Coming Home

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About 6 hours later, the plane landed. I got off and got my baggage heading toward the pick-up area where my mom would be waiting.

I finally spotted my mom. She yelled, "Bryanne! Over here!"

I ran over to her and pulled her into a hug. "I missed you so much mom!" I whispered into her ear.

"I missed you too sweetie. Now let's go home. I bet you're really tired."

We went home. I walked into the house and set my stuff on the staircase to take up later. I headed to the kitchen to get food.

I walked into the living room and all of the sudden my friends, Ally, Megan, Victoria, and Olivia jumped out of various hiding places.

"Oh my God guys! I missed you so freaking much, you have no idea!" I screamed, hugging them.

My mom walked in while we were group-hugging. "Why don't y'all go up to Bryanne's room and hang out while I order pizzas?"

"Good idea." I said as we all ran up to my room, taking bags as we went.

"So, tell us everything." Victoria demanded as soon as we were all on my bed.

"Yeah!" Everyone else agreed.

So I began my epic once-in-a-lifetime adventure. "...And now me and Demi and me and Niall are best friends." I finished my tale as my phone buzzed.

I grabbed it and saw a text from Demi.
"Hey. Are you home yet. I just landed. XD"

"Yeah, actually I just finished telling all my friends about filming with you :P"

"All nice things I hope."

"Nope. I told them just how mean you really are ;)"

"Lol! Max is driving. Do you and your friends wanna Skype?"

"Hey guys, Demi wants to Skype. You down for that?"

"Duh!" Ally gave me a dumb look.

"Um...I dunno, I mean, it's just International Pop SuperStar Demi Fucking duh we wanna Skype!" Victoria practically yelled the end.

"Okay, okay, I tell her we do." I laughed.

"They said yes. Call me!"

I sent the text then opened Skype.

Demi called and I accepted it. "Hey girl! What's up?" I yelled.

"Nothing. I had a boring flight. Now, introduce me to your friends."

"Okay, this is Victoria, Megan, Olivia, and you know Ally." I pointed to each in turn.

"Hey guys, I'm Demi! It's nice to meet you." She waved.

"I can't believe I'm meeting you." Megan confessed. "You are my idol. You inspire me to stay strong."

"I love to hear that, but it isn't me. It's you. You want to stay strong."

We talked for awhile longer before Demi had to go because she was home. "I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!" She waved and ended the call.

We talked and hung out for a few more minutes before my mom yelled that the pizza was here. We went and ate pizza then went back to my room.

"Any new relationships to tell us about?" Ally raised her eyebrows.

"Uh...No." I said, confused.

"Mm hm." Megan smiled.

"So how was working with your celebrity crush?"

"Fabulous." I smiled, remembering all the fun times we had.

"How was the kiss scene?" Victoria asked innocently.

"Wha-how did you know about that?!?" I asked surprised.

She smiled mischievously. "I didn't, I guessed."

"Bitch." I mumbled.

"So? How was it?" She asked, not caring I called her a bitch.

"Amazing. Quite awkward at first, but other than that, amazing."

"Awkward? How so? I smell an embarrassing moment coming on." Megan asked.

So I told them about smacking him in the mouth because I tripped.

"Oh...My...Gosh! That is priceless!" Olivia said between laughs.

"Yeah I know. I was mortified." (A/N: MORTIFICATION!!!!!!!!)

"But it worked out in the end right?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, he was totally chill about me busting his lip with my forehead."

"Sounds like he likes you." Megan said.

"Nah, no way, we're only friends. He thinks of me as his little sister." I said sadly.

"Let's say he asked you out right now. What would you say?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, obviously." I admitted.

"YOU LIKE HIM!" Olivia gasped.

"I never said I didn't."

We continued to talk until about 2 am when my mother finally told us to go to bed.


HOW WAS THAT? She's back home! Thank's for reading! I Love you all!



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