Boxing and Drinks (and an unexpected turn of events)

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"Hey Dad thanks for driving me to a lesson" Your Snake dad nodded smiling "You're welcome, now we're almost there." you both sat in complete silence except the radio playing about a boxing Match you got interested turning the radio up "Hey Dad didn't you say you used to listen to the radio boxing matches before meeting dad?" He nodded smiling "Yes, did I tell you that I actually trained with Monty punching wise I mean" you smiled listening to his story as you both made it to the destination "Alright we're here have fun and don't hesitate on punching someone" you nodded getting out of the car "I'll see you after lessons dad!" you ran into the building looking around smiling "This place is huge! Oh well duh it's an arena hm should I wait for Monty or watch the match.. I'll go watch the match" you walked into a room where the match is taking place (Idk what it's called) and watched the match smiling listening to the announcer as he was describing who was fighting who you felt a little tap on your shoulder making you jump looking behind you "Monty! don't scare me like that" he smiled raising an eyebrow then laughed a bit "Sorry lass, now follow me to the workout room then we'll get started".

A Few minutes later

"Okay Lass all you gotta do is let your aggression out on this punching bag pretend it's that fucker" you raised an eyebrow and smile then punched the punching bag yelling every word you can think of making Monty's eyes widen "Oh Shite, Lass how long have you been angry at that Valentino?" you didn't hear him until he pulled you away from the punching bag "Lass calm down I know I said let your Aggression out but Shite" you panted looking at him "Sorry Monty, I had that aggression towards that Shithead ever since I met my best friend Sheldon and I" he cut you off with a hug rubbing your back "For that long? Shite say how about we end practice and go out for drinks don't worry I won't let anything go wrong" you both walked/Slithered out of the building and to a nearby bar you heard your stomach growl making you smile nervously he smiled "Ah don't worry I'm paying" the two of you entered the bar looking around "wow never been to a bar like this" he shrugged pulling out a seat for you then pulled out his seat "So uh what would you like lass?" you looked at the drink menu on the table "uh well hm how about some whisky?" He nodded smiling "I'll get some whisky too" you got up telling him where you're going he nodded calling over a waiter "I'll get your whisky and get you some Fries and F/f" you gave him a thumbs up walking to the restroom. After you left Monty looked at the waiter telling him the orders then waited as the waiter left. He looked up at the door his eyes widened as he saw the familiar Moth demon "Oh Shite, I need to find that lass" he got up and slithered without being seen towards the restrooms without trying to draw attention to himself muttering 'Shite Shite shite' the moth demon noticed him and followed without him noticing. You walked out of the restroom smiling a bit looking up seeing Monty slithering while looking behind him and pushed you back into the restroom "Sorry Lass but we're getting a doggie bag and a couple cups of whiskey to go" you raised an eyebrow as he came into the restroom you noticed the look of worry and knew something was up "Monty what is it? Who's out there?" He looked around for a window then spotted a good sized window "uh not the time lass" he grabbed a few paper towels then punched the window making the glass shatter "Come on lass you first" you shrugged climbing out the window landing in a garbage bin "Ow really? What a day" he slithered out landing into the garbage bin too you jumped as you heard gunshots and the familiar voice "Dammit! They got away again" you shook in fear looking at Monty as he made a shushing motion holding his hand "Lass it's okay he won't look in the garbage bins" you nodded sitting there waiting.

Sunset (6-7 pm)

You leaned onto Monty asleep he looked at you and smile putting a hand on your shoulder then picked you up looking around "Cost is clear lass wake up he's gone" you woke up yawning while stretching "He is? Good" he put you down then climbed out holding his hand out to you "Ready to go home lass?" You nodded grabbing his hand as he pulled you out of the garbage bin and close to him you looked up at him and blush thinking in your head 'Shit Shit shiiiit! Why is he so handsome? Wait why'd I think he's handsome he's a snake' Monty waved his hand a bit "Lass? Lass? You froze when you looked at me is something wrong?" You shook your head "No nothing's wrong I'm just uh staring at your eyes they're so hypnotic for some reason" he blushed a bit then cleared his throat "Um we uh better get you home lass" you both heard a car pull up you instantly recognize your father's car "Hi Dad, Hi Father" both your fathers got out of the car walking/Slithering up to you fast "N/n are you okay? Monty what happened?" Monty cleared his throat again "So what happened is that Valentino tried to take your daughter again I'm not sure on why" your snake father looked at you then started hugging you "Why our daughter of all demons around here?" You looked at your fathers then at Monty. You walked to your father's car sitting in the back watching their conversation looking like they're agreeing on something "huh looks like they're at an agreement" your spider father walked up to your window knocking you rolled down the window "yeah dad?" he sighed pinching his nose bridge "We're gonna let Monty stay at the house. Only because he protected you from that Valentino fucker" you nodded then scooted over to make room in the car. Monty entered the car remaining silent for a bit before clearing his throat "Sorry that we uh left the arena just to drink" you shrugged smiling "Oh it's fine Monty besides this evening was eventful" he smiled  and looked out the window as your father started driving.

Meanwhile at your house (11 pm)

You sat on the couch reading a book on engineering drinking some of your dad's wild pegasus whisky "I'm sure dad won't mind" you heard the door open looking up smiling "Hey Monty, what are you doing up so late?" He shrugged pulling up a chair "Couldn't sleep, mind I join your drinking" you nodded giving him some whiskey you manage to find "Here" he smiled grabbing the bottle "Thanks Lass" you nodded taking a drink of the whiskey. After a few minutes you both sat on the couch just bored and watching tv "There's nothing on let's just watch some movies" he agreed you got up to look at the movies "Hey Hey Monty better Idea we can go into the backyard and stare at the sky" you stumbled to the backdoor opening it he followed you then sat on the ground with you "so Lass this night is becoming eventful" you nodded looking at the sky.

Finally finished hope you all enjoy have a good day or night!

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