Girl's Night

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I thrust the shoes at Demi and ran up the stairs. I ran all the way to the recording studio. I threw myself into a chair and started screaming. I'm not sure how long I was screaming for but I stopped when I heard someone walking toward me. I looked up to see Taylor.

"You seem angry."

"Upset, angry, annoyed. A mixture of emotions." I tried to sum up the turmoil going on inside.

"While screaming does work, I find singing helps more."

"Okay." I sat up, wanting to see where she was going with this.

"What do you want to sing?" She asked grabbing a guitar.

"Picture To Burn." I answered without hesitation, also grabbing a guitar.

"You play?" Taylor asked.

"A little. Only the chords needed for this song." I laughed.

"Okay. Well, ready, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4." We started strumming and singing.

"Baby BURN!" We hit the last note and ended the song.

"That was great!" Demi's voice cheered. I quickly turned to where she was standing. "So Bryanne, who's the song dedicated to?" She asked gesturing to the camera.

"My now-ex boyfriend. You know who you are. Don't call me." I smiled the same smile that I always gave Seth at Demi's phone.

Demi gave the signal that she ended the video. "Alright, I'm posting it on Instagram and twitter. You think he'll see it?" Demi asked tapping on her phone.

"If you tag me in it. Definitely."

"Okay." She tapped the screen a couple more times. "What's you Instagram?"

"@RealBryanneF" I said, purposely giving her my public account.

"Okay. It's posted. So, the real question is do you feel better?" Demi asked pulling over a chair and sitting down next to me.

"Yeah. I do. I just hope he gets the message."

"If he's anything like all the douches I've dated, you can be sure he will." Taylor smiled.

"So, anyone up for a girl's night?" Demi asked. "ManiPedis, junk food, the works?"

"Yeah." Taylor and I said at the same time.

We laughed and headed back down the stairs.


It was almost 3:30 in the morning. I was the only one still awake. At about 3 am, wanting to make it an authentic sleepover we drug the mattress off of mine and Demi's bed and put them together on the floor of Demi's room. After getting pajamas on and snuggling down in the mountain of blankets Demi and Taylor had fallen right to sleep. I laid between Demi and Taylor, both of them having wanted to cuddle with me, thinking. I was mostly nervous for the start of filming. It was just a day away. In like 29 hours me and Demi would be on a flight to Nova Scotia. In 36, I'd be meeting the rest of the cast. I started to make a list of who I wanted to play Chris, my love interest. 1. Obviously Niall Horan. He'd make a dreamy Chris if he was an actor. 2. Josh Hutcherson 3. Ansel Elgort 4. Miles Teller. That's all the further I got before slipping into a sleep filled with dreamy dudes.


"Bry. Bry. Brrrrrrryyyyyy." Demi whispers in my ear.

"Mm?" I roll over.

"Breakfast is ready."


"C'mon. Get your ass up or Taylor and I will eat all the chocolate chip pancakes." Demi said playfully.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yell jumping off the mattress.

Demi laughed as I ran down to the kitchen. Did I mention that chocolate chip pancakes are like my favorite breakfast food ever? I sat on a bar stool next to Taylor. "Morning." She said handing me a plate and the chocolate chip pancakes.

"Morning." I answered while putting 3 pancakes on my plate.

Demi came in and sat on the otherside of the bar. "So, what do ya'll want to do today?"

"I dunno. It's you two's last day before you start the movie, what do you want to do?" Taylor said.

"How about we just hang out all day? Watch some movies, swim, stuff like that." I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." said Taylor. "I just have to go home to get clothes and of course Meridith and Olivia."

"Okay, I have to give my manager a call about "Shouldn't Come Back". Demi said finishing her pancake.

"Hey, why don't I take Bryanne with me and we can hang out while you call your manager?" Taylor asked.

"Okay. If you want to. Bry?" Demi looks at me.

"Of couse. I'd love to. Just let me get ready." I say, eating the last of my pancakes and sticking the plate in the dishwasher.

I went up to my room and pulled on some ripped white skinny jeans and a dark gray t-shirt with a heart-shaped daisy chain on it. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and slid on a pair of black converse. Grabbing my phone I headed back downstairs.

I could hear Demi and Taylor talking in the kitchen. I was about to walk in when I heard what they were talking about. "I'm worried about Bryanne." I heard Demi declare.

"Why?" Taylor asked.

"She reminds me of me when I was her age. And you know what fame did to me."

"Demi, I highly doubt she will go down that road. She has you and me as friends."

"What if she does though?"

"Then she'll get help like you did. Plus she'll have us to support her."

"Tay, when I took her back here from Justin's party I put pajamas on her. I saw old scars on her thigh."

"So? They could be from anything."

"Taylor. I think I know what self ham scars look like."

"So you think that-"

I couldn't keep listening. I ran into the kitchen and said loudly, "Taylor I'm ready. Let's go get your cute cats!"

Both Demi and Taylor looked at me with terrified expressions. I couldn't let them know that I heard what they were discussing. I put on my best fake smile. "Geez you both look like I have 3 heads. I don't, do I?" I laughed a little.

"No. Your good." Taylor spoke first.

"Yup. Well, you two have fun. I'd better go call my manager." Demi hurriedly got up.

As she left Taylor grabbed my hand. "Let's go!" she said as we skipped to her car.


1060 words guys! Sorry this took FOR-FREAKING-EVER!!!!!!!! I didn't get very much writing done over the weekend and then had like a bazillion pounds of homework. Then my Honors American Literature teacher decided to have us write an essay about the 'soundtrack of your life'. It was like choose 5 events that have shaped and affected your life and a song that relates to each of them. I have 2 problems with that. 1. My lifre is a snooze-fest. I literally have had barely anything substantial happen that has shaped me. 2. I don't listen to music that relates to me AT ALL! (1D, 5SOS, T-Swift ((Just got my first bf and whatnot)) Carrie Underwood, Paramore)

OMG This is getting long (Sorry). So you probably noticed my new cover! :) That was made by @TheSwiftInOurStars :) She is AMAZING!!!!!

Anyway vote and comment guys! I love reading/seeing you guys like my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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