The Familiar & turn of events

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(She's staying at her dad's while you're in the human world fixing the old house)

Aranea read a story on her laptop about people being reincarnated then saw some familiar spots "huh? 'man grows marks on his arm and forehead that were never there before' where have I seen those spots before?" she looked at the ceiling getting a flashback she aimed her rifle to the moth demon "any last words Shit head?" the moth demon smiled "Heh, good luck Overlord Aranea" she shot her rifle again "Ci vediamo nel doppio inferno" cutting back to the present she blinked a couple times then panicked "Oh Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! SHITE! He's back oh for the love of Lucifer no" Monty and Vinny heard her yelling from down the stairs then ran/slithering to check on her "Lass? You alright? We're coming in" he opened the door seeing Aranea looking scared getting up to hug her father and stepfather. Vinny looked at the laptop then pulled away from the hug gently "Aranea what got you so scared? There's nothing to be afraid of" Aranea showed them the spots she shot at with her rifle they understood on why she freaked out "But how?" Aranea shrugged still freaking out they both hugged her "you'll be okay"

Meanwhile with you

You sat on your porch taking a break from fixing up the porch "Man never thought I'd find so many lost toys under there welp it was a workout after all" you stretched then felt someone staring at you and frowned grabbing your screwdriver real fast holding it up to the person's neck you looked at the person apologizing "sorry I'm a litte on edge. Anyway who are you I never saw you in this neighborhood" the man smiled and held his hand out "Hello I'm Va- uh Constantine." You cautiously grabbed his hand shaking it "I'm Y/n" growing suspicious taking your hand back "nice to meet you" he took it you got suspicious and walked away fast muttering to himself after he left you glared at the direction he went sighing "I better check on Aranea" you walked into the house checking your phone a text with a picture of your daughter her father and stepdad eating Beelzebub's deli fries smiling you took a picture of the half newly built porch texting 'so many lost toys from back then lol' sighing you couldn't stop thinking how the guy looked familiar.

Next day

You continued to work on your porch finally finishing sanding and painting sweating "whew finally finished" you heard footsteps looking behind you "Oh hey Mr.Clark any mail today?" He nodded grabbing letters and a bouquet of your favorite flowers (in the human world) "All this for you miss pentious," he handed all the Letters and gifts to you tipping his hat "Have a nice day Miss" you nodded smiling "Thanks" sighing heading inside the house placing the items down "Let's see water bill, electric bill, only two bills and a shit ton of love letters and gifts" sighing trying to figure it out only to hear the door bell ring confused you opened the door looking around then at the ground seeing a letter you hesitantly picked the letter and opened it "Another letter?" you read it 'Hello, Y/n we meet again, I would like to take you out sometime will you accept? I'm a changed man I swear,' not sure on trusting the letter you sighed in annoyance. Walking to the kitchen for a drink "there's something weird going on around here" you took a sip looking at the letters rolling your eyes "that fucker won't leave me alone will he?" the door bell rang you sat your drink down walking to answer the door "hello?" the same guy from the other day stood at the bottom of the stairs from your porch wearing a tank top and pants "uh Hi, um so uh did you accept my offer?" he held a bouquet of your favorite flowers while smiling nervously. Sighing in annoyance "if I agree will you leave me be?" he nodded real fast "I'll be by at 8 pm sharp wear whatever you want" you watched as he tripped falling then ran away "that was weird" you closed the door wondering what you got yourself into sighing.


Looked at the mirror slightly regretting your decision on going out "Really starting to regret this. I wonder if I can wear my clothes from hell" you checked your bag you've packed "Hmm maybe this ombre shirt and these pants with the knee high boots" you took your time putting the clothes and boots on "alright let's get this over with" you opened the door as the man wore a t-shirt and pants "Oh hi, you're looking lovely this evening" he held his arm out you shrugged taking his arm as the two of you walked to a building he held the door open for you "ladies first" he smiled as you walked past him thanking him. You looked around the building taking a seat "huh this is new" he smiled sitting across from you as a waitress handed out the menus "take your time" she walked away you looked at the menu he thought about what he said the last time he saw you sighing "Okay just gonna cut to the chase but I'm sorry for what I've said in hell. Purgatory gave me another shot at life" you looked up from the menu actually surprised at his apology and his words "I uh never thought you'd apologize even reincarnated" he shrugged smiling the waitress came back with some drinks "Alright here are two cups of whiskey" you thanked her taking a sip of your drink "so what made you think of the name Constantine?" he took a sip from his cup thinking of an answer "it's better than Valentino right?" you shrugged nodding taking a drink from the cup. A few moments you both joked around you got up from your seat "It's late I'm gonna head home" He nodded then noticed a guy staring at your drunken state getting up too "Here I'll walk you home" he got up leaving a tip walking next to you glaring at the guy sighing "I know they gave you two cups of whiskey but damn" he felt you get heavy and limp then heard a thud. He looked at the ground "hey get up" he tried to wake you up "dammit" he picked you up taking you a nearest hospital.

A few minutes later

He opened the hospital's door "hello anyone this woman needs some help here" a doctor ran up "I'm Doctor Della, what happened?" he wasn't sure "I don't know she had a couple drinks and she just went limp" she nodded "Hm she could be having an allergic reaction to something. We'll get her to a near room" a couple of nurses ran up with a bed "we got the bed Doctor" she nodded "lay her on this we'll take a look go wait in the waiting room" he nodded heading to a waiting room. He read a few magazines watched some television for a few minutes then got on his phone walking around the room. Then Doctor Della walked in "Sir, Miss Y/n wants to see you" he nodded following her to your room "she's in here" she opened your door while you texted your daughter checking on her "Dr.Della you remember my daughter yeah?" she nodded "Of course I was the one who knew you came from hell and helped you give birth" you smiled at her then looked at the man behind her "Oh hey Constantine thank you for helping me" he nodded and had questions "so what was she allergic to?" The doctor pulled up a folder with your name on it "well she was allergic to a spice in some of the food" you looked as they talked then tried to get out of bed "Y/n stay in bed you need rest" you pouted staying in bed "Fine" yawning you laid back down falling asleep.

Back with Aranea

Monty and Aranea practiced fighting while Vinny watched from the side "this'll probably get Aranea at ease she's been through so much" while Monty was talking about which moves she can use in the ring she secretly grew extra arms and tried a new move "Spider Tail smack!" she tail smacked Monty while doing a handstand he landed on his rear end "Whoa! Nice one my wee lass!" Aranea smiled retracting her extra arms "Thanks Dad, I should probably text mom and see how's she's doing" Monty smiled nodding as Aranea left he sighed "she's growing up fast it was like yesterday she was a baby to a child and now a Fighter of a ring. No boy will get with my daughter" Vinny raised an eyebrow smiling "Overprotective much Monty?" They smiled at each other.

Oh man this is the longest chapter I've written

Enjoy! Have a good day or night what should I write in the next chapter?
Let me know in the comments. Been busy

Two Demons and a Human childWhere stories live. Discover now