The Old and The New overlords

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Aranea looked at demon couples groaning "Everyone is getting the action but me. Barkeep another" the bartender looked slightly concerned "with all do respect Aranea but you've had too much to drink" Aranea groaned slithering muttering "what does he know? He doesn't Know me. I know Me" a couple of Demons looked at her talking to each other pointing "isn't that the lady who killed Valentino and now an overlord?" the voice was robotic she looked back and got suspicious "probably won't make it home. I'll head to grandfather's place," she took her phone out and texted you on where she's going slithering up some stairs knocking "Knock knock. who's there? me is the right answer" Arackniss opened the door wiping his eye "Aranea? what are you doing out here? come inside you'll end up catching a cold" Aranea slithered in yawning "sorry for the late notice pop pop," He sighed smelling her breath sighing again "Aranea how much did you drink? and does your mother know she must be worried sick" she nodded telling him everything he asked "Aranea head straight to bed and Sober up I'm driving you to your mother's in the morning" she nodded slithering to her room yawning "Night pop pop" he nodded smiling "Night"

Next Morning

Sir pentious sat in the kitchen drinking coffee while Aranea slithered into the kitchen gripping her head groaning "Hey grandfather do we have aspirin? I got a hangover" he nodded pointing to the cabinet "Yes in the cabinet to the left" she looked grabbing a bottle "Thanks grandfather" she took a small tablet swallowing then drank water putting the bottle back slithering to the table to sit "so Aranea does your mother know you're here?" she nodded "Yes I texted her on where I'll be" he nodded taking a sip of his coffee "so still looking for a job?" Aranea nodded looking at the table "to be honest grandfather I think I should follow my father's advice, you know?" he nodded drinking coffee "yes I know. but you sure? demons will do anything to be an overlord and we want you safe" Aranea nodded Patting his hand "I know, but grandfather I can protect myself. now I uh need to get home, thanks for letting me stay the night Grandfather" she got up slithering out the door yawning still. After Aranea arrived to your house Monty immediately asked her on where she's been "I've been at grandfather's don't worry dad I was only gone for the night" he smiled hugging her "I know but We worry," she heard her brothers crawling laughing while Vinny was still in his night clothes "Hickory, Vince you two come here it's too early to crawl away from a diaper change" she laughed a bit growing her extra arms grabbing her brothers "Here papa Vinny grab vince, I got hickory" he nodded grabbing Vince walking to change his diaper while Aranea did the same Monty sighed scratching his head "I swear you two are spending way too much time together" he slithered towards the kitchen he saw a flash from a camera "Ah! the fuck?!" blinking to regain his vision looking out the window, Aranea slithered in fast holding hickory "You alright dad? I heard you yelling" he nodded rubbing his eye "Yeah I'm alright, just got flashed by a light I guess" Aranea looked at the window raising her eye brow "hm, I'll uh be back dad here's Hickory" he held Hickory nodding "Alright Lass be careful and be back before your mother comes home" she nodded smiling "Kay Dad love you"

A few minutes later

Aranea slithered around pentagram city looking at some demons that backed away she got blinded by a flash hearing footsteps running "AH! What the hell?!" she regained her eyesight and chased the demon looking pissed tackling the demon coiling her tail around him "Why are you stalking me?"  she looked at the demon then her anger slightly disappeared the TV demon struggled talking in the same robotic voice "Don't Erase me!" she loosened her grip curious about him "Whoa I've never seen a TV demon like you, what's your name?" he gave her a confused look sighing "uh my name? it's Vox" Aranea's eyes widened "Vox? as in Vox-co? and in my dad's story?" he raised his digital eyebrow "Dad? who's your father?" she hesitated knowing he could be vengeful "Uh Montgomery python. I'm Aranea Amare pentious" he groaned in annoyance "I knew that fucking python looked familiar and he's an overlord?" Aranea smacked him in his face "Hey that's my father you're talking about I'm kinda like him in some ways" Vox looked at her "really? so tell me about yourself what kind of demon are you?" Areana looked at her reflection sighing "A hellborn snake spider demon I guess the first overlord born in hell" Vox seemed interested nodding "I see so you're just a teen taking on responsibilities?" Aranea rolled her eyes speaking in her Irish accent "oh shut it ya' television" he laughed a bit "your accent is funny" she smacked the back of his head "oh shut it, I'm kinda hiring at my building so do you want a job as a second secretary?" he raised an eyebrow "that's a thing now?" she nodded "plus Halloween is closing in so I need more people"

whew days that I've been working on this page hope you enjoy

have a good day or night

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