Grandpa Henroin and a new device

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You sat with your dad while he worked on a new little device "So Dad I take it your making a tracking device?" He nodded taking his goggles off every two minutes and taking notes for a while "Hey N/n? Can you hand me that torch?" You grabbed the torch and handed it to him "Here Dad," he smiled grabbing it "Thank you, N/n" your Father Arackniss ran around the house yelling about someone coming "Y/n! Dress your best and Penn you continue being cute" you smiled at that comment to your dad then got up "Alright dads you two have some alone time if you catch my drift wink wink" they both blushed then facepalm "Y/n stop making sex jokes" you shrugged laughing heading to your room opening and shutting your door looking at some clothes in the wardrobe "hmm eh I'll wear the ombre T-shirt with some shorts" you heard a car near by noticing it was Charlie's limousine raising an eyebrow "Huh, are they visiting or something?" you watched as they parked the limousine only five people came out Charlie, Vaggie, Angel and Delilah holding a baby "Hm well look who's back" you heard another car pull up looking in the direction fast "well there's Henroin" you quickly got dressed and walked out of your room sitting on the couch acting like you were watching tv hearing the knock yelling "I'll get it!" you jumped up opening the door "Hi uncle angel, Delilah. Hi Charlie and Vaggie" you allowed them in while Henroin stood there looking intimidating you gulped allowing him in "Come in sir" your father fixed his bow tie and jacket walking into the living room "Hey N/n thanks for keeping everyone company after cleaning the house up" you nodded sitting by your uncle. He looked at you and smiled "Hey N/n how's my niece doing?" he ruffled up your hair playfully while you laughed shooing his arm away lightly "Uncle Anthony stop" your father slightly smiled then cleared his throat "Pops, this is my first daughter adopted wise" you waved awkwardly sitting close to your uncle. Delilah held her kid close to her (She's in her Disguise btw, back to the story) Angel asked to hold his grandchild "Del can I hold your little sweet ravioli?" Delilah nodded giving him her baby "Her Name is Annabelle Dust Birch," Angel looked at the baby and smiled at her "She's so cute" Henroin got curious about the said baby asking "How many of you have kids now?" you smiled deciding to be a smart ass "Well I'm your first granddaughter and Delilah is the second granddaughter so little Annabelle is your first great Granddaughter and my brothers and sisters have their own place so in total you have Nine grandkids." Henroin blinked fast then got confused "what? How? When?" your father patted your back proud "Nice Math, Penn really taught you well" you smiled and got up walking to your dad's workspace "Hey papa how's it going?" your father took his goggles off "It's going fine N/n. It's almost done, now N/n go visit your grandfather I'll call you when the device is ready" you nodded walking back to the living room "Hey Dad want me to bring some tea in?" He nodded "yes take your time N/n thank you" you headed to the kitchen while your father kept an eye on his.

After all that

You sat on the couch after your grandfather left "Dad, how did you manage to live with that guy? He's too intense" he nodded agreeing sitting back "I don't know N/n but hopefully Anthony can help Delilah raise the kid I told him some tricks to help a baby stop crying used that trick on you" you raised an eyebrow looking at him "back rubs?" He nodded thinking of what else to say "Oh yeah and some of your books I used to read to you when you were a one year old you enjoyed the hell out those books" you smiled then saw your snake dad come out of the workspace "N/n I finished it, I made it look like a bracelet so wear it at all times in case that horrible Valentino comes after you so we'll know where you are." You smiled putting the bracelet on looking at it "whoa it's even in (F/C) I love it dad and thank you" smiling then hugged both your fathers they smiled hugging you back "You're welcome kiddo".

1 hour later

You smiled walking up to your room taking off your disguise pendant yawning tired going to sleep meanwhile downstairs your fathers stayed up and called certain people (Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Monty and Angel oh and Molly okay sorry for interrupting) they sat on a chair and couch asking why they were called there your father replied "We called you all here to tell you all that we figured out on how to track Y/n in case she gets kidnapped that last time we didn't know where she was. So Penn here made a tracking device that looks like a bracelet and it allows you six to know where she is through phone or uh radio" they looked at each other nodded "That is pretty smart" Monty raised his hand like as if he was in school "Yes Monty?" Your father raised an eyebrow "So say the signal of the device doesn't work how will we find her?" your dad thought it through giving a bit of a smug grin "Oh I thought about that scenario, The signal can work underwater and underground and through thick walls mainly anywhere." Monty nodded smiling relaxing a bit "alright, good to know" he leaned back onto the chair. Your fathers continued to tell them how to tell if you're in danger "Now if she's banging on the doors Anthony you gotta listen for that if she's out late knowing her she be out late walking. Monty you keep an eye out for her when she's walking but if she's running help her out. Alastor I know how your shadows are they can be protective they are. Molly since you go out late too keep a gun with you in case someone decides to hurt your niece" Charlie and vaggie wondered what they should do "And you two she'll knock on the door yelling pay attention to that. She's done that last time with no answer." They ended the meeting said their goodbyes waving as your fathers quietly shut the door sighing "Nissy let's go to bed" he nodded following your snake dad as they sighed laying in their bed smiling holding each other. Meanwhile in your room you woke up to the egg bois standing at the side of your bed saying they had nightmares you blinked then sighed giving the follow me gesture you headed to their room looking at some books "Okay egg bois I'll read you guys a story so you guys can sleep and I can sleep" they nodded then climbed onto their bed laying down you sighed starting to read them a story they smiled enjoying the story as you continued the story they fell asleep. You stopped reading carefully closed the book leaving the room and back to your room yawning plopping back onto your room falling asleep.

Another day another chapter

Hope you all enjoy and have a good day or night

And I thank LisaHicks8 for the chapter idea.

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