Back To Texas

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After we got back to the hotel on our last day of filming Demi and I both started packing. She was heading back to her house in LA while I was going back to mine in Texas. It took us about two and a half hours to pack.

After we packed we sat together on the couch one last time. "I can't believe it's over." Demi lamented.

"Me niether. I'm really going to miss this." I said sadly.

"Yeah, me too."

"Promise me we'll Skype or text or talk or something. I don't want to lose on of my very best friends."

"I promise. But only if you promise to call me if you ever need to talk or vent or just need a friend. Even if it's like 3 am."

"I promise." I hugged her.

She yawned. "I'm tired. We should probably head to bed considering your flight leave at 7:30 and mine leaves at 8."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Hey, can we have a 'sleep-over'?" It was only 9 pm and our last night with eachother for awhile.

"Of course! I'll meet you in my room when you're ready."

"Okay." I smiled and went to my room to put pajamas on. I put on a white tank top that said "Okay? Okay." on it and hot pink and white polka-dot pajama pants. I brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth before heading to Demi's room.

I knocked and walked in when I heard the "c'mon in" from Demi. She was sitting on her bed in pink plaid pajama pants and a sports bra. "Hey, I love your shirt." She said.

"Thanks I like your pants." I returned the compliment.

I turned out the light and we both climbed into the bed. I was almost asleep when I heard Demi's phone ring. "Demmmmmiiiiiiii! Your phone!" I mumbled.

"I hear it." She said, grabbing it. "Hey Nick, what do you want?"

I didn't even know she put it on speaker before I heard Nick's reply, "Niall and I are bored and since it's our last night as co-stars we were wondering if you and Bryanne wanted to have, like...i dunno...a slumber party or whatever girls call them?"

"Um... we were kinda already having one, but yeah, sure, c'mon over." Demi said.

"Okay, we'll be over in like 5 minutes."

"Okay, see you then."

"Bye Dem."

She hung up and got out of bed. The light flipped on and I got up too. "Why'd you say they could come over?" I asked while Demi frantically looked through her suitcase.

"I don't fucking know. I think my brain thought it would be a good idea."

"Well, help me! I freaking the fuck out now!" I was near tears and I wasn't even sure why.

"Ah ha!" Demi pulled out a t-shirt that said "I Like Warm Hugs" on it and pulled it on. "Now, tell me why you're 'freaking the fuck out'."

"I just, I've never had a sleep-over with boys at it before. I don't know how to act around them."

"Okay, first, that is completely reasonable. Second, it's just Nick and Niall. You've literally been hanging out with them for like 3 months. Not to mention you' e had a steamy make out and a very sentimental scene with one of them. Third, you'll be fine, I'll be here too."

"I guess your right. This will be pretty fun."

"That's the spirit." Demi said as a pounding came from the door. "Come in!" Demi yelled.

The door opened and then Nick yelled, "Where the hell are you Dem?"

Demi giggled as she answered. "The bedroom on the left."

"Okay." There were footsteps before two boys appeared in the room.

"Hey! Let's get this party started!" Niall yelled.

And so we did. We drug the mattress from my bed into Demi's room and talked and laughed for hours. It was nearing midnight when Niall yawned. "I dunno bout you but I'm exhausted. And my flight for Mullinger leaves at 8:30 tomorrow. Let's hit the hay."

"Agreed. Who's sleeping where?" Nick asked.

"Me and Bry called the actual bed!" Demi yelled.

"Aw but let's make it interesting. How about me and B sleep on the mattress on the floor and you and Nick sleep in the bed." Niall smirked.

"I don't know...what do you say Bry?"

Way to put me on the spot Dem. I really appreciate it. Please note the sarcasm. " what the hell, let's do it." I said, feeling like throwing all caution out the window. Plus I really wanted to say that I'd slept in the same bed with Niall James Horan of One Direction. Not to mention I was decently comfortable with his presence now. Kissing someone-or rather making out with someone tends to do that.

"Are you sure Bry?" Demi asked. I think somebody is a little nervous.

"Yeah, I mean, it's just sleep." I winked at Demi.

"Okay. I'm fine with that idea." Demi said, getting into the bed.

Nick turned off the light and I felt Niall climb onto the mattress next to me. I felt my heart speed up when I felt his bare chest.

"Are you okay B?" he whispered.

"Fine. Never better. Why?" I whispered back.

"You seem nervous. Are you uncomfortable?"

"Just surprised is all."

"Why are you surprised?"

"Um... I don't know." I lied.

"You can tell me. I won't laugh."

"You don't have a shirt on."

"Would you like me to put one on?"

"No. It's okay. I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


"Okay." He put one arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

My breathing hitched.

"Is this okay?" he asked concerned.

"Fine. Goodnight." I said as I relaxed and snuggled into him.

Ooooohhhh! #Biall or #Nianne or #Bryall or whatever. Cute Romance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I forgot to say this but thanks for the new cover from @TheSwiftInOurStars. I really appreciate it!

Typed the whole chapter at school so yeah...

I love you all.


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