Meeting an Aunt and back to school

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Your dads forced you to go dress shopping with Angel and Alastor "But uncle Anthony, Uncle Alastor why would I need dresses? It's not like I'm going on a Date or prom or some dance" Angel looked at you thinking of an answer "Well you never know if you go to a dance plus we can ask my twin sister to sew you an outfit that is a suit and dress how's that sound?" You eyed the door getting ready to make a break for it but Alastor and Angel planned that out "Y/n don't you think about it we thought it through. Next store you can pick out what ever outfit you want" that seemed to stop you making you agree "Alright fine but no girly items." You picked out a F/C ombre dress going to a dressing room muttering to yourself putting the dress on then walking out "well?" Alastor made a thinking gesture then nodded adding one accessory "there a lady is never fully dressed without a hair pin and a smile" you looked in the mirror and shrugged "Hm yeah this is nice" they both nodded smiling (well Alastor is smiling wider so you get it.) They walked you out of the store heading to the one next door "whoa! Is this the Apple Tailor store? I've always wanted to come here but I never had the money" they nodded walking you in your uncle angel looked around and spotted someone waving while yelling a greeting "Hey Sis! It's me Angel" a woman ran over to your uncle "Angie! It's great to see you I haven't seen you in years" you and Alastor looked at the two confused "Uh Al who is who?" He looked left and right pointing making a light radio static noise "No clue dear no clue" both of them walked over with a smile and a little laugh "Alright Molls meet your niece and my Acquaintance Alastor" you looked at the lady giving her a nod as a greeting "Nice to meet you miss Molls" she smiled jumping a bit "oooh A neice! I've always wanted a niece which one of my brothers adopted you?" You shrugged "uh my dad is arackniss and Sir pentious ma'am" molly squealed with excitement "Aw I knew my brothers were gay!" You raised an eyebrow making her smile even more "You even have Nissy's seriousness and goofiness and smarts from this pentious guy" she pulled you into a hug with her fluff getting into your face "Uh aunt Molly not to be rude but your fluff is in my face" she let go laughing a bit "Oh I'm sorry but it's nice having a niece" you smiled at her while she grabbed your hand "Oh! I know Just the outfit for you" you walked keeping up with her "Aunt Molls why are we in the girls section of the store? I was heading to the gender neutral section of the store" she pulled out some pants and Shirts with (F/band) logos "Oh sweet pea this isn't just a girl's section this is where I got my dress, Boots, Jacket and headband you choose an outfit and I'll pay for them" you looked around picking some clothes out walking up to your aunt "Here aunt Molls"

After 2 hours

You and your Aunt and Uncles went to get drinks laughing and telling jokes you smiled laughing "Aunt Molls, uncle Angel how come dad didn't let me meet her? She's great" Alastor laughed taking a sip of his drink "he might have reasons dear now what time is it?" You looked at the clock stiffening up "it's 9 pm we better get home sorry Aunt Molls but I have school tomorrow" she nodded understanding "Alright see y'all later" you walked in the direction of your father's home your uncle walking with you "so N/n next time You're back wanna hang out at a bar?" You nodded smiling "sure uncle Anthony see you next time!" You ran up the door opening it carefully shutting the door then a light came on making you freeze looking into the living room "Y/n M/n Pentious where have you been it's almost 10 o'clock" your snake dad was sitting on a chair arms crossed with his hat giving the same expression as your father "Well?" You knew you were gonna get grounded if you didn't answer "I was hanging out with Aunt Molls and Uncle Angel and Alastor" your father stood up slithering towards you and gave you a talk (or a slap on the wrist) then slithered to his and your father's room "Get some sleep you have school in the morning" you sighed walking up to your room yawning plopping onto your bed to tired to do anything else falling asleep.

Meanwhile with your dads

"so she met My sister Molly huh? Should've seen that coming penn" both of your fathers stayed up wondering what kept you so long while your snake dad looked at your father "Nissy I know we agreed on certain relatives and people we know can't meet Y/n for obvious reasons but your sister didn't realize that Y/n is a human so why don't we allow our Hellhounds/Kids meet their aunt Molly?" Arackniss sighed thinking about it "can it wait until morning and Y/n is at school safe" both your fathers agreed and went to sleep.

3 hour later

You groaned getting up from your bed heading to a bathroom yawning "What time is it?" You looked at the clock rubbing your eye "oh it's only 4 in the morning. Welp I better get ready for school" you opened the bathroom door walking in doing your morning routine then headed to the kitchen "morning dad," you knew your dad was a early morning kind of person "Oh hey N/n I packed you and your roommates some more of those box dinners you like so much but next time go to a grocery store and buy some things okay?" You nodded smiling at him getting ready to walk away he stopped you "Wait since you're near the age of being an adult after school you and Sheldon and Delilah head to a bank in the living world make an account. Here a few thousand from my work they pay a lot" you nodded taking the money placing it in your bag hugging him "Thanks dad oh and can you teach me to drive next time I come back?" He nodded taking a sip of coffee "Sure kiddo since Penn taught you to drive that air ship" you smiled walking to the living room then ran upstairs to wake your friends up "Hey Sheldon! Del time to get up for school!" they shot up getting up groaning looking at you tired "Okay we're up Y/n just stop screaming and flickering the lights it's getting annoying" they got up heading down stairs making you snicker shrugging. After an hour your father made a portal to your dorms "Alright remember what I said N/n?" You nodded smiling "I know I know bank after school with Sheldon and Delilah" arackniss nodded patting your head lightly pushing you into the portal "Now you kids have a great few days at school" you and your father heard footsteps running and jump through the portal you both sighed saying your goodbyes "Bye Dad," he smiled slightly "see ya Ragazzo" you smiled walking to your bed hand on your hip "Eggboi #668 I know you're under the covers" he came out from under your covers twiddling his fingers you sighed slightly setting him down on the ground "you know the rules, and routine so stay here until I can think of something" you patted his head while he walked around for a while and found something that wasn't there before "Hey Miss boss lady there's a box and a door here want me to check it out?" He called from somewhere in the dorm apartment you looked up and called out "Don't touch it until I get there Sheldon and Delilah are in class and I told them I got sick after the weekend." You walked to where he is and saw what he found taking a picture sending it to both your fathers asking them where that door came from picking the box up walking back into the kitchen "Hey 668 you got a pocket knife My dad packed?" He nodded handing it to you climbing up a chair "So what is it miss boss lady?" You stared at him taking out papers and a decorative pen "Not sure but I'm keeping the pen I mean look at it. pretty nice huh?" He agreed looking at the pen you wondered where the stuff came from and left the package alone until you get the time to yourself cause you laid in bed taking a nap while waiting for your friends.

Whew new chapter everyone enjoy! Have a nice day or night!

Two Demons and a Human childHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin