Back To Demi's

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After Taylor changed and we fed Meredith and Olivia we went back to Demi's.

"WE'RE BAAACKKK!" Taylor sang loudly as we walked in.


We walked in and sat on eitherside of Demi. "How'd your call go?" I asked.

"Fine." She sighed.

"Demi." Taylor said warningly.

"It went FINE. Not GOOD. Not BAD. FUCKING FINE!" She yelled as she stormed away.

After the stomping faded away I looked at Taylor for help. "What did I do?"

"Nothing. The call might not've gone as well as she thought. She's also bipolar so maybe nothing acually happened." She assured me.

"What should I do?"

"She's most likely singing her feelings out upstairs. She does that, breathes, and then she either talks about it or is normal. She'll most likely come and talk to you when she's ready-" Taylor's phone started ringing. "It's my manager, hang on." She answered. "Mmmhmm...Yeah...Demi's...I guess...Okay...See you in 30...Alright...Bye." She hung up. "Sorry Bryanne, I gotta go to a meeting. Good luck on your movie. Call me or Sel if you need us. Remember what I told you." She hugged me and left.

I sat doing nothing for awhile before going up to my room. I plopped into the hammock with my laptop and checked Twitter. I was surpised to see that I had a lot more followers then the last time I logged on. I scrolled through my mentions and saw #StandWithBryanne and #SethIsADouche repeatedly. Then I saw SETH's tweet. "@(BryanneFulton) is a complete bitch. She is heartless. But don't worry, we'll be back together in less then a week."

I was so angry. I tweeted, "Sometimes guys can be dicks. Other times they take you to parties and want sex then get mad when you dump them."

Then I tweeted, "You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, but we are never ever ever getting back together."

I sighed and logged out. I was scrolling through Pinterest when I heard a knock on my door. Closing my laptop I called, "Come in."

A sad and apologetic looking Demi walked in. "Can we talk?" she asked.

"Of course. What's up?" I asked moving to my bed so Demi could sit with me.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier."

"It's okay. Taylor explained. There's no need to apologize."

"Yes there is. I blew up at you about something you had nothing to do with."

"It's okay. Everybody has those days."

"Stop saying it's okay. Do you really want to know how the call went?"

"Yes I do."

"Shitty. Crappy. Made me hate myself and question my abilities. The usual."

"What happened?"

"I played 'Shouldn't Come Back' for them and they said it isn't what my fans want to hear. They want happy pop music and not sad, depressed-pathetic-girl music."

"That's horrible!" I hugged her.

"I know. I hung up on them after that."

"Good for you."

"Mmhmm. I'm really glad we are doing this movie. I don't want to think about music for awhile."


Thanks for reading😀 I love all of you 😍 please vote and comment 👍 PS I'm writing this during school cuz ya know... YOLO and all that.



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