Part 18 "A Man Can Dream"

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???: "Do you want to build a snowman~ It doesn't have to be a snowman~"

Vorgen: "Can you stop singing that? It sounds stupid" I groaned, getting sick of the stupid song whenever she's watching me make a snowman.

???: "It's not! And you're the one who made it!" She said as she threw a snowball at my face.

Vorgen: " OOF!"

???: *Giggle*

Vorgen: "Really? On the face?"

???: "You deserve that, Vorgen!"

Vorgen: "Oh you...Give me that!"
Lifting the doll high, she struggled to reach it because of our huge difference in height.

???: "Hey my doll!! Give it back!"

Vorgen: "Then come and take it"
I taunted.

She stopped and held her head down. Slowly i heard faint sobs coming from her.

???: *Sobs* *Sniffles* *Sobs*

Vorgen: "Okay! Okay! Here! I was just playing with you! Please don't cry....."

???: *Giggle* "Got you!"

Vorgen: "You tricked me!? Oh you...... *Chuckle* Come here!"

Grabbing her by the waist, i lifted her up. She lighty punched my head. She wasn't mad instead i earned that  beautiful smile of hers and the joyful laugh that made my heart feels so.....happy.

???: "Hey! Hahaha! Put me down!"

Vorgen: "Never!"

???: "Children! Dinner's ready!"

???: "Coming!"

Vorgen: "Yay! Meat!"


*Snores* *Snores* *snort* *Snort*
"Wha.....what the..... Where the fuck am i ?"

Lorderius: "Vorgen! You're finally awake!"

Vorgen: "Yep...."

Lorderius: "Are you feeling alright, now?"

Vorgen:"What.....happened....damn....**Groans* my head hurts like hell.... The last thing i remember was taking a sip of that soup and everything went.... blurry.......Hol up... Pardon me if I'm wrong.... But... Didn't you add something in my soup...something strange but familiar..."

Lorderius: "........... It starts with an M"

Vorgen: "M...."

Lorderius: *Nods*

Vorgen: "Mush......"

Lorderius: *Flinch*

Vorgen: "Mush...rooms....."

Lorderius: "........."

Vorgen: "mushrooms?"

Lorderius: ".............."

Vorgen: "..................."

Lorderius: *Clears throat* "........."

Vorgen: "I'm going to let you know right in this very moment, I'm having a really strong urge to send a fist to your face...."

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