Toure De Demi's

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Demi was out of the car in a nanosecond. I scrambled out after her. I glanced at her house. It was massive. It wasn't a house it was a mansion. There was a gate, the most beautiful landscaping job I'd ever seen, and like 3 garages.

"Like it?" Demi came up behind me.

I jumped. "This is the biggest house I've ever seen."

"Grab your stuff and we'll take a tour." She smiled. I did as she said and we walked into the mansion.

I'm not going to lie. I was expecting an extravagant entry hall with a spiral staircase and marble floors. That was far from the truth. There was indeed a spacious entry hall but there was a normal staircase like you'd expect to see in a normal house and wood floors that you would also expect to see in any house. The walls were light blue and there was a painting hung above the archway leading to the rest of the house that read "blessed are those who smile" in rainbow lettering.

"This is the entry way." Demi said. "We'll tour upstairs first. So you can drop your bags in your room and I can drop my stuff and put on pajamas." She led the way up the stairs that were covered in soft creme colored carpet. At the top of the stairs was a loft-like space. There was a couple bean bags tossed haphazardly around and a coffee table in the center of the area. "My favorite spot to sit and read or meditate." Demi said as we passed. She opened the first door we came to. "My room."

Her room was amazing. It screamed Demi. A king-sized bed sat on the far wall between two picture windows that had a view of the ocean. The walls were periwinkle and had inspirational quotes painted in silver everywhere. There was a wall of pictures too. I hesitantly walked over to it. "That's what I like to call my Wall of Memories. You can look at that while I put on my pjs."

There were baby pictures, pictures of concerts, friends and family, signs fans had made, every boyfriend she'd ever had, pictures from every single TV show she'd ever been on or guest starred on, pictures posing with every celebrity you can think of, her posing with fans, everything. There were probably hundreds of photos. There was no order. They were random. A picture of the cast of So Random! next to a baby picture next to a picture with a fan holding a nice sign. One such picture caught my eye. It was me. Smiling happily holding a sign that said simply, my name is Bryanne and I'm a Lovatic. I stood staring. My brain registering that my idol Demi Lovato had a picture of me in her house.

"Whatcha looking at?" She whispered in my ear, causing me to jump.

"You have a picture of me."

"That sign was original. Plus you looked so happy to be there. I saw you and it made me remember why I do what I do. I'd been having a rough time that week and you made me happy. So I had my tour photographer take a picture."

"I'm glad I made your day better."

"I am too. Now c'mon there's still a lot of house to see.” She led me out. We went to the room next to Demi's. “This is your temporary home.”

We walked into a beachy feeling room. The walls were the color of the ocean and the carpet was sand colored. There was a loft bed in one corner and a hammock in the other. Decals of dolphins, fish, palm trees and starfish filled the walls. “This is Maddie’s room when she stays here. She told me she wanted a hammock but other people stay in this room too so I got both. You can sleep in either.”

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