The Start

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        "Bryanne! Demi's here!" My mom yelled, her voice echoing through the house.

                "Be right there!" I yelled back. I hopped off my bed and grabbed my luggage running as fast as I could with two right there!" I yelled back. I hopped off my bed and grabbed my luggage running as fast as I could with 2 giant suitcases, 2 duffels and a carryon for the plane. I was out of breath when I finally reached the front door.

        Demi stood in the doorway talking to my mom. "Don't worry Mrs. Felton it's no trouble. We'll be starting to film in a week anyway."

        I patted my mom on the shoulder. "Yeah, it's not like I'm living with her for a year or something, it's a week, then I'll be on site filming anyway."

        "Oh Bry, I know. Momma's worried. Ya'll will miss your flight of you don't hurry. So call me every day even if it's 3 am. I love you so much baby." She squeezed me tight. "I'll miss you so much. I can't believe my baby is going to Hollywood to be an actress." She let go and kissed me on the cheek. "Now leave before I start crying." She laughed. "Bye Bry. Thanks again Demi. We really appreciate it."

        "Bye Mrs. Fulton." Demi said grabbing one of my suitcases.

        "Bye Mom! I love you." I said, grabbing the rest of my stuff.

        We put my stuff in the truck of Demi's car, next to hers. She shut the trunk and we got in.

        "Ready to go?" Demi asked, starting the car.

        "Yeah, I think, it's still a bit surreal." I smiled.

        "I feel you. When I started filming Camp Rock, I didn't believe it was actually happening until I read the script with the Jonas Brothers." She laughed. "So how old are you?" She asks.

        "15." I mumble. I suddenly felt so young and little sitting next to a 21 year old international superstar trying to make conversation.

        "Oh cool! That's about how old I was when we started Camp Rock." She actually sounds happy that I'm so young. She turns on the radio. Really Don't Care was playing. "OMG! I love this song!" Demi screeched like a fan girl.

        "Oh my gosh! No way! Me too!" I said in a high pitched voice. We started singing along at the top of our lungs. We sang along to the radio all the way to the airport. We got through security and to our gate just in time.


There's the first chapter! Please please please please please PLEASE tell me what you thought HONESTLY!

DFTS (Don't Forget To Smile)


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