A Call and Rescue (Healing)

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Warning: this chapter mentions a character hitting another, Cursing, and blood I guess 🤔

Monty slithered around town but stopped after hearing yelling looking in the direction slithering over seeing your fathers calling your name "N/n? Where are you?" he was about to slither over to them but he heard his phone ring answering the call "Hello? Lass? Whoa whoa slow down now what happened" he heard you on the phone trying to explain the situation "Monty, I need your help I'm being held here in this studio I ran away from home but" Monty looked at his phone making a 'calm down' motion "Lass, Lass please calm down and tell me where you are" you calmed down and told him your location "And Hurry he left the building not so long ago I'm tying everything together to make a rope long enough to climb" Monty nodded.

Time Skip to 5 minutes later

Monty texted you telling you he's there "I always wanted to say this" he called out "Lass, Lass let down your hair!" you opened the window throwing the blanket rope you tied together "Heads up!" he backed away looking at the rope then climbed up grunting you looked anxiously hearing the door knob thinking fast you quickly closed the curtains and moved the bed close to the window as the door opened you sat there glaring seeing Valentino "I see you stopped trying to escape, I guess you got tired especially with your leg looking all fucked up." you muttered something he walked up and grabbed the sides of your face with his hand "what did you say?" you flinched then kicked him "I said "FUCK YOU!" You purple Shit Stain!" he growled then raised his hand you looked away shaking but the hand never came you looked up hesitantly then your eyes widened "Monty!" he looked at you and smiled "You alright lass?" you nodded holding your arm as he saw a bruise on your arm and completely lost it "Oh now he's done it!" He threw punches at the moth demon cussing him out you backed away watching the scene go on he stopped breathing heavily then sigh "Okay Lass let's get you out of here" you nodded quickly running past the unconscious moth demon then winced looking at your leg "Ah Shit I forgot about my leg" he looked then sighed picking you up "It's okay lass, actually I never got your name" you stared at your leg and arm telling him your name "It's Y/n. Monty, so where are we gonna go?" Monty looked at the ceiling thinking sighing "We're going to your father's they're worried sick about you lass. What did that Fucker Valentino do to you?" you looked at him clinging onto him "I don't want to talk about it just take me home" he nodded slithering out of the building getting stares from the buildings employees.

1 hour later

Monty slithered up to your house with you still in his arms "Monty are we there yet?" He looked at you and smiled nodding "yes we're here" he knocked on the door he waited while still holding you "Lass you're shaking like a leaf" the door opened with your fathers looking worried and saw your condition opening the door fully "N/n! Bring her in and take her to her room" Monty nodded and slithered inside looking for your room "it's down the hall to the right" he nodded slithering in the direction of your room opening your door. He slithered to your bed setting you down he tried to leave but you grabbed his finger still shaking "don't leave, I don't want to be alone" he sighed nodding then pulled up a chair looking at your leg frowning "Y/n I'm going to get some bandages and some rubbing Alcohol I'll be right back I swear" you nodded letting go of his finger hugging your pillow. Your Spider father knocked and opened the door "N/n? You okay? Listen Ragazzo I know Penn told you on what happened and I know you're still mad but you were only a baby of 4 months yet we still cared for you as our own," you held your pillow tight staying silent changing into your human form still shaking he carefully got up and left sighing "we'll make you some F/F," you nodded laying there hugging a pillow the door shut then opened again "Okay lass tap the wall if it hurts I'm gonna clean your leg and put the bandages on it might sting a little" he carefully put pressure on your leg with a cotton ball you tapped on the wall he apologized continuing to clean your leg "So uh Y/n I know you're under a lot of pressure so when you get better we'll go get you a punching bag and you can take your anger on the punching bag doesn't that sound nice?" You nodded slightly still hugging the pillow as he put bandages on your leg "there now try to get some rest" you quickly grabbed his finger again not wanting to be alone he sighed rubbing your back making you fall asleep then carefully took his finger out of your sleepy grip "sleep well lass" he slithered out of your room and carefully shut your door "now to go downstairs" he slithered down the stairs your father walked up to him "Thank you for getting my daughter back, we were worried sick about her. Now where was she?" Monty explained on what happened "Make sure to change the bandages every few hours until she's fully healed she can still walk just make sure she doesn't fall" your father nodded then walked up the stairs to check on you opening your door.

Next day

You sat up in your bed then the door opened up looking to that direction a peacock demon you haven't seen in a while "Hey Sheldon, what brings you here?" he pulled up a chair sitting down "Well your dads explained on what happened, and I want to tell you that Mr.Valentino is a tyrant kind of man" you looked at your leg then grabbed your pillow hugging it "that's new, I never saw you grab your pillow to hug it. Wait what did that fucker do?"  you gripped your pillow he looked at you and sighed "actually forget I asked that," you nodded loosening your grip then heard running making you look in the direction of the door Delilah opened the door running to your side "N/n! You okay? The whole hotel heard about what happened" you stared at her still hugging the pillow then threw it at her. Your father was outside your room opening your door walking in "hey N/n? Wanna try and get up?" You nodded getting up he helped you up "Now try walking to your desk" he pointed to your desk you nodded carefully walking to your desk as he took your friends out of the room while you sat at your desk checking your leg scratching at the bandages "oh this stupid itching" you looked at your door taking a deep breath getting up and walked over then opened the door "Dad? Del? Sheldon?" you walked towards the stairs "Huh what time is it?" looking down to the living room carefully walking down the stairs (oh quick A/n: the reason on why Y/n has bandages is because the leg wasn't treated properly, caught up? Yeah? Okay back to the story) you eventually made it to the bottom of the stairs walking around then headed to the kitchen both your fathers talked while your brothers and sisters went out "Penn? You okay? You've been quiet since Y/n came home and since our hellhounds moved out" your snake father nodded "of course I'm okay but I worry for them and Y/n" you quietly walked in pulling out a chair clearing your throat "Uh Dad? Father?" they turned towards you "Hey Kiddo, um how you doing?" they up a chair while you looked at the ground "So my brothers and sisters are gone in different places?" you looked up at them they nodded then took a deep breath "Listen Ragazzo when Hellhounds grow up they leave but they promised to visit for 2 days a month all of them promised" you made a slight smile "They do keep their promises," they got up and rubbed your back then hugged you "Y/n we'll be escorting you to places you want to go from now on is that okay?" you nodded as they let go of you then wondered "where are Sheldon and Delilah?" Your father put his hand on your shoulder "They left after you threw your pillow at Delilah she knew you were going through a hard time and left" you sighed sinking into your chair looking at the table "yeah I need to apologize to Del about that" they nodded.

Whew another Day/Night another chapter

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