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Aranea put her costume on excitedly "Mama! Daddy! Look I'm a Bat Demon!" she flailed her arms to look she's flapping her wings screeching while slithering around you looked smiled "Sweet pea no screeching like that," she nodded and climbed onto the couch swinging her tail lightly Vince smiled while talking with you "hey Y/n we better head out before Aranea gets mad about how we're taking forever" you nodded lightly grabbing your daughter's hand "Come on Sweet pea let's go" Aranea smiled slithering next to you looking at all the demon and imp children "Come on mama and Daddy to grandpas house! Grandpa Arackniss has one of those sweets that I like" you giggled at her excited faced walking the direction of your father's house. After the few minute walk Aranea slithered next to you stopping at the door "Alright Aranea knock" she knocked on the door excited "grandpa! grandfather! Trick or Treat!" your fathers opened the door "Hey Aranea Happy Halloween, let's see what we have" they grabbed a bowl handing Aranea a handful of different kinds of candy she thanked them slithering down the steps "to the hotel please!" you smiled giggling grabbing your daughter's hand "Okay Come on Vince" after the hotel the three of you went to every house Aranea saw until she picked her final house "and to big house" she slithered up the steps while you kept an eye on her while she knocked. The door opened to Monty in a costume "Happy Halloween wee lass!" Aranea held her bucket up "Trick or treat!" Monty gave her a small bag of candy "Be sure to brush after eating the candy" she nodded slithering back to you smiling "Mama! Daddy! Look I have so much candy!" you and Vince nodded knowing it'll be a long night.

Moments later

Aranea slithered fast around the house laughing like a maniac "Halloween is my favorite holiday!!!" you sighed drinking Coffee/Tea to stay awake "Aranea Sweet pea don't eat all your candy or you'll get a stomachache" Vince already fell asleep snoring "Listen to your mother.." you sighed letting Aranea tire herself out she did get very tired falling asleep on a chair you smiled picking her up carrying her to her bedroom laying her down "Night sweet pea" you walked to your room yawning "what a Day and What a holiday." you laid in your bed falling asleep.

Happy Halloween everyone! Have a good day or night!

Two Demons and a Human childHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin