Movie Premiere (Part 2)

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The next morning Demi, Miranda and I had to start getting ready at 10. The premiere wasn't until 5 so I had no idea why we had to be ready so early.

Either way, the three of us were in the lobby at 10, ready for whatever the stylists had planned.

We were shuffled into a limo and taken to a spa. A woman with very long fake white nails and obviously dyed hair met us at the door. "Hello my beautiful young stars!" She said with a flourish of her hand.

"Hi." Miranda said, looking around.

"Welcome my darlings. Today is a day of pampering for you all. I have taken the liberty of assigning you each a personal pamperer. Ladies!" she yelled the last part.

Three smiling young women appeared. "Miranda, you will be taken care of by May." One of the ladies escorted Miranda away. "Demi, you will be taken care of by Lilian." Lilian smiled and lead Demi away. "And Bryanne, you'll be taken care of by Alexandra." The last girl stepped forward, smiled at me and led me he same way Demi and Miranda had gone. Once we were away from the main lobby Alexandra spoke. "Have you ever been to a spa before?"

"No." I admitted.

"Okay, so first you'll be changing into a robe and going to the steam room."


After a nice, relaxing 4 hours we were done at the spa. Katie ordered us lunch and we were sent back to the hotel.

After a quick buffet-style meal we were sent up to our rooms to finish getting ready.

Demi and I walked in and Marci was already waiting for us. "You two go put your gowns on." She said. "Hurry now, we don't have that much time."

Less then 5 minutes later, I was in the sea foam green gown and Demi wore a chartreuse asymmetrical floor length dress with long sleeves.

Marci made some quick adjustments on mine, adding bra cups and hemming the waist.

Then some hairdressers came and put Demi's hair in a fancy braided updo and mine in soft curls that cascaded down my back.

After they left, makeup artists did our makeup. Mine was done natural except for a smoky eye and light pink lipstick. Demi's was darker and she had nude lipstick.

It was 4:15 by the time everything was done and Demi and I were ready. Katie walked in. "The limo is here. Time to go ladies!" Not 5 seconds later we were shoved out with a final 'you look great' and taken to the limo.

As we drove, I started to get anxious. My mom, Ally, and Megan were all sending me encouraging texts just like my friends back home. We were just a block away and we could hear the screaming. I tensed up. Niall saw me and squeezed my hand. Demi also saw and whispered, "It'll be okay Bry. You got this. Keep your shoulders back and relax."

The limo stopped. The driver knocked once on the window and we all plastered on smiles and stopped talking. The door opened and the screams increased and lights flashed. It was almost blinding.

We all got out and started on the long walk down the red carpet. People were screaming and crying and it was almost overwhelming. 

I stopped to sign lots of autographs and take lots of pictures. Then, about halfway down, an interviewer pulled me over.

"I'm Leslie and I'm with Radio Disney. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay." She motions to her cameraman. "Hi I'm Leslie and I'm here with Bryanne Fulton, star of the new Disney film, Freeze! It's great to meet you Bryanne!"

"Great to meet you to Leslie." I smiled.

"So first question, what was it like working with Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas and Niall Horan?"

"It was so much fun! I had a blast! They are really cool people and we all got along so great. They're some of my best friends now."

"That's great! And you and Niall are dating? How'd that happen?"

"Well, we became really close while filming and it just was sort of spontaneous. Lots of people were speculating that it's just for publicity for the movie, but it's not. He's really sweet and caring."

"That's so cute! I totally ship Briall!"

"That's good, so do I!" 

We both laughed, hers sounded kind of fake. "Well, I'll let you go! Have an awesome night!"

"Thank you! I will!" I waved at the camera and left.

At the end of the carpet I met Ally, Megan, and my Mom. "That was crazy!" I exclaimed as they engulfed me in a group hug.

"You did so great! I knew you would." Ally said.

"Thanks! Thank you guys so much for coming to this! It means so much to me!"

"Bryanne. If you became a giant success in Australia or Japan or Antarctica I would still come and support you on your big night." Megan said.

"Stop you're gonna make me cry."

"Just saying." Megan said sheepishly.

"Hey," I heard behind me. I turned and saw Dez. "sorry to break up this powwow but Bryanne, you're needed on stage in 3 minutes."

"Okay, thanks Dez." He nodded and walked away.

"Well, we'll see you in there. Break a leg kiddo." My mom smiled.

"Thanks. See y'all later." I smiled and walked away.

3 minutes later, the entire cast was standing on stage. Dez walked up to the microphone. "Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the world premiere of Freeze!" The crowd cheered. "I have had the pleasure of working with an amazing cast. I just want to thank everyone who helped create this movie. I was given the privilege of directing an amazing group of people and for that I'll be forever grateful. Without further ado, let's watch the movie!" The crowd cheered and clapped.


Sorry this took so long!! I went to a lock-in on Saturday and got less than 2 hours of sleep, then had to lead 3 Sunday church services because it was Youth Sunday. Also I've had testing (PARCC) all week in edition to classes and I'm brain dead... I hope you liked this update! There is one chapter left. I won't be doing an epilogue, because, thanks to @TheSwiftInOurStars I WILL BE DOING A SEQUEL! I don't know when it'll start, considering I've just posted the Prologue of a NEW Fanfic. (It's a mature Kaylor fic called New Romantics if your interested) ANYWAY thanks for reading! I love you all!



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