A Date With Destiny...I Mean...Seth

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The four of us wasted no time getting up to my room. "What are you going to wear?" Taylor asked.

"Crap! I have nothing to wear. The casting people told me that if I needed anything fancy it would be provided. So I literally have nothing to wear."

"That's okay. We're about the same size. You can borrow one of my dresses." Demi offered.

"Alright, lead the way." I said getting off the bed.

"While you and Demi raid her closet I'm gonna go find something to wear. I think I've left clothes here at some point." Taylor said, walking out.

"That sounds like a great idea." Selena said following Taylor.

Demi led me to her room and into her closet. To say it was big is like saying the Titanic had a little leak. "You can look through my dresses. Pull out as many as you want, okay? I'm going to get out of this swimsuit." I nodded and started looking through the wide selection of dresses. I had 6 dresses in my hand when Demi came back. "Taylor and Selena are sitting on my bed. Come out with your options when you're ready."

I pulled one more dress out and went back into the bedroom. "Let's see what you've got." Taylor said as I set the dresses down.

"Oh! Try this one on! I wore it to the TCAs once." Demi handed me a spaghetti strap black flowery dress.

I took it to the bathroom and put it on. It went down to almost my knee. It was a little loose in the chest but other then that it was great.

"Are you ready? We want to see it!" Taylor called.

"Yeah, be right out!" I yelled back.

I opened the door and walked back into the room.

"I like it." Selena said.

"Yeah me too." Demi agreed.

"Mmhmm." Nodded Taylor.

"Next!" Selena said handing me another.

I went back into my "dressing room" and slipped it on. This one was a soft pink strapless dress with a poofy skirt. I went back out and showed them. We repeated the process until we had narrowed it down to 2 dresses. The first one I tried one and a navy blue strapless with white polka-dots.

"Which one's your favorite?" Taylor asked. "That's how I choose my dresses."

"Honestly, strapless things make me nervous, so the black one."

"Okay! Take a quick shower and put it on and Selena and I can do your hair and Taylor can do your makeup." Demi said pushing me into the bathroom. "Call us when you're ready."

I quickly found a towel and an extra razor and started the shower. After washing the sand out of my hair and shaving my legs I stepped out, dried off and put on my dress.

"Okay come on in!" I yelled.

Demi, Selena, and Taylor rushed in. Demi carried a stool. "Alright sit with your back to the mirror so you'll be surprised." Selena ordered.

I did as I was told and they started my hair and makeup. A couple minutes later my phone vibrated. Demi must've grabbed it off the counter because she said, "Oh, one new text message! From Seth. It says, just landed I'm on my way to my aunt's see you soon babe xoxo."

"Awe." Selena and Taylor chorused.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, he's sweet. Reply with the address and say I'm looking forward to our date xoxo." I rolled my eyes as they awed again. "Ya'll are a couple of idiots, ya know."

"Yeah I get that a lot." Taylor said, also rolling her eyes. "Especially after I found out Harry was cheating on me. I was an idiot for dumping him apparently."

"It's so stupid how people judge and assume without actually knowing anything." I stated.

"Yeah, well, people are stupid." Demi said.

That ended the conversation and we were all silent for a few minutes until Taylor announced that my makeup was done. Demi looked at me and nodded approval. About a minute later Selena said my hair was done and that I could turn around.

I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair was in loose curls and my makeup was natural looking except for my eyes. A thin line of black eyeliner met a coating of mascara and some glittery light pink eye shadow that made my eyes look greener.

"So, do you like it?" Selena asked.

"Yes! Oh my gosh guys! I look so perfect!" I said happily.

My phone buzzed. I grabbed it and opened the text. It was Seth. "Be there in 10 ily babe."

"He'll be here in 10 minutes." I informed the girls.

"Alright. So, who's going to answer the door?"

"Uh...me?" I said.

"No, no, no. Not you! The girl never opens the door! He walks in and you come down the stairs looking hot and he is blown away! I say Demi. She looks the most badass out of all of us." Taylor said.

"But with you it's like 'oh shit Taylor Swift. I best not do anything douchey.'" Demi countered.

"How about all three of us open the door?" Selena suggested.

"Good idea. Problem solved. Now, let's find Bry some shoes!" Demi clapped like a child.

We laughed as Demi pulled me to the shoe racks in her closet. "Heels or flats?"

"Uh...flats." I answered quickly.

"M'kay." Taylor and Selena started looking through the racks with Demi.

"How about these?" Selena asked holding a pair of gold flats with bows on the toes.

"They look perfect!" I took them from Selena and tried them on. They were perfect.

"Here I grabbed you a clutch to go with your dress." Demi handed me a plain black clutch.

I opened it to stick my phone in and found a little square packet. I held it up. "Uh, Demi, what's this?"

She blushed. "Um...I-uh..."

Selena jumped in. "That, is a condom. Demi either slipped it in there in case you and your boyfriend get it on later or she went on a date expecting to get some and she didn't." she smirked.

I realized what was being implied and blushed to match Demi.

The doorbell rang saving me from further embarrassment. Taylor, Selena, and Demi raced out of the room and down the stairs. I walked to the edge of the staircase so I could hear the conversation.

"H-h-hi, I'm Seth. Is Bryanne here? I might've gotten the wrong address." Seth blabbered.

"No you've got the right house. She'll be down shortly. I'm Demi."


"I'm Taylor. Listen here buddy, I don't care how long you two have been dating. If you hurt Braynne at all you can bet your buttons that I will write a song and have it me my next single. You understand?"

"Yes, and FYI I have no intentions of hurting her ever."

"Bryanne! Seth's here!" Selena yelled.

"Be right there!" I yelled back. I walked down the stairs.


That's all for today! Next chapter will be the actual date! Ship names? Bryth? Breth? Sryanne? Suggestions? Please please please comment and vote I love you all!



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