Filming Is Over?

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About two weeks after the whole kiss scene incident, we were told that today was the last day of shooting. Sadly I put on my next-to-last outfit. It was a lace-back t-shirt with "Love In Paris" written with the Eiffel Tower in the background, a pair of jeans dyed bright blue, a black beanie, an arrow cuff bracelet, a leaf cuff bracelet, a rubber bracelet that said "mind blown", and a pair of black heart stud earrings. I went to set and waited for Demi, Angelina, and Tom to arrive so we could start filming the reunion scene.

Demi was the next to appear. She was wearing a cream dress with purple roses on it, a matching cream colored biker jacket, some black ankle boots, and had an ear cuff on her left ear.

Angelina and Tom arrived at the same time. Angelina was wearing a basic teal t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and white tennis shoes. Tom wore a white baseball tee with black sleeves, a pair of jeans, and some black tennis shoes.

"Is everyone ready to film?" Dez asked.

"Yes!" Answers came from all around the room.

"Places!" We all shuffled into place. "Lights! Camera! Action!"

"Mom! Dad!" Demi and I yelled in unison.

"Emily! Anne!" The pulled us in for a group hug.

"Oh! I'm so glad you two are okay!" Angelina said. She had tears in her eyes.

"Me too. I don't know what would've happened if Anne hadn't escaped and gotten help." Demi said. She also was nearing tears.

"You both can tell us all about it while we celebrate. Who's up for ice cream?" Tom asked.

"Me!" I said excitedly.

"Me too!" Demi said equally excited.

"Okay, let's go!" Tom led us off set.

"Cut! That was great guys! Bryanne, go get ready for your next scene. Take 30 everybody!" Dez yelled.

I quickly went to my dressing room and put on my outfit for my last scene with Niall. It was a white baseball tee with black sleeves that said "Cat ghosts are way cooler than human ghosts", a pair of shorts that were turquoise on the top and light pink on the bottom, the Sneaky Cat KEDs I wore the first day, and a black beanie. The shorts weren't quite long enough to cover my old scars but Tori could easily cover them up like I always do. I made my way to get my makeup done for the last time.

When I got there Tori was the only one in the room. "Hey." She greeted me.

"Hi." I sat down.

"Ready for your last scene?"

"No. Not at all. I'm gonna miss this so much." I confessed.

"Yeah, me too." She nodded.

She applied all my makeup. "Alright, done! Have a great last scene."

"Wait, can you cover these scars?" I pointed to the faint lines.

"Of course." She smiled and covered my scars with concealer.

"Thanks." I said as I left.

"You're welcome. Have a great scene."

I quickly made my way onto the set.

Niall was already there. "Hey Ni!" I said walking over.

"Hi B. Ready for this?"

"No. I'm gonna miss you so much."

"Me too. We'll stay in touch right?"

"Of course! You're one of my best friends Ni."

"Good, because I am willing to call you every single day if we don't stay in touch."

"Me too. Plus I'm pretty sure all of my friends would never forgive me if we lost touch and they never met you."

He laughed. "My friends are the same way."

"Is everyone ready to film the last scene of the day?" Dez asked.

"Yes." Answers came from everywhere.

"Alright! Places! Lights! Camera! Action!" Dez called.


"Yeah Anne?"

"I just want to thank you again for saving me and my sister."

"No problem. If it wasn't me it would've been someone else."

I looked into his eyes, "I'm glad it was you." I whispered.

"Me too." He leaned forward and carefully pecked me on the forehead.

THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT! OHMYGOSH! OHMYGOSH! QUICK BRYANNE THINK! IMPROV IT! Before I could say anything though, Niall spoke again, "I care about you Anne, a lot. I know we just met like a week ago, but, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I-I c-care about you too Chris. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." This time it was me who leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. HOW'S THAT FOR IMPROV?

I pulled away as Dez called cut. "Fantastic! That was amazing! Niall you're done. Bryanne, we need you a little while longer."

"Okay, bye B. See you later." Niall waved as he left.

"Okay, Bryanne, the writers added another scene. A court scene. Your dress is in your dressing room. Here's your script. We are filming on location the equipment and a van is leaving in about an hour. See you then."

"Okay." I took my script to my dressing room and put on a black long-sleeve dress with a white lace collar, a pair of bedazzled converse, some gold stack-able rings, a silver bow bracelet, and a gold necklace that said "love" on it. My hair was curled and then I was sent off to get on the van.

Demi, Nick, Tom, and Angelina were already on it. I sat next to Demi. We were driven to an old courthouse in a rural-ish town. Everything got unloaded and set while makeup people made sure we didn't screw up or makeup on the way over.

When everything was ready we all got in our places. The Judge (who was an actual Judge) came in as Dez called "Action"

"I have reviewed the case and it appears that Mr. and Mrs. Knight have pressed the defendant, Hector James Sullivan, with two counts of kidnapping. Is that correct?" The Judge's deep voice commanded.

"Yes sir. Mr. Sullivan kidnapped both Miss Emily Rebecca Knight and Miss Anne-Louise Taylor Knight." Tom said.

And so it went on. In the end the Judge sentenced Hector to 20 years in prison and life-time restraining orders on me, Emily, our parents, and any of our future family.

After it was over we rode back and were allowed to go home. We all hugged and said goodbye, knowing we'll see eachother again when we start doing press and for the premiere.


Thanks for reading! I love you all! Please vote and comment!



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