Meeting the Cutest Cats On the Internet and Hanging With That One Girl

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Taylor grabbed her Starbucks and got out of the car. I followed her and almost as soon as the door was opened two balls of fur converged on us. "Meredith! Olivia! I missed you ladies too!" Taylor greeted her cats.

I managed to follow her all the way through the kitchen, which was very modern and artsy, like Taylor, all the way to the couch in the living room without stepping on any tails or little kitty bodies. As soon as our butts hit the couch Meredith and Olivia were perched on the couch between us contently.

We sipped our lattes in silence for awhile before Taylor spoke. "So, be honest with me here, I know you heard Demi and I's conversation this morning."

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. Please Bry, you can trust me and Demi." Taylor took my hand and looked in my eyes.

"Fine. Yes, I heard your conversation." I blushed and looked at my lap, which had an Olivia in it.

"How much did you hear?" Taylor asked.

"From 'I'm worried about Bryanne.' Until I walked in."

"So the entire conversation then." Tay summarized.

"Pretty much."

"Demi's just worried. She knows what it's like and why so she is really protective. She worries about all her friends like that. She thought I was self-harming so she had a kind of 'intervention' even though I wasn't." Taylor said.

"But, she barely knows me. I'm not her friend."

"Of course you are. You're my friend too. We've bonded. Now, I'm gonna get my clothes and then we can go back to Demi's. If you want, you can come with me and see my room."

Did she seriously just ask if I wanted to see her room! Of COURSE I want to see Taylor Swift's bedroom! I took a deep breath, collecting myself, before I agreed.

We both got up and walked up a staircase that was near the front door. The upstairs was completely different from the downstairs. The hallway was painted a soothing lavender color and there were splatter painted canvases and crayon-dripped paintings lining the walls. "This is my room." Taylor stopped at a door that had the mark of the deathly hallows by the handle. She opened the door. Her room was amazing. It was teal blue and had pictures and quotes and art all over. There was a giant bookshelf piled with books next to a beanbag surrounded by pillows and blankets. "You can look around while I get clothes. I'll be back." Taylor said.

I looked at the paintings. They were mostly cool, artsy, black and white screenprints of famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, LA skyline and the Hollywood sign. There was one of a big tree but the top was mostly cut out and you could see the vast root system underneath. She had Polaroids of her friends and family on a photo display board. I made my way to her bookshelf. She had most of the classics, Anne of Green Gables, The Scarlet Letter, Pride and Prejudice, but she also had newer books. The Hunger Games Series, all the Harry Potters, The Divergent Trilogy, The Fault in Our Stars, The Mortal Instruments, Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, just to name a few.

"Yeah, I'm a huge bookworm."

I jumped. "You scared me!" I laughed.

"Sorry?" She replied sheepishly.

"Yeah, sure you are."

"I am, so ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go!"


Hey y'all!!!!! Sorry it took so freaking long to update. I realize it has been 7 whole days! I've been super busy. School and band is stressing me out soooooooooooooo much! My boyfriend Seth, (Yes, the crush from earlier in the book. NO, he isn't like he is in this story.) asked me to homecoming which is this Saturday! So I'm excited for that. Please comment and vote!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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