Father Daughter Bonding

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"Alright Aranea you Up for Boxing practice?" Aranea looked at Monty shrugging "Sure dad" He knew something was up "What's wrong lass?" she sat down sighing "I got Fired from my job. they didn't give me a reason or a pink slip" Monty sat down next to her "You know I lost my job and became an overlord before I met your mother, so maybe this overlord job is your thing" Aranea looked at him smiling "Okay dad let's get this lesson done," He nodded holding the punching bag telling her what to do "Now try your tail smack using your extra arms" she nodded growing extra arms using them for a cartwheel Tail smacking the punching bag then punched a hole into the punching bag "Oh whoops I uh think I got carried away dad" he shrugged patting her back "Ah it's okay your mum did the same twice. now wanna go to the bar? I know one that is next door" her hood flared up smiling "Oh Hell Yeah Dad!" They walked over to the bar and sat down "Alright what would you like to eat?" she looked at the menu trying to decide and pointed to a dish smiling "Oh how about this dad? it looks good" he nodded and called the Waiter telling him what they would like he nodded writing it down "good choice sir," he walked off giving the cook the order and walks back "So whose this lady is she your Girlfriend?" They had a grossed out face "No we're Father and daughter." the waiter laughed nervously apologizing "so very sorry" he left again and came back with two plates "Now anything to drink?" Aranea nodded "Yeah I'll have a shot of whiskey" Monty asked for the same The waiter nodded and walked away "Aranea I remember the day you were born when you was a small Lass you had an imaginary Friend named uh Willy? Wally?" Aranea looked around then said it "it was Francis Dad" Monty laughed smiling ruffling her hair lightly "Oh right, you were so imaginative as a child and knowing your brothers they're creative" Aranea smiled moving her hair out of her face "Say Dad what would you do if Ivan um was seeing another girl?" he looked up fast "Whoa Whoa whoa, wait a minute what do you mean seeing another girl?" Aranea looked at the ground crossing her arms "I went to visit him in the lust ring like how I always do and I saw him kissing someone else" Monty got up paying for the drinks leaving the money on the table "Aranea let's get to the house" she nodded getting up. They slithered to Monty's car got in as Monty Drove Aranea looked out the window.

A Few Moments Later

Monty opened his door slithering to his car trunk Aranea got out too wondering what he's doing "Dad What are you doing?" Monty cocked his gun "I just want to talk to him" her hood flared up "Dad why do you have a gun" they went back and forth "I Just want to talk to him" "Dad! You can't do this!" "I just want to talk to him" "dad it wasn't his fault!" "I just want to shoot him" "Dad!" "I just want to shoot him" he knocked on the door they argued a bit as Ivan opened the door Monty pointed his gun at him "You Got My daughter Pregnant!" Ivan got confused "Wait what?" Aranea was confused "Dad! I'm not Pregnant!" Monty laughed scratching the back of his head "Oh whoops sorry Lass, now uh where was I? oh right!" he pointed the gun back to Ivan "Are you cheating on My Little girl?" Ivan sweated nervously then shut the door running jumping the fence Aranea looked sighing "Dad can we go home? I want to eat ice cream and watch some Imp Dramas" Monty Nodded opening the door for her "here you go" she got in sitting buckling up her seat belt "Thanks dad Let's go home" he nodded driving to your house "Hey Y/n we're home" you walked over carrying a sleepy Twin "hey guys How was your Day?" Hickory rubbed his eye yawning then leaned on your shoulder falling asleep Monty smiled "oh it was good" you nodded smiling "that's good now I'll go put Hickory in his crib and I'll get Dinner started" they Nodded and sat on the couch Aranea turned the Tv on watching some movies "So dad if I were to move somewhere where would you recommend?" he shrugged

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