48. In heaven or in hell

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I won't write dear, as you won't consider me dear after that. You're the love of my life, my happiness, my stars, my dance, my everything, my air, my sunlights. In my dreams we are growing old together, putting a ring on it, spending our whole future together, even dying...

Jungkook, my parents want me engaged to a billionaire's daughter of their choice. They, they want me to cut off all contacts with you forever. I told them to go to hell, I told them I won't do it, but I have no power over my life. I'm just a slave of their fortune, just a butterfly in a cage who can do nothing to stop them. That butterfly loves you though, with all my heart. That's the only power I'm possessing, the only thing I can do to love you as long as my heart is beating and even after... love you forever...

Jungkook, I will leave. My father has set the date of the engagement for next week and he found a place in a boarding school abroad for me, he wants me to leave in less than seven days, and come back in a year to marry. Jungkook, I can not live in such a hell. I can't. I'm not able to.

Forgive. I can't. I was shouting and crying, begging and threatening my parents, nothing helped so today I need to break free, I need to escape that peril. Next life we will be together, I believe in it, we have to and I will await to see you again.

Please forgive me that I'm not strong enough to continue fighting, but there is really no more hope left. I will give the letter to Hoseok, I think he has a suspicion what I want to do and I'm afraid he will try to stop me, so I need to act quickly.

Please be safe, be strong. Remember that you are the most amazing, talented and beautiful human on earth and you deserve all the best. I can't believe I will never see you aga...


Jungkook, I broke down for two hours, needed to find enough strength to continue this letter. In six hours. Jungkook, I'm scared. I'm so scared, please pray for me. Please hold me in your memories. And please, please forgive me one day.

There really is no other way. Tomorrow some people will tell you Jimin is dead, he has taken his life by opening his wrist in a bathtub at 10 pm. I hope Hoseok will give you the letter in the right moment, I'm praying for it, praying for you to understand one day, to forgive me one day...

There is no other way.
No hope
The path in front is complete darkness.
I hate my parents.
Hate this fucked up world.
I only love you.
Only you.
Jungkook, remember even if my song will fade, you have to continue writing the symphony of your life. Remember your promise.
Till next life.
Always yours and only yours.

P.S. I love you

The attic was so silent as if the whole world had just died. In this post-apocalyptical static he was sitting on the blanket almost like a statue for so many hours now. Night has fallen outside, but the night inside him has never finished, it was just him, stupid Jungkook believing for a moment he could have found the first light ray, the first spring day, a second chance.

When it has always just been him and an endless darkness, him and the hollow. Had he known earlier, damn earlier, the day Jimin had taken his life or any other day, just before him taking a knife to harm an innocent person, Jimin's best and most loyal friend, one who had risked being accused of murder just to try stopping Jimin. Stupid Hoseok, should have yelled the truth into his face the moment he entered. Shouldn't have run from Jimin's room. Should have given that letter earlier and Jimin...

There were no words in Jungkook to verbalize his experience, to give the name to the shock he was in. How had Jimin pictured it? How? That he will just leave? Just run away? Has he even for a second considered, or was there really no other way?

"In heaven or in hell, we will see each other today," whispered Jungkook to the silence getting up collecting all his belongings into the used backpack, so uncle won't need to have additional problems just can throw it away easily. He was suddenly with Jimin in his last hours, the closest to Jimin he has been for a year. Jimin must have been equally hopeless or even more, cornered, a small butterfly in a cold cage. Jungkook rolled up his bedding heavy hearted. There was nothing left in the room, no traces of him ever being here, just the backpack. Yun will understand, she will believe he's happy, he's with Jimin, being taken care of by her mum up there. She will close her cousin Kookie in the same treasure box her mum was in. Uncle will survive, he has been past worse, Jovi and Nathan will be ok, their youth and time will do the math, Taehyung...


That name made Jungkook's heart jump rapidly, so he ignored walking downstairs quietly, sneaking through the house.

'I'm out for shopping with the boys will be back soon,' there was a note from uncle tugged underneath a smiley magnet on the fridge. Jungkook's heartbeat speed up, so everything was playing in his favor, his heat beating loudly when he opened the drawer in the kitchen taking a  short sharp knife out. As if he has been set back in time, yet now it was him taking the blame, the punishment for his crime, him being on his way to Jimin, his skin even began to tingle from excitement.

Jungkook closed the drawer carefully to not to wake the dogs up then tiptoed to the hall taking his jacket from the hanger hiding the knife in his pocket, catching his own reflection in the mirror across the hall, to see his pale and cried out face and a hollow of regret in his own eyes.

"Cousin Kookie," a whisper made him jump up.

"Cousin Kookie," a whisper made him jump up

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Thank you so much for your support. What do you think about what Jimin has done and Jungkook's actions after reading the letter? Will Yun be able to stop him?

Much <3

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