Spilling The Beans

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We had just gotten back to our room after saying goodbye to the boys.

"Why?" Demi asked, sitting me down on the couch next to her.

"Um..." I began, looking at the cream colored carpet.

"Bry, please, talk to me." Demi pleaded. She sounded close to tears.

"I was 13. I'd just started seventh grade. The school was going to do a musical, The Little Mermaid. I really, really wanted to be Ariel. I went to the audition and sang "A Place In The World" by Taylor Swift. I got through the first round of auditions. The final cut was the actual acting. I had to do the scene where Ariel makes the bargain with Ursula, then the scene where her and the prince kiss in the boat. I was really nervous and I kept stumbling over my words and stuttering and long story short, I ended up losing my balance when I leaned into the kiss and I grabbed the boy and we both fell off stage. He broke his leg."

"Oh my gosh! Were you okay?"

"I was fine. Needless to say I didn't get the part, or any part for that matter. Word got around about the incident and people started calling me names. Klutz, Dyslexic, and Retard were some of the favorites. I started to believe them. The worst thing was when the drama teacher heard that I was trying to become a serious actress, she laughed and told me it would never happen because I had no talent."

"That's horrible."

"I know. That night I cut for the first time. After that, every time I didn't get a role I'd do it."

"You said you used to. What changed? Something had to, you don't just stop self-harming."

"When I got the call saying that I was the favorite to play Anne. I knew that if I was the favorite I must not be completely talentless. I haven't since."

"That's fantastic! I'm so proud of you!" Demi gave me a big hug. "Okay. We have a big day tomorrow so let's get some sleep."

We got ready for bed and said goodnight. Then I fell asleep.


Sorry it's short! But hey, it's an update! Please tell me what you think! I love you all!



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