Inner Demons and back home

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You looked at the outfit your uncle sent you "hm I like this," tying the extra arm sleeves into a bow behind you "oh now this is nice" the tiny voice in your head said otherwise sighing taking the dress off and putting on a T-Shirt and long shorts "ah perfect" your phone rang walking over to pick it up "who could that be?" you picked it answering "Hello?" the familiar voice answered "Hi how are you doing since our last date?" you shrugged "I'm doing okay. No need to worry" he sighed "Y/n I know the Doctor gave you medicine that helps you not have a allergic reactions, so instead of a restaurant how about we go to a dance club I spotted 4 blocks from your house?" you smiled agreeing putting the dress back on getting your knee high boots on setting your phone down putting your hair up "Sounds great Constantine" he hung up after giving you the time sighing smiling ignoring the tiny voice in your head "everything will be fine"

A Few moments later (you already left the house)

You walked with Constantine smiling as he talked about his old life in hell "By the way sorry for making your Daughter go through trauma" you patted his arm "don't apologize to me it's Aranea you gotta apologize to she's staying at my fathers house and her Dad's house it's a custody agreement" he nodded looking at the building infront of you two "Oh look at that we're here" smiling he held the door open for you smiling with a blush "After you ma'am" you smiled walking into the building "Thank you" he nodded walking to your side "wow this place looks amazing" Constantine nodded agreeing standing by a table you watched a few people dancing then heard someone clear their throat "Excuse us but this our spot. And no one takes our spot" you looked at the girls not even bothered by them "well it's not just your spot there are other tables" Constantine looked then pulled you next to him "um is there a problem here?" A blonde walked up to him "Yes your girl took our spot" Constantine looked annoyed by her rolling his eyes "Does it look like any of us gives a shit?" You recognized his voice tone backing away slowly as the lights flickered "And no one and I mean No one dares insult me or my girl like that." You saw a gold tooth show up out of nowhere still backing away 'Constantine? I don't like what you're becoming' a loud slap broke your thoughts as the girl held her cheek "What the hell was that for?!" You breathed heavily as you saw a familiar shadow silhouette as the moth demon you thought had changed "V-Val I mean Constantine?" Constantine looked at you then calmed down "Y/n I'm sorry you had to see and hear that" he looked at the ground "I just can't stand by and let someone insult you like that" you looked at him then cautiously grabbed his hand giving a small smile "wanna get out of here?" he nodded walking with you out the building "did you forget your jacket?" sighing then nodded "I didn't think it was gonna be cold" he smiled taking his jacket off then placed it on your shoulders "Here you need it more than me" he looked at a liquor store "Say want something to drink alcohol wise?" you looked then shrugged "sure I got nothing to do at the house"

Next morning

Constantine sat up yawning "Fuck How much did I drink last night?" He looked at you remembering what happened getting up putting his clothes on fast "Shit shit shit" he walked out of your room and left. After awhile you sat up holding the blanket yawning "hey Constantine you awake?" You looked to your side seeing him gone sighing the tiny voice getting louder in your head "He left me. First Sheldon then Monty then Vince. Now Constantine" you hugged your pillow yelling into it then your phone buzzed looking at it "Oh it's dad" you answered "Hello?" your father's voice sounded worried "N/n? You okay we heard about last week. Do you need to come home? Your dad and I are worried about you" you sighed looking at the phone "Yeah I'll come home. Just give me an hour or two" you got up to pack your clothes then took a shower. You sat at the table paying the bills while hesitantly looked at the whiskey bottle "I want to drink but it doesn't solve anything" you packed it up to take home then wrote a note to leave on your door walking to it "Maybe Mr.Clark will be okay" taping the note up closing the door sighing walking up the stairs into your looking at the disguise pendant grabbed and placed it around your neck waiting for a portal to open as it did your daughter tackle hugged you "Mom! I missed you so much!" you looked at your daughter smiling hugging her back "Hi sweet pea sorry for being gone for so long oh I almost forgot" you grabbed your prescribed pills placing them in your bag "alright, let's go" Aranea slithered next to you telling the progress of her building in the territory she earned from cherri "and The building is doing great had some difficulties and I have a boyfriend from the Lust ring" you smiled at your daughter "Who's the lucky boy?" She blushed "Mom" you laughed putting your arms up in defense "Sorry Sorry sweet pea". Your fathers knew something was up even when you had a smile on your face around your daughter they always know "N/n may we have a word with you?" Aranea looked then slithered away "I'll leave you three alone" as she left your fathers pulled up a chair "Have a seat" you sat down looking at your dads "what do you guys want to talk about?" they looked at you raising eyebrows "N/n you can't really fool us we see sadness in your eyes but you hide it well in your daughter's eyes" your eyes got watery and broke down crying "I got walked out on by a guy I thought had changed" Your spider father walked up to you "Y/n some people change but not all of them. Before you came into our lives me and your father had an open relationship mainly with Monty but when you came here with us things changed it was the best thing to happen to this family," he gave you a hug "Just let it out" you hugged your father back letting sobs out on his shoulder "Thanks Dad." you lightly pushed your father away and ran to a nearby trash can throwing up groaning "Dad..." your snake dad looked then got up to hold your hair rubbing your back "it's okay I'm here" you shook holding your stomach "dad can you go to the store and.." you whispered on what you wanted his hood sprung up and nodded "Nissy get N/n onto the couch and get her a cup of water".

A couple hours later

You walked around the bathroom worried "Why can't I remember anything? I would've remembered something when I was drunk" you heard a small beep looking at the results "Not again" while outside your snake father stood outside the restroom "N/n? You okay in there?" you opened the door showing him the result. He gasped his hood sprung up again "I'm gonna be a grandfather again, how are you gonna Announce it?" you looked at your father "well how about we start with my daughter then dad and possibly everyone at the hotel" he nodded while smiling "Now I'll go tell the egg bois to make you a cravings chart and a month chart not to worry I'll go make you some tea" he slithered to the kitchen your spider dad walked up to you "N/n you okay? What got Penn so excited?" you showed him the result his eyes widened "I'm gonna be a grandfather again?" you nodded he hugged you tight "N/n try to relax and don't stress too much" you nodded smiling at him "I'll try my best papa"

One new chapter enjoy
Have a good day/night/morning etc.

Two Demons and a Human childWhere stories live. Discover now