getting up from your bed and out of your room "I wonder what dad is up to?" You climbed down the stairs looking for your fathers "Daddy? Papa?"  you found them in the kitchen "hey pen, I got a meeting later with Anthony, will you be okay with watching Y/n?" Sir pentious nodded shrugging while smiling "Sure Nissy, but be home before dinner" you climbed onto a chair with a questioned look "papa? Where's daddy going?" Arackniss looked at you with a slight smile "well andando a una riunione so behave" he rubbed your head while ruffling your hair slightly after he left sir pentious picked you up heading to the living room "now what would you like to do?" You pointed at the TV "tv papa" he shrugged setting you down while sitting down "which channel my little one?" you shrugged wanting to see which channel interests you "papa? When can I go outside?" Sir Pentious stiffened up "Uh not sure, maybe when your older for now forget the outside world just don't worry about it" you shrugged watching the tv. After one hour of sitting and watching Tv sir pentious carried you to your room for a nap smiling a bit "There, now to get to work on something for her" he slithered out of your room heading to his workspace "Now let's see hmm"  he thought of some blueprints nodding to himself eventually he fell asleep. You woke up from your nap making this your chance to explore the house "What time is it?" You looked at the clock for a real long time "I need papa for this" you went off to find your father opening a door that leads to his workspace "Papa" he groaned still sleeping you sighed "Papa, Daddy's gonna be home at some point and I'm hungry" sir pentious finally woke up yawning "What'd you need Y/n? Papa was busy" you pointed to the clock he looked up and his hood sprung up "GAH! Y/n it's 5 o'clock nissy gonna be home in 18 minutes! Let's go make dinner!" He slithered real fast into the kitchen setting you in a chair "stay!" You shrugged sitting there as he was cooking (F/F) and vegetables you sat there watching some chaos go on making you smile as sir pentious finished up the cooking "there finally finished and just in time" you smiled widely running to the front door "Daddy!" the door opened with Arackniss talking to someone "Come on in Anthony," you looked the the other man running behind Arackniss "daddy? Who's that?" The man in front of your father smiled "So niss who's this cute sweetie?" Arackniss picked you up smiling "This is my daughter Y/n she's a human. Don't tell Pops or anyone. If anyone ever lays a finger on her I'll erase them" you smiled at your dad hugging him "Daddy" the other man smiled "aww that's sweet Niss, since I'm her uncle I want to introduce myself to her and believe me I never tell anyone anything not even Al." You looked at the man and clinged onto your father "No! I want Daddy and Papa! No!" The other man held his hands up "Okay Jeez, I'm trying to be a nice uncle" you tilted your head "Zio?" Arackniss smiled proud of himself sir pentious slithered over to you holding his hands out "Come on y/n time to eat" you smiled reaching for your other father as arackniss handed you over to sir pentious "I'll be in there in a couple minutes So Anthony anything new?" The other man shrugged "Eh you know just doing my job an' shit but call me Angel if you're okay with it." Arackniss sighed "Sure anyway Anthony would you be okay with babysitting Y/n? and Take her Nowhere but the backyard. I don't want anyone to find out a human child is in hell" Angel nodded "okay Niss, and I'll keep my little niece a secret, il tuo segreto è il mio segreto" arackniss sighed smiling "Thanks Fratello" they both said their goodbye's as he shut the door and walked into the kitchen "Hey Pen My brother is okay with babysitting Y/n and being an uncle." You sat there eating (F/F) and vegetables "he's gonna babysit me? Why can't I go with you guys?" Sir pentious sighed "well uh cause other demons might uh? Nissy?" Arackniss sighed while trying to explain "Y/n me and your father are trying to figure things out. So until then Uncle Anthony is gonna babysit you" you nodded eating your vegetables and (F/f) "finished, May I be excused?" Sir pentious "You may don't forget to put your plate in the sink" you grabbed your plate walking to the sink as you walked to your room leaving your fathers alone "So pen? Any Ideas?" Sir pentious nodded "Yes, I'm working on a pendant to generate a disguise that way she won't feel alone in the house and believe me all the egg bois are busy with finding tools for the little invention" Arackniss nodded smiling "well take your time you big meat noodle" sir pentious blushed "Don't call me that" you were sitting on the stairs listening to them thinking to yourself 'I wanna be just like Papa and Daddy' you walked to your room and grabbed some paper and crayons drawing yourself and your fathers smiling. You yawned putting the drawing up and climbing onto your bed falling asleep.

Oh man that took awhile anyway hope you all enjoy the chapter

Have a good day or Night.

Two Demons and a Human childWhere stories live. Discover now