gotta secret

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You slept in your bed turning to the side opening one eye then woke up real fast "Oh no! Oh no! I over slept!" you ran down the stairs then got a call from Sheldon "hello? Wait no school? So I ran down the stairs for no reason?" You raised an eyebrow as he replied with a yes and hung up you smiled and went to the kitchen "Hey Dad Hey papa, Hey Jasper, Edger, Toby, Aurora, Grace, Evelyn," they all smiled greeting you "Hey Y/n sleep well?" you nodded sitting down "yeah, and Dad thanks for the driving lessons also I don't have school something about the power going out?" Your dads raised an eyebrow "power outage at the school? That's uh strange, oh well anyway Y/n, Jasper, Grace you're both coming with me to a meeting" you smiled nodding "okay Dad anything specific we need to do?" He looked at you and sighed "Y/n your job as well as Jasper and Grace is to erase them if they try to erase us" you nodded gulping as he handed you a barrel shotgun trusting you "Remember I taught you to shoot every gun when you were 6, hopefully you won't need to shoot anyone knowing you, you'll be hesitant." He kissed your forehead looking at the clock "Oh we better get there early, Penn we'll be back in a few hours" your father did always worry for your father and hugged him "Be safe and don't let anyone hurt Y/n or Jasper or Grace," he nodded getting his keys then walked out the door as he handed them to you "okay kiddo you get to drive for practice remember the lessons I taught you" you nodded getting into the driver's seat adjusting the mirrors and steering wheel starting the car looking behind you carefully backing up and went forward driving to the location your dad told you about pointing "Now next turn and we'll arrive at the meeting location" you turned the steering wheel looking around then at the building turning the car off he patted your shoulder "Good job now remember behave and don't shoot unless needed to" you nodded keeping the barrel shotgun hidden.

A few minutes later

Your father waited tapping his fingers on the table "where are those guys?" you shrugged then jumped after hearing the door slam open "Okay we're here. Huh didn't know you got new members" your father recognized him and sorta glared "Yeah pops." the man sat across from him while you were silently freaking out your sister stood behind you grabbing your hand whispering "Sis it's okay you'll be okay" you sighed smiling whispering back at her "Thanks sis" your brother kept his guard up standing next to your father then the man asked "So I saw that uh girl driving your car something I need to know About Arackniss?" Your father looked at you noticing that you're silently panicking then looked back "Uh No pops she's my driver I told her to drive around for a few minutes. Why does it matter to you?" then more doors slammed open you looked seeing another snake demon your father looked then sighed "what can I do for you?" The snake seemed to act serious "well 'Boss' uh we need to wrap this meeting up and sorry for interrupting 'Boss'" you looked at the snake and he stared back making you avoid eye contact. The man you know as Henroin got up and left "Well next meeting make sure all your members are there and accounted for Arackniss understand?" Your father nodded then closed the door looking at the snake demon "Monty it's uh good to see you. What is it that you come in unannounced?" this 'Monty' guy smiled at your father "well Mr.Assassin I just came by to see what you do for a living and uh who's the girl over there?" He pointed to you making your father protective over you "Oh no you don't, my daughter is off limits" the snake demon made a defensive gesture "Whoa there Arackniss no need to get all defensive besides I'm way out of her league,". Your father sighed nodding sitting down on a chair "so what did you want? That you kinda rushed this meeting" this Monty guy smiled "Well I was wondering if you and pentious would like to go get drinks sometime" your father looked at the man then looked at you and your siblings "hmm me and penn will think about it we raised a kid and 6 hellhounds" you smiled at your brother and sister "oh it's fine dad We can handle ourselves, believe us" your father sighed patting your shoulder "Okay Ragazzo I believe you, now uh Monty I'll talk to penn about the drinks later, Jasper, Grace do what ever you want. Y/n you do the same" as your father walked out the snake demon slithered up to you "So uh how did you die? If you came to hell rather young" you stiffened up at the question "Oh uh isn't uh rude to ask how one died?" He sighed scratching the back of his neck "Oh sorry lass thought it was appropriate to ask again very sorry it won't happen again" you both stood there in a awkward silence you coughed breaking the silence "Uh so how do you know my dads?" He made a thinking gesture trying to remember "I knew your father pentious cause I uh dated him way before we broke up and he moved on with your father arackniss and let's just say they couldn't resist the Irish python" it took you awhile to realize on what he meant "wow," he nodded. He looked around the room then back at you "So uh I know your secret, you're uh human right?" You stiffened up more silently panicking "Oh shit how'd you figure it out!? I stayed in my Disguise for years! And I go to school like the rest of the kids at my school" he stared at you waiting for you to finish your questioning and ranting "uh ya' finished lass?" You sighed looking at him "Yeah, but really how'd you figure it out?" He messed with his bow tie chuckling nervously "Uh well you see I uh check on arackniss and pentious every now and then" you looked him kinda surprised that he held on to that secret for years you heard your father calling for you "Y/n? You ready to head home? Your father told me to take you home and uh Monty is still here? N/n did he try anything?" You nodded "No dad we were just talking" you muttered a bit Arackniss raised an eyebrow "What was that? You muttered something tell me" you twiddled your thumbs nervously then blurted out "Dad I took one of your Wild pegasus whiskey during my first day of school!" Both men blinked confused then shrugged.

Oh boy this is the longest chapter I've made and Monty python was created by Axel Gear.

Hope you all have a nice day or night. Enjoy the chapter!

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