Part 53 "Red Stains"

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(Is he Ugly?)

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(Is he Ugly?)

Vorgen: "By Odin's Beard.... I'm so goddamn ugly..... " he said to himself, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Fortunately The cut wasn't too deep  allowing him to keep having both his vision. He had to keep on the bandages while staying indoors for half a month to recover.

His wounds were completely healed now but it left quite a noticeable mark.

Scratch that. It was as clear as day.

A straight nasty scar was permanently laid across his left eye causing Vorgen to look even more..... "Charming"

Vorgen: "A scar? Really? I look like some kind of generic edgy protagonist. UUGH!!! FUCK!!"
He cursed, Throwing the mirror into the drawer and slammed it closed.

"Lunch is ready, Master Vorgen" a servant's of the manor knocked on the door of his room.

Sighing, He came out of his room and head downstairs.

When he arrived at the dining table and took a seat. His whole family was there, Staring at him in silence.

Vorgen: "Don't stare too much. It's embarrassing."

Reegan: "It's not that noticeable son. Don't worry"

Lorderius: "It looks Cool. You look like a seasoned warrior."

Astrid: "You don't look all that bad, Vorgen."

Marius: "You still look as Charming as ever, sir"

Everyone was trying to cheer him up and made him feel better..... And Vorgen actually did feel a bit better after hearing those compliments....

Kyle: "You look Like a Bandit Boss."

That was until his Cousin dropped the bomb.

Vorgen: "Yeah... okay.... Thanks a lot cousin."

Kyle: "I didn't mean it in a bad way. I thought you liked being called that"

Vorgen: "You--it--n-- ugh..... I got it... Okay.... I got the message, cousin.... "

Vorgen picked up his utensils and was ready to eat. He tried to reach out to grab the leg of the kitchen in front of him, But Reegan took the whole roasted chicken away from Vorgen.

Vorgen: "Wuh...? Wueh...? Weehh??!" He looked at his father with the look of disbelief.

Reegan: "No you don't. You'll be eating something else.... Linda, bring the boy his food"

Linda, the maid nodded in response and brought Vorgen his food. She placed it in front of Vorgen and opened the lid, revealing the form of his food.

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