Funny Argument + human world and taken again

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"hey Monty We got plenty of Coitus" you sat there with your snake father Monty slithered into the room seeing your look "Shite uh what's a coitus? Doe it taste good?" you made angry eyes throwing a pillow "FUCKING! IT MEANS FUCKING YOU IRISH BUFFOON!!" He kinda got scared and yelled nervously "SORRY Y/N SORRY! You want some fuck? Here I'll give you some fuck here!" you threw another pillow "Not NOW The moment is gone!" he tried to figure out on what to do "What should I do to make up for it?" You looked at your dad smiling "FETCH ME SOME TEA! Gray earl tea. HOT!" he nodded "Yes Y/n! Right away!" you snickered then did something unexpected "Without clothes!" he blushed "what?" You yelled "TAKE THEM OFF!" he yelped taking his shirt off "What ever you say y/n!" You smiled raising an eyebrow "That's more like it" Monty was still confused "I still don't know what coitus is, does it taste good?" You yelled throwing another pillow yet again "Your Blue Mass in the kitchen!" he yelped not wanting to make you more 'angry' "AHH YES Y/N!" both your fathers sat there not sure on what to think and flustered from the sight of Monty looking at each other "Nissy did you see his?" he nodded "Yeah, I did uh Penn room now" your father smiled and practically dragged your other father making you blink fast "Damn, hey Monty you stop making the Earl Tea they're gone" he nodded slithering back into the living room "So alone again huh lass?" He raised an eyebrow making you blush reaching for a pillow "No Bad Monty Bad" he held his hands up for defense "Okay sorry Lass just messing with you" you relaxed a bit leaning backwards "better be messing with me, My legs still feel like jelly after that one time besides you know how my dads are" he nodded getting his shirt and vest on "Oh aye. I know, sure dads can be protective and all but shite" you nodded looking at your feet nervously "Hey Monty? Ever wander what it's like having a family of your own? Like my cousin Delilah she had her first kid Annabelle had hazel brown and Sky blue eyes like..." You froze realizing who the father was you slid down the couch now sitting on the floor "Sheldon." Monty heard some sadness in your tone and picked you up "Lass, let me tell you what my Mum used to tell me sometimes 'when one person leaves you like you're nothing think of it as an opportunity to find someone better and put the past behind you' what she meant is you have to leave the past behind and make a future for yourself and a special someone" you lifted your head taking in the words he said "You're right, say you still got that ring I gave you?" he nodded showing it on a chain with a charm on it "I kept it close in case of an emergency" you smiled patting his cheek lightly and called your Sister Grace "Hey Grace wanna go to the human world? It must be tiring in the lust or Greed ring" your sister sounded glad to get out of there "Yes! Finally I want to be out of hell for a few hours. I'll be over in a hour" you both said goodbyes and hung up "Alright she'll be here in 58 minutes that gives enough time to explain how the ring works and what not to do in the human world" he nodded while listening to you smiling sighing "Lass have I ever told you that you are so lovely? Even without the disguise?" you raised an eyebrow then smiled "no you haven't. That's the first time I've heard that" you continued explaining the ring to him he nodded. After an hour your sister came in with bags from various man clothing stores "Where's the man in need of man clothing?" you slowly pointed to Monty your sister nodded handing him the bag of clothes "Now since I can go to the human world just act like a normal human being. No one will notice." She opened up a portal in a alleyway "Also Y/n be careful in this alleyway 3 imps and a hellhound nearly got caught by Humans mainly demon obsessed. So turn into your human forms quick" you turned to your human form fixing your hair into a ponytail. Monty looked blushing and did the same looking at his arms and legs realizing he had no pants on he then covered his no no square (I couldn't resist! XD no one saw that coming!) and quickly put pants and shoes on "Oh shite sorry ya had to see that lasses" you blushed while your sister Grace nudged you winking "He's a keeper" you rolled your eyes walking through the portal looking around the area while waiting for your sister and Monty "Come on you two I don't feel safe in this empty alleyway" Monty carefully tried to walk and tripped "Uhh ladies first" your sister walked through pulling monty through "try practice walking. One over the other it's simple" he nodded using a wall for support getting the hang of it "Oh look at that I'm getting the hang of this. Alright let's go" you walked next to Monty in case he falls. Your sister looked around sniffing the ground "Y/n, Monty stop something is near" you looked around then felt a pair of hands on your shoulders and another pair covering your mouth only letting out muffled yelling. Monty looked and tried following you but the portal closed "Dammit!" he fell on his knees looking at where the portal was while your sister rubbed his back then heard his phone go off taking it out looking at the notification "The tracker. Oh shite right Penny made a tracking device. Uh grace? Make a portal back to hell" he changed back to his demon form.

Two Demons and a Human childWhere stories live. Discover now