Answers and meeting Velvet and Cherri Bomb

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Aranea looked around Valentino's old office "I know I'm not allowed in here but there's gotta be some answers." she checked a lot of filing cabinets looking at some old pictures from the 60s to 70s "huh hey it's Grandmother Hilda and her three children she talked about. But who's the guy in the background? Why would Valentino have this image unless he's actually... Responsible for one of her children's disappearance... But who?" She flipped the picture with written names looking at them "Violet R/L/N, Christopher R/L/N. But if the victim was killed off they'd have an X but Violet has a circle and the name Velvet circled." she heard the door slam open "Hey Val! I'm back from my business trip!" Aranea quickly hid under the desk not sure on what to do as she looked around Aranea quietly slithered out of the office with the picture in hand she felt someone step on her tail she yelled in pain "Where do you think you're going Bitch?" Aranea breathed heavily trying to pry her tail out from under Velvet then turned her human disguise on kicking Velvet off her changing back to her demon form slithering away from Velvet leaving the studio "shit that was close. Now who am I gonna tell if Grandmother Hilda is in heaven?" she heard the noise that tells when a new sinner is coming hearing a scream she saw a woman fall infront of her "oh goodness gracious what a fall. Oh well it's worth it to see my family again" Aranea recognized the voice "grandmother Hilda?" the woman turned around smiling holding her arms out Aranea slithered up to her giving her a hug "I missed you grandmother Hilda" she received a hug back "I know Dearie, I missed you too. Huh what's that in your hand?" Aranea hesitantly showed her the picture Hilda gasped looking at the picture of her family "Violet... Christopher.. My poor babies." she held the picture closely to her "Violet was alive this whole time? But what happened to my son?" she looked at the X over the man's face realizing what it meant and fainted Aranea helped the woman up and walked her to the hazbin hotel.

Time Skip

Aranea quietly closed the door to a room sighing Charlie walked up to Aranea asking her what happened "Charlie please hush. My grandmother Hilda is sleeping" she slithered past Charlie looking at a picture. Leaving the building she sighed looking at the rain then heard explosions "Whoa!" she looked up seeing her uncle Angel and a woman running on the other side of the road she stayed silent not wanting to draw attention to herself "HEY KID! Wanna Join?" Aranea looked confused then thought about it nodding "Yes!" Angel smiled "Come on, my sweet Ravioli!" He knew Aranea hated being called that "Oh we're playing that game huh?" The woman snickered and instantly recognizes her "Hang on you're that new overlord right?" Aranea nodded nervous she handed her  some bombs "Well I guess this overlord is a fun overlord, Let's go!" Aranea looked at the ladder gulping slithering fast on the streets laughing looking up they both jumped down "Angie Why didn't you tell me she was this great? She unknowingly blew up a couple places." Aranea looked behind her then her hood flared up "Whoa! I did all that?" they nodded then walked/Slithered to a deserted part of Pentagram "Alright new overlord of hmmm FUN! Want a place here?" Aranea looked at the buildings smiling "Yes. And I call this part fun central" they cheered as the woman pulled out some alcohol offering some "oh by the way I'm cherri, Cherri Bomb. You'll probably get used to my bombs getting thrown everywhere." Angel took one bottle opening it up while Aranea looked hesitantly at the bottle taking a sip "Oh it's not that bad" she took a bigger sip smiling Angel looked making a 'that's enough' gesture "Uh Aranea You might want to slow down your mom might call and ask where you are" after he said that Aranea's phone rang she took her phone out "Oh shhh! It's my mum" she picked up hearing your voice "Aranea sweet pea where are you at? I got a call from Charlie saying you left the hotel and to where Lucifer knows" she stood there in a drunken state giggling "oh just in the deserted part of town hanging out with uncle Anthony" she heard you sigh "Sweet pea stay there I'm coming to pick you up." Aranea hung up and tried to slither away "I'm gonna try to slither home" Angel sighed asking Cherri to help "Aranea no, stop right there" they heard your car pull up "Aranea Amare Pentious, get in the car we are going home so you can sleep the Alcohol off" Aranea groaned slithering towards your car getting in "okay Mum, baiiii Cherri! Thanks for calling me Overlord of Fuuunnn!" she shut the door while you stared still facepalming Cherri smiled "oh calm your tits Miss, she didn't do anything stupid." Angel smiled nodding assuring you she did nothing else "Okay, Aranea is still a teen uncle Angel and miss. Now excuse me Now I'll see you later uncle Angel" you walked to your car opening and closing the car door starting it up waving bye. You drove to your house while your Daughter tried sobering up with coffee "Oh my head.. Why did I drink that fast?" You sighed still driving "just lay the seat down and try to sleep it off" she nodded laying the seat down looking at the sky falling asleep.

After awhile

Aranea slithered around "Hey Mom, how long was I asleep?" You sat on the couch reading a book "Two hours sweetie, now no drinking hardcore alcohol." she nodded yawning "okay mom. Say mom why was Valentino after you?" you haven't heard that name in weeks setting the book down "uh well um have a seat sweet pea we're having that talk" she slithered sitting next to you "Alright Aranea now the reason he was after me was because he knew my father killed his partner but he wanted to get close to me to kill my father at some point he had actual feelings for me but can't take rejection well so when you were a year old he sent so much gifts for you and me. Hell he even tried taking you when you were two years old, I know you won't remember because you were so young. Now that you know, you made the right choice on killing that fucker. Otherwise he'd continue going after us." Aranea sat there shocked about it and looked at the ground "So I made a right choice on killing Valentino?" You nodded hugging your daughter smiling "yes you did sweet pea".

One Chapter done!

LisaHicks8 thank you for the idea/suggestion

Have a good day or night!

Two Demons and a Human childDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora