Chapter 30 Forgiveness

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For once in my life I felt safe in hawks arms, I looked up at him with a smile, my eyes were lost in his soft gaze. Everything around us was silent, nobody had anything to say. Instead we all stood there stunned, stunned because they conquered their fear, stunned because they regained their strength, stunned because they got their best friend back, or stunned because they finally found where they belonged. "We should probably uh" Miguel said breaking the silence but he couldn't think of anything to say. "Clean up?" Sam said finishing his sentence. Everyone nodded and we all walked out of thee dojo to join the other Miyagi dos and eagle Fangs.
Nate and bert got up from under the Christmas tree and went to check on the two gingers. They were sitting down on a couch their faces covered in scratches and bruises.
Chris got up from the kitchen floor and limped over to where Mitch was, I guess tonight was the night to rekindle friendships. Before everyone left to clean up I turned to hawk, "Does this mean you're joining the new dojo?" I asked him. "Yea of course." he replied. "Promise?" I questioned while holding out my pinky. "Promise." He replied while hooking his pinky with my own. Then everyone started leaving to clean up the mess.

"How about we get you cleaned up" hawk said while bringing me over to the kitchen sink. He lifted my arm up and noticed the piece of glass still stuck in my skin. "Holy sh!t brianna I'm so sorry" he said while tears began to build up his eyes, he was the one who shattered the glass, but he didn't intend for it to hit me. "I- it's fine can you just get it out of my skin" I pleaded while holding my arm over the sink. He nodded while taking the piece of glass gently in his hands, "are you ready" he asked, I nodded in response and he began pulling the glass out. I griped the sink hard trying not to scream and cry from the pain. Hawk noticed my actions and he brought his lips to my ear,
"It's ok it's almost out"
"Your doing great princess"
"It's ok I'm right here"
He said comforting me. I shut my eyes tightly as he pulled out the last section of the glass, "you did amazing princess" he said while quickly applying pressure to my arm to stop the bleeding. I rested my head against his chest while taking deep breaths, he rubbed my arm below the cut relieving the pain slightly. "How's your nose" I heard Sam ask someone from behind us. I turned around and saw Miguel and Sam holding hands talking with each other. They shared a soft kiss, "it's much better now" he said jokingly while kissing sam again.

Hawks pov
I looked down at the prescious girl infront of me, she was just so beautiful. She laid her head back on my chest and she turned her head sideways directing her attention to another conversation. "How's your nose" Sam said while holding Miguel's hands. They lightly kissed each other, "it's much better now" miguel said jokingly while he kissed sam again. Brianna looked intrigued from these actions. 'I could have given her a relationship like that if I hadn't been such a d!ck' I thought to myself while frowning.

Briannas pov

When the cleaning was finally over I took a deep breath and began walking towards all my friends but before I could I felt someone grab my arm and pull me away from everyone else. I looked up and hawks eyes meet with mine as he dragged me to the side of the house and stopped once we were out of sight. "Brianna I really need to tell you something" he said while breathing heavily. "Is everything alright" I questioned. "Everything's fine, no everything's perfect whenever I'm with you everything is perfect." He replied. "Hawk i-" I started but he cut me off. "Brianna I love the way you smile, I love the way your nose scrunches up when your cold, I love the way you move your feet around when your anxious or nervous, I love the way your hair falls perfectly on your shoulders, I love the way your eyes sparkle when they are hit by the sunlight, I love the way you twiddle your fingers when your nervous, I love your hatred for meatloaf, I love every little thing about you" he said while staring at me directly into my eyes. "Hawk what are you trying to say" I asked confused while staring back into his soft eyes. "I f^cking l-love you that's what I'm trying to say, and I get it if you don't feel the same way I've done so many awful things to you but I can't live without you" he blurted out while resting his hand on my cheek. "I laugh with you, I cry with you, I smile with you, you make me feel emotions I have never felt with anyone else ever before, you make me who I am, not cobra kai, without you I wouldn't be able to feel, I would be numb everywhere and confused within my own mind. Hell I'm confused as f^ck right now but I know I'm doing something right standing here with you" he continued while now holding my face with his other hand tilting my head up to gently look at him. "And I know you probably don't feel the same, I have done some pretty unforgivable sh!t to you and there is no excuse to why I did those things" he continued while still staring straight into my eyes. "A-" he started but I cut him off. "I love you to hawk" I said shocked at the words that just escaped my mouth. Before I could react any further his soft lips crashed into mine, the kiss was unlike any of the others before, his soft warm lips pressed against mine gently and light, he treated me like a china doll holding me delicately and kissing me softly. He pulled away staring into my eyes, "I love you" he repeated while resting his forehead on mine.

Apex Predator (Hawk/Eli Moskowitz) Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now