Boxing again and unexpected turn of events

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Monty held the punching bag "Remember Let your aggression out but not too much you'll end up punching a hole through this like the last two bags" you looked laughing nervously you continued to punch hearing someone "Jackson come on it's been years! You never know our kid ended up in heaven!" You looked at the yelling couple as Monty looked too "No shit Lily! It was your fault for reading that damn book causing US to get murdered our friends ended up here too!" you looked at the couple wondering if you knew them or not Monty asked "uh Y/n? You okay?" you blinked as they heard your name being called "Y/n?" they walked up to you causing you to back away from them "I don't know you!" Monty looked sighing "Uh N/n? Wanna get back to practice? And remember less aggression" you went back to punching the bag as the couple tried to talk to you. Monty groaned at the couple "Hey N/n let's end today's lesson and go get ya a drink let's go" you nodded walking with him "yeah let's go" the couple followed calling to you Monty sighed "Lass want me to take you home? So your father's don't get worried?" You nodded smiling and jokingly said "It's a date Monty" he blushed scratching the back of his head "Lass you sure like joking around huh?" You snickered nodding "I sure do" the couple kept following you "Y/n we need to talk to you!" Monty opened the door holding it open for you "Ladies first" you smiled walking out "Come on Monty" he smiled slithering fast next to you.

At your house

Monty slithered next to you making jokes "and I said 'Kiss your sorry arse goodbye' then the gun never shot off then I uh nearly erased myself, crazy huh?" you nodded rubbing his arm then asked "are they still following?" He turned looking pretty irritated "Yup, Shite I need a shower after all this" the door opened up your snake dad slithered out smiling "Y/n welcome home, come in" you and Monty entered the house while the couple knocked on the door your father sighed opening the door "Yes? What can I do for you?" the couple asked for you. Your Spider father came home opening and closing his car door "Hey Penn, oh I didn't realize we had guest" you called out from the living room window "Hi dad how was work?" your father looked at you and smiled "Oh it was good Ragazzo how many punching bags have holes in them?" You smiled scratching the back of your head "Two?" he nodded while smiling walking up to the door "Proud of you kiddo uh excuse penn" your dad nodded moving out of the way "Oh and Nissy we're having Lasagna for dinner" your father nodded "Okay Penn" Monty slithered next to you seeing if the couple is gone and heard your father invite them in "come in, tea anyone?" You and Monty smiled "We would love some tea" your dad nodded slithering to the kitchen "I'll put a kettle on now you two have a seat" the couple sat down while you stayed standing looking at them as if they were suspicious Monty stood by you "so you two said a book caused your deaths? That's pretty laughable cause my fathers adopted me at 4 months told me the true story" you raised an eyebrow smiling turning to your human form "and besides I'm still alive and well" Monty nodded and excused himself "I better see if penny needs help" you nodded giving a thumbs up as he entered the kitchen looking at the couple "There are other people like me here in hell, I was raised here I go to a Human school engineering, just like my father and I learned to shoot and drive by both of my fathers" the couple looked at each other then got up "we thought they killed you along with us" you frowned and nodded "No" your father came out with a tray of tea while Monty held the cups "Hey Lass everything okay in here?" you nodded and helped your father set everything down "Thank you Y/n" you smiled setting the cups down "Hey Monty wanna play some call of duty?" He smiled "Oh hell yeah!" You both raced to your room sir pentious sighed "No Running in the house!" You called back "sorry Dad!" Monty called too "Sorry Penny!" sir pentious sighed again pouring some tea into some cups "So you're Jackson and Lily (R/L/N)? What business do you have with my daughter?" the couple stood up "Your Daughter?! She's OUR daughter!" Sir pentious stared at the couple sipping on some tea "hm well from the looks of it did she look happy?" they heard you and Monty argue like children sir pentious sighed "They're playing video games they get like that mainly it was Y/n yelling" you walked down the stairs going to the kitchen smiling "Getting some snacks before dinner" your father nodded continuing to drink his cup of tea "Alright but don't eat too much snacks you'll get a stomachache and get sick" you nodded grabbing a big bag of chips heading back to your room. Your father smiled and looked at the couple "Her father is like this too and" he heard his and Arackniss's room door slam open and running "Monty! Better not be touching my daughter! I can hear you through the headset!!" your father sighed looking unfazed by the situation "This is normal for me" the couple looked at the ceiling then got up "Uh we'll take our leave" the couple walked out the door. After the couple left your father quickly got up and slithered up the stairs real fast heading to your room "What's going on in there?" He opened the door with arackniss looking confused as you were getting tickled laughing "come on! I can't breathe! I can't breath! CUT IT OUT! STOP IT I'M GONNA THROW UP!" Monty laughed menacingly as he kept ticking you "I DON'T CARE!" You screamed laughing then punched Monty in the chest just to get him off of you "AH HAAA!" Monty rubbed his chest "Ow good punch there lass" you smiled "Then don't tickle me when I'm not paying attention" you punched his arm playfully. Both your dads got confused and left the room you sighed in relief "Monty next time mute the microphone you never know on who's listening in these party group chats" he nodded scratching the back of his head "Sorry Lass I didn't know he was listening" you raised an eyebrow "uh huh, wanna play another round of Call of duty?" He smiled sitting up "Oh hell yeah same team us against your dad?" You nodded smiling.

Another day another chapter done.
Hope you enjoy have a good day or night

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