Driving lessons

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You occasionally ask your dad for early driving lessons he agreed over phone "Great, um can you uh make a portal so we can get this lesson started?" he replied laughing a bit "Uh guess who's behind you Ragazzo" you looked behind you smiling walking up to hug him "dad, it's good to see you this week has been crazy" he looked around raising an eyebrow "I uh bet now let's go before your father figures out I'm not at home and we know how he gets." You nodded agreeing while walking through the portal looking at your father's car "so what do I need to do first dad?" He walked onto the passenger side of his car "Hop in and start the vehicle don't forget the seatbelt" you nodded getting into the car death griping the steering wheel he looked at your hands sighing "Now uh just relax and start the car when we get to a stop sign I'll take over and send you back" you lessened the grip on the steering wheel sighing "No dad, I'm learning to drive I'll make you proud dad" he smiled patting your shoulder lightly "You already make me proud learned to drive two vehicles, but why did you want to learn to drive this early?" You looked at him sighing "They added a driving education class and they put me into the class two days ago" he looked wide eyed "That makes sense on the death grip. Now uh just carefully put pressure on the gas and we'll start driving" you nodded putting pressure on the gas "Very good, now keep both eyes on the road and keep driving" you nodded still applying little more pressure on the gas getting used to driving you looked at your dad smiling "Dad I'm driving" he smiled nodding "Hell yeah you are" he looked at the road and quickly told you "Y/n the Breaks!" You quickly put your foot on the breaks making you jerk forward a bit he looked at you making sure you're okay "Ragazzo Are you okay??" You held your forehead shaking a bit "Ow, yeah I'm fine dad what idiot parks in the middle of the road?" You looked at the car in front getting ready to get out and curse the person out but your dad stopped you "Y/n no. Let me handle this" you nodded remaining in your seat as your dad got out confronting someone that nearly looked like your dad but older and taller you twiddled your thumbs waiting for your father to return which he did but the big guy followed behind yelling about something you decided to stay quiet your dad opened the door shutting the door while the man kept yelling "Y/n back up and drive the other way" you nodded backing up and drove in the different direction still remaining silent about what happened your dad sighed "now uh Y/n when we pass this street and we'll end up at home." He muttered irritated "for Lucifer's sake My dad is irritating. Y/n's is lucky for not knowing about her grandfather." He looked straight at the road and pointed "Now turn here and park the car" you did what he said parking and turned off the engine handing him the keys he sighed patting your shoulder "You did good kiddo keep practicing and you'll do fine and stay away from that part of town Henroin runs that part of town if he stops you doing that call me or your father" you nodded getting out of the car walking up the steps "Uh dad? Can I stay here tonight? I want to sleep in my own bed plus you might be tired after this driving lesson" he sighed nodding "sure kiddo I'm sure everyone will understand cause I texted your friends and father and siblings about you staying the night here" you nodded yawning opening the door now in your human form unaware someone saw you.

Got any guesses on who? Well wait until the next chapter to find out or make some of your own creative guesses. Enjoy this chapter and sorry if it's short

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