The Fighter Snake and the human world

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(Quick note: Aranea is a teenager at this point)

Aranea opened her door looking around the hallway silently slithered to the door opening it then closed it she sighed "okay now to the pentagram Arena. Plus mom wouldn't come into my room when I'm sleeping right?" oh she was wrong you knocked on her door "Aranea? Sweet pea? You're probably asleep when I'm saying this. But I got us tickets to the pentagram Arena I thought it was best to hang out there after Vince." You remembered that extermination day sighing wiping your eye clearing your throat "I'm sorry I'll let you sleep, Night sweet pea" you closed her door heading to your room to sleep. Meanwhile with Aranea she entered the arena with no problem that being she looked like her Father at certain points in hell life "whoa this place is huge" a demon dressed a referee walked up to her "Aranea your fight it's almost time" she nodded getting her bag off her back "Okay" she slithered behind the referee to the locker room "I'll be out in a few seconds." they nodded as they left Aranea grabbed her gloves then left the bag in her locker "safe and sound" she went out to the ring looking around spotting a familiar face she sighed getting ready to fight the referee climbed into the ring "Before the fight we have new rules from a overlord" he read the new rules "and finally no killing after one person is down signed by overlord Monty Python" Aranea looked up then rolled her eyes hearing the bell ring she started punching her opponent then tail smacked her opponent she stopped after the bell rang "Aranea wins!" she smiled and a loud cheer "That's my wee Lass!" she groaned hiding her face with her hair "ugh for Lucifer's sake.." everyone looked at Aranea muttering to one another she got nervous and slithered out fast still hiding her face with her hair "That was embarrassing." she made it back home sneaking in silently slithering to her room then looked into your room saw you sleeping while hugging a pillow she sighed slithering into your room putting a blanket over you "night mom" she slithered to her room to get some sleep.

In the morning

You got up receiving a text "Huh? Who's texting me this early?" It was both your fathers you got confused then opened up the text "turn on your TV? Change it to channel 666?" you were still confused but turned the TV on "Good morning I'm Katie Killjoy!" the co anchor joined in "And I'm Tom Trench" the news continued as you took a sip of coffee "and other news a hellborn snake demon mixed with a spider? Well she's a pentagram Arena's New fighter by the name Spider Snake" they showed a picture of your daughter making you spit your coffee out texting Monty "Montgomery. Did you know OUR daughter was fighting in the Pentagram Arena?! And never told me!!??" you slammed your phone onto the table sighing your phone buzzed you picked your phone up it was Monty texting back "I knew.. But I kept an eye on her she's safe d-don't worry Lass" you groaned then got a text from a unknown number that it was somehow familiar "well well well if it isn't Y/n" your fear was confirmed shaking a bit texting back "How did you get my number shithead?" Then your phone rang the familiar voice came through "Y/n, it's good to hear from you. I'm gonna cut to the chase. I don't take rejection well, how about I take you out drinks on me" you looked around the room shaking a bit "What if I say no?" You heard chuckling on the other side "I wasn't asking dress nice too, if you aren't a no show there will be consequences" you hung up obviously not sure on what to do "Oh for the love of lucifer what am I gonna do? Maybe I should call my dads? No they'll worry and want me to move back in..but I trust them" you sighed sitting on a chair. Aranea woke up a few minutes later yawning "Morning mom, Mom you okay?" she heard your sniffling she slithered up to you fast "Mom what's the matter?" you wiped your eyes hugging Aranea "Mom?" she felt you shaking during the hug and knew something was up "Mom it's okay I'm here" you continued hugging your daughter "Mom? What happened?" you held your daughter close to you "Aranea. You're gonna stay with grandpas for a while" her hood flared up "what? Mom no I'm staying here. I'm not leaving you" you sighed wiping your eyes "I know, but I need to solve something on my own, now no questions go to your grandfathers." Aranea understood the situation and nodded in defeat "okay mom, love you" you smiled kissing her forehead "love you too sweet pea go get your clothes, everything you can fit in a duffel bag" Aranea got confused about that request but didn't question it slithering to her room getting her things into her duffel bag slithering back down a portal opened up "Come on, get into your human disguise we're staying in the human world..for a while"

In the human world (the house from last time)

You turned to your human form waiting for Aranea as she took her first human step as a teenager she had a bit of a Sporty Goth look holding a duffel bag with pentagrams all over "So what now mom?" you looked around the house getting an idea "well since we're staying here for a while, go to the grocery store and get some food, snacks and blankets and pillows and trash bags" you handed her a bunch of money "and get some things for yourself while I fix up the house" she nodded walking out looking around got nervous about going to a human store "man stores up here are different from Hell's" she looked at some fruits and vegetables "Hmm," she picked random fruits and vegetables walking around the store to get a couple beddings and new pillows and trash bags" looking into the cart doing math "That would be 169 dollars damn Grandpa making me read Math and algebra books really paid off what next? Engineering? I better not jinx it" she walked up to a register looking around waiting to hear the price "and that will be 250.00 dollars ma'am" Aranea nodded paying for the items walking out with three bags. On her way back she saw a purple portal and three imps coming through with some odd disguises shrugging walking away she made it back putting the groceries on the table sighing looking around the house finding you repairing the floors hammering the nails into the floor "Mom, I'm home" you looked up smiling getting up "Hey Sweet pea how'd the shopping go? Got some food and all?" she nodded looking at the floor touching it "wow mom, this is looking good" you smiled at her "Yeah I learned from both your grandfathers, and thanks it this will be your room." she looked at the room imagining it how it'll look "Oh I'm seeing it now" you smiled again "Good to know. Now after this room I'm fixing my room then I'll clean up the beds since they're covered in dust" Aranea nodded smiling "Good plan mom, I'll even help you with it".

Whew new page hope you all enjoy and have a good day or night

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