Taking Colbie To Juiliard

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We went back to the hotel and checked in. Then we headed up to our room. Demi was on her phone, probably texting Katie that we were back. We walked into our room and sat on the couch.

"I'm starving. How about we order room service. What do you want Colbie?" Demi asked, menu in hand.

"Um, I don't know...Whatever's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, positive."

"Okay, why don't you go take a shower and get cleaned up while we wait for dinner."

"Okay." She smiled and left.

Demi ordered room service then we both changed into pajamas.

We were sitting on the couch waiting for it when Colbie came back in. She was wearing just a towel and her face was quite red. "D'you think I culd borrow some pajamas?" She asked sheepishly.

"Of course." I said, getting up.

She followed me to my room and I gave her some pajamas.

I left for her to change. When I walked back out Demi was thanking a man that had our food. We set it on the counter. We had chicken wraps, macaroni and cheese, fruit salad and water.

"Something smells good!" Colbie said, walking out of my room.

"Food's ready. Wanna eat?" Demi asked.

"Yes!" Colbie exclaimed.

We ate and talked and laughed all evening.

"I'm tired. Let's go to bed." Demi said with a yawn.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Where am I sleeping?" Colbie asked.

"Well, you can share a bed with me or Bryanne or you can had your own and we'll share. It's up to you."

"I'll take my own."

We all got ready for bed and went our separate ways.


The next morning we all woke up and ate pancakes. We all got ready and went to Colbie's house to get her stuff. "I'll go in by myself. It won't take me very long." Colbie insisted.

We waited by her house for her for 20 minutes. "If she's not out soon I'm going in." Demi said.

"She'll be out soon. Probably saying goodbye and thanking whoever it is she's staying with." I said calmly. Colbie was tough, she could handle whatever was behind that door.

Less then five minutes after I'd said that, Colbie appeared at the door. "Good riddance! I never loved you anyway! Goodbye asshole." She ran to the limo, opened the door and got in. Tears were running down her face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Demi asked.

"Not really. He doesn't deserve my breath."

"Okay." Demi said, wisely letting the subject drop.

A while later, we pulled up to Juilliard. We got out and went into the admission center. "Hello, how may I help you?" A lady sitting behind a desk asked.

"Um, My name is Colbie Smith and I got accepted about six months ago and I have tuition."

"Okay..." The lady was quickly typing on her keyboard.

"Mrs. Lexford is the Dean of Admission here. She wishes to speak with you." She looked at Colbie, then us. "alone."

"Okay ma'am." Colbie said. She allowed herself to be led away.

Colbie's POV

"Hello Colbie."

"Hello Mrs. Lexford."

"Now, what's this about you having the tuition?"

"I have it. Paid in full."

"Really? That's very good. How'd you get it so quickly?"

"I was playing my guitar at the airport yesterday and Demi Lovato came over. I played her a song, she took me to get coffee and then asked how much tuition was to come here. I told her and she gave me a check for that amount."



"She's waiting outside if you want to ask her yourself."

"I think I will, not because I don't trust you, but because I know your background."

"That's understandable." I nodded.

Mrs. Lexford got up and opened the door. "Is Demi Lovato available? I need to speak with her." A moment later, Demi came in. "Colbie, could you please wait outside? It'll be just a moment." Mrs. Lexford said curtly. I had no choice but to leave.

Demi's POV

Colbie left but I could tell she was nervous to.

"Hello Ms. Lovato. I'm Amy Lexford, Dean of Admissions for Juilliard's dance program."

"Hello." I smiled.

"Now, Colbie told me how she got money for tuition and I just had to make sure it was true. School policy for students like Colbie."

"Okay..." I said unsure of what to say next.

"I just need you to tell me how Colbie came about that money."

"Well, I'm here promoting a new movie and I arrived yesterday. Colbie was at the airport with a guitar and I went over because I was curious. She played me a song and I decided to take her to get coffee because she looked like she could use it. So we got coffee and she told me about making enough money to come here. After we got coffee I realized I still needed to pay her for her performance. I asked her how much tuition was and wrote a check for that amount."

"Okay, that's all I needed. Thank you ms. Lovato. Will you send Colbie back in please?" I left and sent Colbie back in.

Colbie's POV

I went back in and Mrs. Lexford smiled. "Good news Colbie! Everything has been approved. You may move in as soon as possible. Your classes begin next Monday."

"Thank you Mrs. Lexford. Can I move in today?"

"Given your circumstances, yes, that can be arranged."

"Thanks again Mrs. Lexford."

"Goodbye Colbie."

"Goodbye Mrs. Lexford."

I walked out and Bryanne, Demi, and I left to go to my dorm.

They helped me unpack and have me their numbers so I could keep in contact with them.

Thanks for reading!!! Sorry this is super boring and late. I have had the worst writer's block ever. I love you all 😘😘😘😘



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