Part 32 "Raiding The Raiders"

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Valkenheim, Dawn

Sitting around a campfire. A knight was currently resting, enjoying the warmth from the fire.

By his side were wolves, sitting and playfully fight with each other.

Vorgen: *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
*Clears throat*

His sudden coughing earned the attention of the animals.
Perching on his shoulder, Amber the hawk screeched in concern.

Amber: *Screech*

Vorgen: "I'm fine, Amber. Just choked on my own spit...."

After a brief moment, Vorgen could hear the sound foot steps approaching. Looking to the source, it was Sigrid with a group of vikings.

Sigrid: "Don't push yourself, boy"

Vorgen: *Scoff*".... Took you long enough..... My ass is sore from waiting, you buncha snails"

Sigrid: "We had some preparations to do. "

Vorgen: "Understandable....sorry... That was kinda mean of me..... *Sighs* we good to go now?" Asked the knight to the Viking.

Sigrid nodded in response. The time was ripe. The time to kill the heretics. The vikings who had betrayed their own people.

The knight tightened the strap of his shield. His fist clenched Tightly on his sword.

The final chapter of his revenge was about to come to an end.

The final chapter of his revenge was about to come to an end

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Vorgen: "Then let the hunt begin"


"It did not take long for my lesson to spread across the whole of Valkenheim. But in the following winter, a lone Raider rose among the clan known as the 'Warborn'. That Raider set out to reunite their people."



In the mountains of Valkenheim, A viking was living in solitary. Gunnar was his name. A raider and a renowned viking.

He was currently chopping woods for the fireplace in his small cabin. But In the middle of his chores, he was interrupted by the sound of People walking to his home.

Three vikings, A berserker and two Valkyries. They came to seek help from the raider.

Gunnar: "Runa... Helvar..."

Helvar: "Gunnar. We need your help."

Gunnar: "What for?"

Runa: "It's Ragnar"

The raider's eye twitched as he heard that name. He knew Ragnar for a long time. A criminal and a scum.

Gunnar: "Isn't he supposed to be rotting in the prison at Svengård?"

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