Aranea in human school

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"Please mam I need the education" you held your sons while she was asking "I know sweet pea but I'm busy with your brothers they just started walking and teething" Monty slithered in with groceries "sorry we're late lass, I found some dummies and child flicks" Aranea looked at the package and movies "dad, those are pacifiers and movies" Monty smiles patting his daughter's back "Ah you have so much to learn on your Irish lass" Aranea sighed "okay," you smiled setting hickory down while he smiled walking up to Monty "Dada" he smiled picking the baby up "yes I am your dada, anyway Aranea what was it you wanted to ask last night?" she smiled and talked about school "and dad to be honest schools down here are just shiiit plus Charlie can't keep coming to my parent teacher conferences. plus uncle Sheldon said I can have mom's old dorm room" you smiled carrying Vince as he tried to get you to put him down Vinny came in with some meat products "sheesh Y/n your brother's are right Wrath ring products are heavy" Aranea slithered helping him carry the box "Here let me help I help around the wrath ring when I'm staying at uncles" you smiled agreeing to Aranea's request to go to school "Alright but visit on weekends" she nodded excited.

next day

Monty tried not to itch while in his human form "Lass why do I have to wear pants? I could've stayed home with the boys" you smacks his arm "remember last time I left you and Vinny home alone with the boys? you kept my ex in the basement" he blushed from embarrassment "oh yeah, you got a point there lass" the principal stood outside ready to meet new students "ah Ms.Pentious good to see you again and mr?" Monty smiled shaking the principal's hand "Python, Montgomery python, my Daughter Aranea Amare Pentious" the principal nodded "I see well welcome Miss Aranea. here at the school we have rules. I'm sure your mother told you?" she nodded as she walked into the school "also uncle Sheldon said I can have my mom's old dorm, I don't mind if I have to share" he nodded smiling "Alright everything seems to be in order, what classes do you recommend her to be in?" Monty looked at the list before starting school "whoa, they have so many sports and everything Aranea would love" he showed you the classes. After a few minutes of Monty crying yelling his 'Little Girl is leaving for school' Aranea walked into the school embarrassed hiding in her hair sighing as she looked at her schedule "Let's see here, oh engineering is my first class".


You dragged Monty back to the portal grunting "Monty come on the boys will probably be wondering where we are" Monty had a sad look while staring at the school "Our little wee lass is almost all grown up it was like yesterday she was small now she's a strong teenager" he sniffed as he was being dragged you sighed patting his back "there there, it's okay if she grows up it's nature even for snakes and spiders" after a few minutes of dragging him Hickory and Vince walked up smiling "Da!" Vinny looked tired "Please tell me Monty wasn't thinking about having another kid" Monty held the toddlers tossing hickory up and down doing the same with Vince "Upsy daisy! Upsy Daisy! you boys are flying" the boys laughed screaming "Da!" you smiled at the sight awing "yeah I'm hoping Monty won't mention" you got caught off by Monty saying "Hey Y/n, Vinny can we have another kid?" Vinny looked tired and groaned "Monty no, we already have enough kids we don't need any-!"

2 hours later

You sat on your bed sighing "How is Monty so damn convincing??" Vinny sat up yawning stretching "I know, my legs are feeling like jelly over here" you looked smiling giggling "Join the club been there done that." he laughed a little yawning again getting up walking to the bathroom. You got up too walking down the stairs wearing a T-shirt yawning Monty smiled waving "hey lass look who came to visit the boys" you looked then ran upstairs putting your hair up walking down the stairs "hi Dad, Hi father it's good to see you" Vince smiled playing with his deer plush laughing "Der!" Hickory took a nap in your snake dad's arms hugging the spider plush yawning rubbing his eye "He fell asleep after playing for a hour," you awed falling asleep on the chair your spider dad looked asking "uh so how is Y/n this tired has she had any sleep?" Monty nodded "Yes, the kids got her tired after Aranea went to school" Arackniss sat up smiling "she went to a human school? is she having a nice time there," Monty nodded "yes, as long as I can remember Aranea asked me and Y/n about school" you snored

meanwhile with Aranea

She sat in the dorm room looking around "wow it's like an apartment. mom was not kidding" stretching yawning taking off her human disguise "oh man this has been a long day of walking and unpacking" she slithered to the kitchen to get something to eat "wow mom, Aunties and Uncles really did some shopping in so many rings, Whoa! is that pig meat from the wrath ring? oh man that thing can last me and a room mate weeks" she stretched putting her hair up into a ponytail "hm I wonder if they have a boxing class here" she walked out of her dorm wearing one of Charlie's old suits heading to the gym class looking inside "oh yup they do" she opened the door walking in turning the lights on putting chalk on her hands. She started doing exercises before punching the bag "and 15 whew Dad's exercises are intense" she started punching the bag even kicking it putting on some sweat then heard her phone ding for a text "Oh! it's Char!" she opened the message telling her when the next match is she got excited asking her about Saturday making her more excited "Alright, I get to train every day after school" she cleaned herself up from the sweat walking out of the gym heading back to her dorm room.

whew! three days working on this page. hope you all enjoy this page have a good day or night

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