Interrogation and Relatives

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"Monty why exactly did you drag me and the boys here for? We're supposed to be babysitting for Y/n. Not interrogating her Ex boyfriend" Monty shrugged not exactly sure on why Vince and Hickory were asleep yawning while in strollers "Monty if Y/n finds out her sons are not in their cribs she's gonna flip out" Aranea opened the basement door carrying a laundry basket "Hey Dad, Step spider dad, sleeping little brothers. And Guy with a cloth bag over his head. Don't mind me doing some laundry" Monty nodded smiling "Alright. Take your time" Vinny looked unamused sighing. Aranea left after putting her clothes into the washer slithering up the stairs closing the door Monty looked at the man crossing his arms "Alright Fucker I have Questions and you better have answers" he lifted the bag off the mans head "Constantine." He looked around freaking out "Where Am I??" Vinny looked at him then at the babies with one of them awake rubbing his eye "Hey Keep it down the babies are trying to sleep" Monty nodded apologizing "Sorry Vinny." Hickory looked around then fell back asleep Constantine looked at the babies "Where did you get those babies?" Vinny sighed answering lightly rolling the stroller back and forth "your Girlfriend had them 5 months ago. And yes they are yours but we were there for her so we're both fathers to them Constantine or should I say Valentino" Constantine sighed leaning backwards "fine I'm Valentino but that was my past life well hell life. Plus Y/n was pregnant few months back??" Vinny groaned nodded "Yes Monty over here wanted to help her because he wasn't there for his daughter only on his weekends he spent time with her." Vince moved around in the stroller waking up crying Monty looked and picked him up rocking him "Hey Boyo it's okay" Hickory sat up looking at the man glaring at him making baby noises Vinny picked Hickory up sighing "I just had these babies sleeping and Hickory please settle down" Constantine looked at Vince and Hickory "Sheesh these two are like miniature Y/n's I dodged the bullet there" Monty's eye twitched and gave Vince to Vinny smiling "Vinny take the boys upstairs and put on a movie? I need to have a talk with Constantine." Vinny nodded carrying both babies up the stairs while Monty cracked his knuckles smiling.


You opened the door stretching "Hey Vinny were the boys behaving? They weren't much trouble were they?" Vinny shook his head "No they were just the sweetest," you looked around raising an eye brow "where's Monty?" Vinny pointed to the basement door your leaned into the door hearing a commotion "This is for Traumatizing my Daughter! And this is for leaving Y/n while she was having a hard time!" the door slammed open with Constantine covered with blood (from a nose bleed) a black eye and a missing tooth "Your Boyfriend is Fucking Crazy!" Monty slithered up having a sweet smile on his face "Hey lass how'd the meeting go?" you looked at Monty then at Constantine "Uh it went well. Question. Why was Constantine in our basement?" Monty looked then sighed "to tell the truth I was interrogating him." You held your finger up to hush him "Alright that's enough I'll handle this" you bent down to Constantine's height and slapped him "How dare you call Monty crazy!" you slapped him again "AND THIS WAS FOR LEAVING ME MONTHS AGO! And leaving me with twin boys to raise!" Vinny looked and took the babies outside "we'll be outside!" you cracked your knuckles while Constantine looked at you "Damn what are your knuckles made out of?? Iron?!" you placed yours hand on your hip "No I just had a good teacher" you and Monty fist bumped each other.

After taking Constantine home (the human world)

"Alright Monty no more doing that especially when babysitting the boys," Monty nodded not wanting a punishment from you "Yes ma'am" Hickory looked at Monty reaching for him "Dada" you looked at your son and blushed Vince did the same with Vinny "Da" your face grew red "Yes they're your dada's" Aranea slithered down the stairs "hey Mom, Aunt Charlie and Aunt vaggie and uncles Alastor and Angel are here" you looked at Aranea nodding smiling "Alright go ahead and let them in" she nodded opening the door Charlie ran in "Where are the babies? I got so many gifts for them from each ring" Vaggie walked in behind Charlie "Hey Y/n, Aranea, Monty and Vinny" you waved while Angel walked in with boxes "where are my Nephews?" Alastor carried in bags "Dear there are such thing as too much items" Hickory and Vince looked at their relatives hiding in Vinny's and Monty's shoulders clinging onto them "Aunt Charlie you don't need to spoil them they're still babies and please don't tell me you got Aranea a Lamborghini" Charlie looked at you and shrug holding car keys "I did plus she's almost an adult she's gonna need a vehicle for work" you sighed pinching your nose bridge Husk and nifty walked in "Uh sorry we're late. What'd we miss?" Aranea looked at the car keys then lightly pushed them away "Aunt Charlie it's nice you care but I can just ask Grandfather if I could use one of his cars" you smiled at your daughter as she slithered to husk and Nifty "Auntie and Uncle good to see you both" Monty looked at Hickory lightly patting his back while Vince and Vinny stood there a little awkward Angel walked up to Vince holding up a cute spider plush "Hey Vince look what uncle Anthony has" Vince looked at the plush and smiled reaching for the plush. Alastor smiled at Hickory holding a small deer plush "Uncle Alastor has something for you Hickory" Hickory looked at the plush and grabbed it playing with it giggling "Da!" Monty sighed setting hickory down in his playpen "There you go boyo you can play in there" Vinny did the same with Vince sighing "these kids are growing up fast" they both sat down while you and Charlie were talking "Charlie I'm just saying Aranea can make her own decisions, vaggie back me up here" she looked at Charlie sighing "She's right hun Aranea can make her own choices" Charlie sighed nodding "Okay, but I wanted to look like a great aunt" Aranea sat next to Alastor talking.

Well that was a long chapter that took days hope you enjoy the chapter have a good day or night or evening

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